Appendix C: Default File Types

If you omit a file type in a file specification, OpenVMS may assume a certain file type, depending on what command you issued. For example, the SET COMMAND utility assumes a file type of .CLD.

The command


is interpreted as


Common default file types are listed here:

     .ADA  ADA language source file     .B32  BLISS language source file     .BAS  BASIC language source file     .C    C language source file     .CLD  Command Definition Utility (CDU) command description file     .COB  COBOL language source file     .COM  Command procedure     .CXX  C++ language source file     .DAT  Data file     .DIF  Output from DIFFERENCES command     .DIR  Directory file     .DIS  OpenVMS MAIL distribution list     .EDT  EDT editor initialization file     .EXE  Executable image (program)     .FOR  FORTRAN language source file     .HLB  Help library     .HLP  Source files for creating .HLB files     .INI  Initialization file     .JOU  EDT journal file     .LIS  Language compiler listing file           Default input file type for PRINT and TYPE     .LOG  Batch process log file     .M64  MACRO-64 language (Alpha Assembler) source file     .MAI  OpenVMS MAIL data file     .MAP  Memory map file produced by the Linker     .MAR  MACRO-32 (VAX Assembler or Alpha cross-assembler) source file     .MLB  Macro Library (used with MACRO assembler)     .MSG  Source file for program message text     .OBJ  Object file (produced by language compilers, input to Linker)     .OLB  Object Library file     .OPT  Linker options file     .PAS  PASCAL language source file     .PLI  PL/1 language source file     .PS   PostScript file     .STB  Symbol Table (produced by the Linker)     .SYS  OpenVMS system image file     .TJL  Journal file for the ACL editor     .TLB  Text library     .TMP  Temporary file     .TPU  EVE editor command file     .TPU$JOURNAL EVE editor journal file     .TXT  Text file     .UPD  File containing traces of changes to MACRO source file 

Getting Started with OpenVMS(c) A Guide for New Users
Getting Started with OpenVMS: A Guide for New Users (HP Technologies)
ISBN: 1555582796
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 215 © 2008-2017.
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