Importing Scheduling Information

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With the Import Project Data Wizard, you can import tasks and milestones from another data source to create a Visio timeline or Gantt chart. The wizard accepts information from text (.txt), Excel (.xls), and Project 2000 or later (.mpx) files. With text and Excel files, the wizard requires the following information:

  • For a Gantt chart, your file must contain the task number, task name, start date, and either finish date or duration.
  • For a timeline, your file must contain the task name, start date, and either finish date or duration.

Visio includes sample text and Excel files that show you how to format the data so that it can be imported successfully. These files are located in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Visio10\1033\Samples\Project Schedule folder.


If you use the Import Project Data Wizard to create a timeline, the result can include a lot of overlapping text. Milestones are displayed in text callouts above the timeline. Expect to do some clean-up work on your diagram. Typically, clean up involves dragging the control handle on a text callout to a new, out-of-the-way position.

Follow these steps to import a Visio timeline:

  1. Choose File, New, Project Schedule, Timeline.
  2. Choose Tools, Macros, Project Schedule, Import Project Data Wizard.
  3. On the first wizard screen, select Information That's Already Stored In A File, and then click Next.
  4. Follow the instructions to create a timeline chart from a data file that you specify.

Follow these steps to import a Visio Gantt chart:

  1. Choose File, New, Project Schedule, Gantt Chart. In the Gantt Chart Options dialog box, click Cancel.
  2. Choose Gantt Chart, Import.
  3. On the first wizard screen, select Information That's Already Stored In A File, and then click Next.
  4. Follow the instructions to create a Gantt chart from a data file that you specify.

Microsoft Visio Version 2002 Inside Out
Microsoft Visio Version 2002 Inside Out (Inside Out (Microsoft))
ISBN: 0735612854
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 211
Authors: Nanette Eaton © 2008-2017.
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