Appendix D: Install script.dat

 < Day Day Up > 

In this appendix, we show a sample script for installing three partitioned Domino servers. We have highlighted all the lines you should review and alter for your installation.

Refer to Chapter 7, "Domino installation" on page 129 for more information about the different parameters. You will also find a description of the script mode installation in the Install guide for Domino 6.5 for Linux on zSeries.

 # # Lotus Domino Server for UNIX # Install Script Template # # History of the modification of the script_rev # 05/27/1999;script_rev=2; Added for allowing unique ownership #            for partitioned server data dirs; # 05/01/2000;script_rev=3; Added ddirs option for unix installer; # 09/26/2001;script_rev=4; Added optional iNotes Web Access of unix #            installation and Incremental Installer #            from V5.09 for OS AIX and Solaris; # 09/27/2001;script_rev=5; It is used for Domino 6 unix installation. # 11/07/2001;    Added two installation control parameters. #            opt_lotus_softlink is used for adding soft linking from program #            directory to /opt/lotus; #            template_install_option is used for installing template files #            by option; # 01/11/2002;script_rev="5.1"; For identifying the new features of opt_lotus_softlink and #            template_install_option variables in Domino 6. # # 03/01/2002;script_rev="5.2"; Added asp_install_option control parameter, #            which is used for optional setting up an ASP server refers to the #            configuration of an Application Service Provider server. # #04/20/2002; script_rev="5.3"; Added add_data_directories_only control parameter, #            which is used for adding additional data directories to your existing #            Domino installation. # #06/19/2002; script_rev="5.4" Added the server descriptions for the different #            installation type. # #08/07/2002; script_rev="5.5" Modified server names. # #03/17/2003; script_rev="5.6" added server setup or restart server feature #            after single local server is installed script_rev="5.6"  # please do not change from user. otherwise it will break your installation # # There are two ways to use the Lotus Domino for UNIX Install Program: #     1) Interactive Mode - you are prompted for the installation settings #     2) Script Mode - you specify the installation settings in a script file # # Interactive Mode #     To use, invoke the install program without any arguments, #     such as "./install". The Install Program will prompt you for all #     settings necessary to install the Domino Server on the same #     computer that you are running "install" on. To use Interactive mode, #     you do not need this template file. # # Script Mode #     To use, copy this file, edit it, and invoke the install program #     such as "./install -script /tmp/script.dat". To edit the script #     file, read each section that follows, and change the configuration #     setting as necessary, following the syntax specified for that section. #     Script mode allows you to install the Domino Server #     to one or more computers, each with a different #     installation configuration as necessary. # # # # # "target_hosts" # #    If not set (by default it is commented-out), #    the Domino Server will be installed only to the computer on which #    the Install Program is being run (the "local host"). The installation #    settings used will be those of the "Default Settings" sections following #    this section. # #    If set, specifies one or more target hosts on which the Domino Server #    will be installed. The local host will be installed to only if it is #    one of the hosts specified in the target_hosts list. For each host, the #    installation settings used will be those of the "Default Settings" #    sections, unless there is a "custom_host_settings" entry for a particular #    host. The "custom_host_settings" section follows the "Default Settings" #    sections in this file, and allows you to override one or more of the #    default settings for any host in the target_hosts list. # #    The double-quoted, comma-separated list may be specified on #    a single line, or using multiple lines. #    For example: #    target_hosts = ( #      "host1", #      "host2", #      "host3" #    ) # #    To use this setting, be sure to remove the '#' comment character #    on the "target_hosts=" line. # # !!! #target_hosts=("host1","host2") ###################################################################### # # begin "Default Settings" sections # # # # # "installation_type" # #There are different types of Domino server setups available. #Your choice depends on your needs, and licensing options. # #The installation types are: #    * Domino Messaging Server: #  Select this option to install a Domino Server #  that provides messaging services. #  Note that it does not include support #  for application services or Domino clusters. # #    * Domino Utility Server: #  Select this option to install a Domino Server #  that provides application services #  only, with support for Domino clusters. Note that it does #  not include support for messaging services. #  The Domino Utility Server is a new installation type for #  Lotus Domino 6 that removes client access license requirements. #  See full licensing text for details from UI installation. # #    * Domino Enterprise Server: #  Select this option to install a Domino Server #  that provides both messaging and #  application services, with support for Domino clusters. # # Specifies the set of product options that are to be installed. # # # Specify the desired "installation_type" by its number. # # Domino Messaging Server   : 0 # Domino Utility Server    : 1 # Domino Enterprise Server  : 2 # # !!! installation_type = 2 # # # "template_install_option" # #     The optional installation feature for template files is designed for #     users who are installing over a previous version of the Domino Server #     and wish to keep all the previous template files. If this is not an #     installation over an existing Domino Server, all template files must #     be installed. #     This control variable "template_install_option" is set to 1 or 0. #     template_install_option = 1;which means installing template files; #                The default value is set to 1 #     template_install_option = 0;which means not installing template files; template_install_option = 1 # # #  "asp_install_option" # #  The option to setup an ASP server refers to the configuration of an #  Application Service Provider server. This type of server can only be #  configured after an Enterprise Server installation. #  Setting asp_install_option = 1 below will cause the Domino Setup program #  to configure the server appropriately for ASP functionality. #  This will add security features not present in a normal configuration, #  so do not set asp_install_option = 1 unless an ASP configuration is #  specifically required for this server. #  The dafault value will be set to 0 for all servers installation. # asp_install_option = 0 # #  "start_server_setup" #    The start_server_setup option is for single local domino server only. #    Do not use this option for partitioned server or remote server installation. #    For new server installations, this option allows server setup to be launched #    automatically after the installation is complete. # #    For server upgrades, this option allows the server to restart automatically #    after the installation is complete. # #       start_server_setup = 0;<---> manual server setup. #       start_server_setup = 1;<---> launches local server setup or restarts server #       start_server_setup = 2;<---> launches server setup in listen mode #                 for remote server setup # #    The default value of start_server_setup is 0, which does not launch #    server setup or restart the server after installation. # #    Change the value of start_server_setup to 1 to launch server setup #    after a new server installation or to restart the server after a server upgrade. # #    Change the value of start_server_setup to 2 to launch server setup #    in listen mode for new server installations. You will then be able to connect #    to the server with the Remote Server Setup tool. # start_server_setup = 0 # # # "add_data_directories_only" # # Set this setting to 1 if you only wish to add additional data directories # to your existing Domino installation. You do not need to specify # existing data directories when using this option. Note, however, that # both the "program_directory" & # "installation_type" settings must be set correctly so that the proper data # is installed. Specify the new data directories to be installed # as described in the "data_directories" section, below. # 

Refer to 7.8, "Adding a partitioned Domino server (DPAR)" on page 163 for more information about how to add additional Domino servers to your installation. Change the value for the parameter below to 1 if you have already installed at least one Domino server on your system and now want to add only one or more partitioned servers.

 add_data_directories_only = 0 # # # "program_directory" # # Specifies the path to which the Domino program directories & files # are to be installed. The top directory of the program tree is always # "lotus", and will be appended to the specified path if not supplied. # If the specified path is not /opt/lotus, a link will be created from # /opt/lotus to the program tree. # This path must be double-quoted. # # !!! program_directory = "/opt/lotus" # # #    The Domino 6 software no longer requires the /opt/lotus soft link for #    handling multi- Domino Server installations on a single operating system. #    You can now select your own option for the /opt/lotus soft link feature #    if you have chosen a directory other than /opt/lotus for installation. #    opt_lotus_softlink = 0; which means not creating "/opt/lotus" soft link; #                       its default is set to 0; #    opt_lotus_softlink = 1; which means creating "/opt/lotus" soft link; opt_lotus_softlink = 0 # # # "data_UNIX_user" # # Specifies the (default) Domino UNIX user which will own the # Domino Data Directories, and will be used to run the Domino Server. # The "data_UNIX_user" setting may be overridden for a particular # data directory in the "data_directories" or "custom host settings" # sections, below. # Please note that the Domino program files will be owned by the system, # and that this setting affects only the Domino Data Directories # # !!! # data_UNIX_user = "notes" # # # "data_UNIX_group" # # Specifies the (default) Domino UNIX group which will own the # Domino Data Directories. # The Domino UNIX user must be a member of this group. # The "data_UNIX_group" setting may be overridden for a particular # data directory in the "data_directories" or "custom host settings" # sections, below. # Please note that the Domino program files will be owned by the system, # and that this setting affects only the Domino Data Directories # # !!! # data_UNIX_group = "notes" # # # "data_directories" # # Defines settings for one or more Domino Data Directories to be installed. # # You would define more than one data directory here if you want to run # multiple Domino Partitioned Servers on the same computer. # # You must define at least one data directory. In the "data_directories:" # entry below, edit the path "/local/notesdata" as necessary. # To define more than one data directory, copy and paste the # "data_directories:" entry below (from the line begining with # "data_directories:", to the line containing the '}' character) as many # times as necessary, one for each data directory. Then edit the # path (must be double-quoted) and/or owner settings for each. 

If you want to install more than one Domino server using this script, like described in 7.8, "Adding a partitioned Domino server (DPAR)" on page 163 you must have as many data_directory definitions as you want to install Domino servers. To install domserva, domservb and domservc this part of the script look like:

 # # Begin server directory definitions # # Definitions for domserva: data_directories: "/domserva/notesdata" {     # un-comment either of the following lines to override the defaults data_UNIX_user  = "domserva" data_UNIX_group = "notes" } # # Definitions for domservb: data_directories: "/domservb/notesdata" {     # un-comment either of the following lines to override the defaults data_UNIX_user  = "domservb" data_UNIX_group = "notes" } # # Definitions for domservc: data_directories: "/domserva/notesdatc" {     # un-comment either of the following lines to override the defaults data_UNIX_user = "domservc" data_UNIX_group = "notes" } # # End server directory definitions # # # # end "Default Settings" sections # ###################################################################### # # # # "custom_host_settings" # #    When the "target_hosts" setting is used to install to multiple hosts, #    the settings from the "Default Settings" sections above are used for #    for each host, unless there is a "custom_host_settings" entry #    specified for a particular host. The "custom_host_settings" entry allows #    you to override one or more of the install settings for a particular host. #    You may have zero or more "custom_host_settings" entries; one for each #    host for which you need to override the default settings. # #    To make a "custom_host_settings" entry, copy the example entry below #    from the first line ("#custom_host_settings: TargetHostname {") to the #    last ("}"). Change "TargetHostName" in the first line to the hostname #    for which you need to override default settings. Then remove the #    comment character ("#") from the first and last lines, and from #    setting lines you need to override. Now edit those settings as #    described in the "Default Settings" sections above. Repeat for #    as many hosts as necessary. # # !!! #custom_host_settings: TargetHostname { #    installation_type  = 0 #    template_install_option=1 #    opt_lotus_softlink=0 #    program_directory  = "/opt/lotus" #    data_UNIX_user     = "notes" #    data_UNIX_group    = "notes" #    # add additional "data_directories:" entries as necessary, as #    # explained in the "data_directories:" section above #    data_directories: "/local/notesdata" { #       # un-comment either of the following lines to override the defaults #       # data_UNIX_user  = "notes" #       # data_UNIX_group = "notes" #    } #} 

 < Day Day Up > 

IBM Lotus Domino 6. 5 for Linux on zSeries Implementation
IBM Lotus Domino 6.5 for Linux on Zseries Implementation
ISBN: 0738491748
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 162
Authors: IBM Redbooks © 2008-2017.
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