Index P


P0 space (program region), 241, 242

P1 space (control region), 241, 242

Paged dynamic storage pool, 254–55

Pagefile, 251


details, 250

entire system, 252–53

example, 249–50

modified page writing, 254

page faults, 250, 252–54

page tables, 249

secondary page caches, 253–54

terminology, 251

within a process, 251–52

PALcode procedures, 15

Parameters (DCL)

entering, 43–44, 45–46

keywords vs., 45–46

overview, 42–43


changing, 141–42

expired, changing during login, 142

in login sequence, 36, 37, 38

protection by OpenVMS, 139–41

security issues, 139

system password, 36

for user accounts, 27

Paths (DCL), 76–77

PCSI (POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility), 234

PDP series computers, 1–2

Percent sign (%)

beginning DCL messages, 49

as wildcard character, 71

PERL scripting language, 109–10

Personal Application control (New Desktop), 197

Personal OpenVMS systems, 225–36

console subsystem, 225–33

installing software, 234–35

Internet connections, 235–36

logging in, 228

software licenses, 233–34

system shutdown, 225, 229–33

system startup, 225, 226–29

PHONE facility, 111–13

answering calls, 113

canceling calls, 112

placing calls, 112–13

rejecting calls, 113

starting, 111–12

terminating calls, 113

Physical terminals, 145–48. See also Terminals

PIPE command, 108–9

Pipelining commands, 108–9

Placing PHONE calls, 112–13

POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility (PCSI), 234

POP3, 156–57

Positional qualifiers, 43–44

PRINT command, 78–79


files, 78–79

using New Desktop Default Printer, 198

Print queues

finding, 81–82

overview, 22, 23

printing files, 78–79

Priorities of processes, 110, 246, 247

Privileged architecture library (PALcode), 15


basic, 29

defined, 29

list of, 29–30

overriding file protection, 97

process, adjusting, 110–11

for SYSTEM account, 33

Processes, 239–48

control region (P1 space), 241, 242

defined, 18, 239–41

examining system processes, 20–21, 244

login processes, 39

memory layout, 241–43

moving OpenVMS from 32 to 64 bits, 243

NULL process, 247, 248

paging within, 251–52

priorities, 110, 246, 247

privileges, adjusting, 110–11

program region (P0 space), 241, 242

scheduling, 244–48

spawning subprocesses, 107–8

states, 244–46

system space, 241, 242–43

types of, 18–21

user account limits, 28

Program region (P0 space), 241, 242


custom commands for, 77

DCL paths and, 76–77

foreign commands for, 76

images, 257–59

installing on personal OpenVMS systems, 234–35

passing embedded data into, 127

passing keyboard data into, 127–28

RUN command for, 75–76

running, 75–77

software licenses, 233–34

See also Applications (New Desktop)

Proxies (DECnet), 180

PURGE command, 74, 144

Getting Started with OpenVMS(c) A Guide for New Users
Getting Started with OpenVMS: A Guide for New Users (HP Technologies)
ISBN: 1555582796
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 215 © 2008-2017.
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