

C++ language, 6–7, 11–12

CacheAuthors.aspx, 447–50

CacheDependency parameter, 452

CacheDuration property, WebMethod attribute, 410

Cache property, Page class, 206

caching. See also output caching

application state and, 93

consuming cached data, 454–56

data, 447–50

defined, 31

expiration, 450–51, 453–54, 457

file dependencies, 452

key dependencies, 452–53

overview of, 435–36

Response object and, 452–53

scavenging and, 451

session state and, 99

CacheItemPriority enumeration, 451

Calendar.aspx, 257–59

Calendar control, 256–59

Camel case, 55

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 20, 241

Case Else statement, 64

case sensitivity

classes, 278

namespaces, 278

naming conventions, 55

passwords, 143

Web Forms, 228–29

Catch blocks, 74–75, 290

category view, XP Control Panel, 460

CD-ROMs, installation

MSDN Library, 565–69

Visual Studio .NET, 561–64

Visual Studio .NET Prerequisites, 556–61

Certificate Services, 158

child directories, 176

C# language. See Visual C# .NET

Class attribute, 407


defined, 50

inheritance, 80–82

namespace specification and, 200, 223

object-oriented programming, 80

RegLogin example, 370

server controls, 349–50

SQL Server .NET Data Provider, 276–78

Web services, 408–9

Web Forms, 228

classic ASP. See ASP classic

classic view, Windows XP, 460

class library, .NET Framework

inheritance, 6

naming guidelines, 54

overview of, 5–6

ClassName attribute, 209–10, 407–8

className attribute, @ Page directive, 191

Class View window, IDE, 20

ClearChildViewState method, Page class, 206

Clear method, Application object, 88

clientConnectedCheck attribute, <processModel>, 547

clientScriptsLocation attribute, <webControls>, 551

client/server applications, 127

client-side cookies, 105–7

client-side <script> blocks, 187

clientTarget attribute, @ Page directive, 191

<clientTarget> element, 551

ClientValidationFunction property, 261

Close method, SqlDataReader class, 319–20

CLR (common language runtime)

data types, 52

inheritance across languages, 83

overview of, 4–5

Web services, 407

CLS (Common Language Specification), 4, 52


comments, 53

formatting, 112

migration process, 502–4

searching for sample, 11–13

security access, 178–79

Web Forms, 207–9


inheritance from Page class, 206

page-level events, 220, 223

page lifetime and, 188

user control caching, 441

Web application deployment, 467

Web Forms, 35–36, 233

codebehind attribute, @ Page directive, 191

codebehind class, 358

code declaration blocks

defined, 187

migration process, 502, 508, 512

Web Forms, 207–8

codePage attribute, @ Page directive, 191

@ Codepage directive, 190


bound data and, 328

creating objects programmatically, 298–303

comAuthenticationLevel attribute, <processModel>, 547

COM components, 5

comImpersonationLevel attribute, <processModel>, 547

CommandBehavior.CloseConnection argument, 319

Command control, 267, 269–70

Command mode, Command window, 16

CommandText property, SqlCommand class, 287– 88

Command window, Visual Studio .NET, 16


ASP.NET configuration files, 110, 114

overview of, 53

Web services, 412

Comment tasks, Task List, 22

common language runtime. See CLR (common language runtime)

Common Language Specification (CLS), 4, 52

CompareValidator control, 261, 264–66

compatibility, MSDE, 294

<compilation> element, 519–25

compiled controls. See server controls

compilerOptions attribute, 192, 523

compositional controls, 398–401

Compound.ascx, 210–13

CompoundContainer.aspx, 213–15

CompoundProgrammatic.aspx, 215–16

configuration, 109–26

application-specific settings, 465–66, 475

custom 404 handler, 114–19

editing configuration files, 112–13

IIS directory, 460–63

improvements to, 31

locking down settings, 123

.NET Framework and, 124–25

overriding settings, 122

overview of, 109–11

removing HttpModule, 119–22

Web.config file, 111–13

configuration elements

<appSettings>, 553–54

<authentication>, 530–34

<authorization>, 535–37

<browserCaps>, 552–53

<clientTarget>, 551

<compilation>, 519–25

<customErrors>, 528–30

<globalization>, 514–15

<httpHandlers>, 542–44

<httpModules>, 544–45

<httpRuntime>, 516–18

<identity>, 534–35

<machineKey>, 537–38

<pages>, 525–28

<processModel>, 546–50

<securityPolicy>, 538–39

<sessionState>, 540–41

<trace>, 513–14

<trust>, 539–40

<webControls>, 551

Configuration Manager, 197–98

ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings, 466

Configuration Settings class, 93

<configuration> tags, 111


closing, 280, 290, 318–19

OleDbConnection, 282–83, 343

SqlConnection, 279–82, 343

trusted, 283–86

connection strings

OleDbConnection, 282–83

SqlConnection keys, 280–82

SQL Server security and, 104

console applications, 14

constants, 58–59

consuming, Web services, 429–32, 433

Contents property

Application object, 88

Session object, 95

contentType attribute, @ Page directive, 192

contractRef nodes, discovery file, 419

Control class

compositional controls, 398–99

Render method, 373

server controls, 348

UI-related features and, 351

@ Control directive

overview of, 199–200

user controls, 209–10

Web application deployment, 467

Control Panel, Windows XP, 460

controls. See also HTML controls; server controls; Web controls

binding to, 321–23

control tree, 221

event execution order, 368–69

event handling, 45, 219–20

Page class, 205

runtime, 222–23

Web Forms, 42, 44–45

Controls collection

adding controls programmatically, 235–36

defined, 205

manipulating controls, 399

ControlToCompare property, 261

ControlToValidate property, 260–61, 273

control tree, 221

cookieless attribute, <sessionState>, 101, 104–5, 541


ASP.NET and, 95

client-side, 105–7

persistent, 106–7

copy project command, 471

Copy Project Dialog box, 471

cpuMask attribute, <processModel> element, 548

CreateBlankUsersFile method, 382, 385

CreateChildControls method, 348–49, 398–99

cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, 149

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 20, 241

CssClass property, 241

CSS editor, 20

culture attribute

@ Page directive, 192

<globalization>, 515

currency formats, 362

Current version, updating datasets, 308

<customErrors> element

configuring custom 404 handler, 117

debugging risks and, 196

overview of, 528–30

removing HttpModule, 120–21

customization. See also server controls, custom

404 handler, 114–19

configuration files, 465–66

menus, 28

Visual Studio .NET and, 28–29

Customize Toolbox dialog box, 355

CustomValidator control, 261

Microsoft ASP. NET Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic. NET Version 2003 Step by Step
Microsoft ASP.NET Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Version 2003 Step By Step
ISBN: 0735619344
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 126 © 2008-2017.
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