


[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [Y] [Z]

table analysis
table cache system variables
table caches
     MySQL Server memory usage
table checks
     InnoDB tables 2nd
Table Editor (MySQL Query Browser)
     capabilities of
table locks
     explicit locks
         LOCK TABLES statements 2nd
         UNLOCK TABLES statements
table optimization
table output columns (EXPLAIN statements)
table repairs
table subqueries
     ALTER TABLE statements 2nd
         ADD clauses
         adding indexes to tables 2nd
         FIRST keywords
         MODIFY clauses
    base tables
         view namespaces
         aliases 2nd
         data retrieval 2nd 3rd
         data retrieval, explicit database specification
         data retrieval, renaming retrieved columns
         prefixes, FULLTEXT indexes
         specific privileges
         trigger references 2nd
    CREATE INDEX statements
         adding indexes to tables 2nd
         explicit definitions 2nd 3rd
         from existing tables 2nd 3rd
         MEMORY tables
         specifying storage engines 2nd
         TEMPORARY tables 2nd
    data files
         moving 2nd 3rd
    database tables
         performance optimization strategies 2nd
     DELETE statements
     deleting 2nd
     DROP TABLE statements 2nd
         remote host access, configuring 2nd
    FEDERATED tables
         security 2nd
     file size limitations 2nd
     grant tables 2nd 3rd 4th
         Host values
         modifying user accounts via
         User values 2nd
    index files
         moving 2nd 3rd
         adding to
         column prefixes 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
         deleting 2nd
         design principles 2nd 3rd
         disabling updates
         FULLTEXT indexes
         leftmost index prefixes 2nd
         nonunique indexes
         NULL values
         primary keys
         SPATIAL indexes
         table update performance
         unique indexes
     indexes, adding to 2nd
         buffer pools, MySQL Server optimization 2nd
         index design principles
         log buffers, MySQL Server optimization
         optimizing 2nd 3rd
         query storage engines
         shared tablespaces 2nd
    InnoDB tables
         binary backups 2nd
         binary backups, portability 2nd
         aliasing table names 2nd
         inner joins
         inner joins, writing via comma (,) operators 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
         inner joins, writing via INNER JOIN keywords 2nd
         outer joins
         outer joins, writing via LEFT JOIN keywords 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
         outer joins, writing via RIGHT JOIN keywords 2nd
         overview of 2nd
         qualifying column names 2nd 3rd
         qualifying table names
     logical structure of 2nd
         ANALYZE TABLE statements 2nd
         CHECK TABLE statements 2nd
         InnoDB tables 2nd
         MyISAM tables 2nd
         myisamchk utility 2nd 3rd 4th
         MySQL Administrator 2nd
         mysqlcheck client program 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
         OPTIMIZE TABLE statements 2nd
         REPAIR TABLE statements 2nd
         table analysis
         table checks 2nd 3rd
         table optimization
         table repairs
         storage engines 2nd
     MEMORY tables
         BTREE indexes
         HASH indexes
         optimizing 2nd
         query storage engines 2nd
    MERGE tables
         creating 2nd
     metadata, displaying 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
     multiple alterations, specifying
    multiple records, adding
         INSERT statements 2nd 3rd
    multiple table updates
         DELETE statements 2nd 3rd
         UPDATE statements 2nd
         assigning to key caches
         changing data retrieval/modification statement priorities
         changing read/write request priorities
         compressed row-storage formats 2nd 3rd 4th
         concurrent inserts
         DELAYED statement modifiers 2nd
         dynamic-length row-storage formats 2nd 3rd
         fixed-length row-storage formats 2nd
         HIGH PRIORITY statement modifiers
         index design principles
         key caches, MySQL Server optimization 2nd 3rd
         LOW PRIORITY statement modifiers 2nd
         myisamchk utility 2nd
         myisampack utility 2nd 3rd
         optimizing 2nd
         optimizing, FULLTEXT indexes 2nd 3rd
         optimizing, maximum row counts 2nd 3rd 4th
         optimizing, Optimizer updates 2nd
         optimizing, row-storage formats 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
         preloading indexes to key caches
         query storage engines
    MyISAM tables
         binary backups 2nd
         binary backups, portability 2nd
         creating key caches 2nd 3rd
         performance optimization strategies
     names, aliasing 2nd
     names, qualifying
         qualified names
     normalization 2nd 3rd [See also optimizing]
         1NF 2nd 3rd
         2NF 2nd
         3NF 2nd
         benefits of
     optimizing [See also tables; normalization]
         general design principles 2nd
         InnoDB 2nd 3rd
         MERGE 2nd
         MyISAM 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th
         PROCEDURE ANALYSE() 2nd 3rd
     phantoms 2nd
     physical structure of
    qualified names
         identifiers (SQL statements) 2nd
     query storage engines 2nd 3rd
    records with duplicate key values
         handling via INSERT statements 2nd
     records, deleting
     RENAME TABLE statements
         AVG ROW LENGTH option 2nd
         data retrieval
         data retrieval, aggregating results 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th
         data retrieval, concatenating results 2nd 3rd
         data retrieval, data type sort order 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
         data retrieval, eliminating duplicates 2nd 3rd
         data retrieval, grouping results 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th
         data retrieval, limiting selections 2nd 3rd
         data retrieval, sorting results 2nd 3rd 4th
         MAX ROWS option 2nd 3rd
         maximum row counts (MyISAM table optimization) 2nd 3rd 4th
     specific table privileges
    storage engines
         default engines
         determining 2nd
         FEDERATED 2nd
         FEDERATED, operational characteristics
         InnoDB, ACID compliance 2nd
         InnoDB, buffer pool configurations
         InnoDB, dirty reads
         InnoDB, disabling autocommit mode 2nd 3rd
         InnoDB, foreign keys 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
         InnoDB, implicitly enging transactions
         InnoDB, innodb buffer pool size option
         InnoDB, innodb data file path option
         InnoDB, innodb data home dir option 2nd
         InnoDB, innodb flush log at trx commit option 2nd
         InnoDB, innodb log buffer size option
         InnoDB, innodb log file size option
         InnoDB, innodb log files in group option
         InnoDB, locking characteristics 2nd 3rd
         InnoDB, log file configurations 2nd 3rd
         InnoDB, log files
         InnoDB, nonrepeatable reads
         InnoDB, operational characteristics 2nd
         InnoDB, phantoms 2nd
         InnoDB, READ COMMITTED isolation levels 2nd 3rd
         InnoDB, READ UNCOMMITTED isolation levels 2nd
         InnoDB, REPEATABLE READ isolation levels 2nd 3rd
         InnoDB, SERIALIZABLE isolation levels 2nd
         InnoDB, setting isolation levels at server startup 2nd 3rd
         InnoDB, setting transaction savepoints
         InnoDB, shared tablespace configurations 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
         InnoDB, shared tablespaces 2nd
         InnoDB, SHOW ENGINEINNODB STATUS statements 2nd
         InnoDB, SHOW TABLE STATUS statements
         InnoDB, transaction effects on explicit table locks
         InnoDB, transactional model 2nd 3rd 4th
         InnoDB, viewing status information 2nd
         MEMORY, BTREE indexes
         MEMORY, hash indexes
         MEMORY;operational characteristics
         MERGE, disadvantages of
         MERGE, locking characteristics
         MERGE, operational characteristics
         MyISAM, locking characteristics 2nd 3rd 4th
         MyISAM, operational characteristics 2nd
         MyISAM, row-storage formats 2nd
         NDBCluster, benefits of 2nd
     storage limitations
    summary tables
         query optimization 2nd 3rd 4th
     time zone tables (MySQL Server), loading 2nd
         benefits of
         column references 2nd
         defining 2nd
         defining, compound statements 2nd
         defining, performing multiple actions
         defining, privileges
         defining, syntax of 2nd
         naming 2nd
         restrictions on 2nd
     TRUNCATE TABLE statements 2nd 3rd
     VIEWS (INFORMATION SCHEMA database) 2nd
tablespace files
    InnoDB tablespace files
         multiple server management
     InnoDB tables 2nd
    shared tablespaces
         InnoDB storage engine configurations 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
tar files
     MySQL binary distributions
     MySQL startup prerequisites
TCP/IP connections
     --protocol client program/server connection option 2nd
temporal data types
     DATE 2nd
     DATETIME 2nd
     overview of
     TIME 2nd
     TIMESTAMP 2nd
         DEFAULT CURRENT TIMESTAMP attribute 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
         ON UPDATE CURRENT TIMESTAMP attribute 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
         session time zone settings 2nd 3rd
     YEAR 2nd
temporal expressions
temporal functions
     MAKEDATE() 2nd
     MAKETIME() 2nd
temporary files
         performance optimization strategies
temporary server tables
     MySQL Server memory usage
TEMPORARY tables, creating 2nd
TEMPTABLE algorithm clauses 2nd
terminators (statement) 2nd 3rd 4th
    stored routines
         conditional testing 2nd 3rd
text backups
     MySQL Administrator
     mysqldump command-line client 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
         --add-drop-table option
         --add-locks option
         --all-databases option
         --create-options option 2nd
         --databases option
         --disable-key option
         --extended-insert option
         --flush-logs option
         --lock-tables option
         --no-create-db option 2nd
         --no-create-info option
         --no-data option
         --opt option
         --quick option
         --single-transaction option
     SELECT INTO OUTFILE statements 2nd
     versus binary backups 2nd
TEXT string data type 2nd 3rd 4th
thread handlers
     MySQL Server memory usage
Threads connected status variables
TIME FORMAT() functions
TIME temporal data type 2nd
time zone tables (MySQL Server), loading 2nd
time zones
     named time zones
     session support 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
     signed hour/minute offset time zones
     SYSTEM time zones
     UTC 2nd
         TIMESTAMP temporal data types
TIMESTAMP temporal data type 2nd
     DEFAULT CURRENT TIMESTAMP attribute 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
     ON UPDATE CURRENT TIMESTAMP attribute 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
     session time zone settings 2nd 3rd
TINYBLOB string data type
TINYINT integer data types 2nd
     AUTO INCREMENT column attributes 2nd
TINYTEXT string data type
TO clauses
     GRANT statements 2nd
TRADITIONAL mode (SQL mode), enabling 2nd
TRADITIONAL SQL mode 2nd 3rd
transaction browser (MySQL Query Browser, Information Browser)
     dirty reads
    InnoDB storage engine isolation levels
         READ COMMITTED 2nd 3rd
         REPEATABLE READ 2nd 3rd
         SERIALIZABLE 2nd
         setting at server startup 2nd 3rd
     nonrepeatable reads
     phantoms 2nd
trigger names (trigger syntax)
triggered statements (trigger syntax)
triggers 2nd
     benefits of
     column references 2nd
     defining 2nd
         compound statements 2nd
         performing multiple actions
         syntax of 2nd
     naming 2nd
    qualified names
         identifiers (SQL statements)
     restrictions on 2nd
     database replication 2nd
TRUNCATE TABLE statements 2nd
     required privileges
     tables, emptying
type conversion (input data handling)
type output columns (EXPLAIN statements) 2nd
     ALL values
     const values
     eq ref values 2nd
     index merge values
     index subquery values
     index values
     range values
     ref or null values
     ref values
     system values
     unique subquery values


MySQL 5 Certification Study Guide
MySQL 5.0 Certification Study Guide
ISBN: 0672328127
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 312 © 2008-2017.
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