Why You Should Not Trust Your Keyboard

One thing a new user to OpenVMS does not need is a keyboard whose keys do not do what they say they do. However, if you are using something other than a genuine VT-series terminal, your keyboard is almost certainly labeled incorrectly for use with EDT.

The EDT text editor was designed for the keyboards of the Digital VT-series terminals, such as the LK201 and LK401 keyboards. The function keys of those keyboards were in different locations from those on a PC-style keyboard. Most VAXstations and AlphaStations come with PC-style keyboards whose function keys are labeled incorrectly for use with EDT. Presumably, the Itanium-based machines will also have PC-style keyboards.

Compare the function key layouts and labeling on a PC-style keyboard with those on an LK201/LK401:

click to expand
Figure 13-1: LK-Style Keyboard Layout

EDT uses the LK-style keyboard layout, even with a PC-style keyboard. This means, for example, that the PC key labeled "Page Up" will actually perform a "Remove." The PC key labeled "End" will perform "Page Up" (Prev Screen), and so on.

If you have a PC-style keyboard layout, you may wish to affix some small handwritten adhesive labels to your keys while you learn their layout.

In the remainder of this chapter, certain conventions are used to describe keyboard keys. Keys on the keypad (the block of keys on the extreme right of the keyboard) are identified in this way: the top row (NumLock, /, *, -) are referred to as PF1 through PF4. The remaining keys are identified with the prefix "KP-." So the key labeled "1" will be referred to as "KP-1," and the dot (.) will be identified KP-DOT.

PC-keyboard users will note that they have no KP-COMMA key because the PC-style "+" key takes up two positions. This will not interfere with using EDT.

Each keypad key has two functions. The first function is activated by pressing the keypad key. The second function is activated by first pressing PF1, also known as the GOLD key on LK-style keyboards, and then pressing the keypad key.

Use the HELP (PF2) key from within EDT to obtain additional information about each keypad function.

Getting Started with OpenVMS(c) A Guide for New Users
Getting Started with OpenVMS: A Guide for New Users (HP Technologies)
ISBN: 1555582796
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 215

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