
[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

Race Condition from Kerberos 4 in lstat( ) and open( ) listing (9-4)
Race Condition in access( ) and open( ) listing (9-3)
Race Condition in open( ) and lstat( ) listing (9-5)
Race Condition in the Linux Kernel's Uselib( ) listing (13-3)
race conditions
     junction points
     threading 2nd 3rd
     UNIX file system
         directory races
         ownership races
         permission races
         TOCTOU (time to check to time of use)
Rain Forest Puppy (RFP)
Range header field (HTTP)
raw memory devices
raw sockets
Raymond, Eric
RDBMS (relational database management system)
read( ) function
read_data( ) function
read_line( ) function
reading files, stdio file system
real groups, UNIX
real users (UNIX) 2nd
realloc( ) function
Reallocation Double-Free Vulnerability listing (7-47)
Reallocation Integer Overflow listing (7-40)
recursive name servers (DNS)
redirector, Windows NT
     session credentials
     SMB relay attacks
     UNC (Universal Naming Convention) paths
redundancy in Web applications
     multithreaded programs
referentially opaque side effects, functions
referentially transparent side effects, functions
Referer header field (HTTP)
Referer request header
RegCloseKey( ) function
RegCreateKey( ) function
RegCreateKeyEx( ) function 2nd
RegDeleteKey( ) function
RegDeleteKeyEx( ) function
RegDeleteValue( ) function
register_globals option (PHP)
registered function pointers, operational vulnerabilities, preventing
registering interfaces, RPC servers
registration, COM (Component Object Model) applications
registry, Windows NT
     key permissions
     key squatting
     predefined keys
     value squatting
RegOpenKey( )
RegOpenKey( ) function
RegOpenKeyEx( )
RegOpenKeyEx( ) function
RegQueryValue( ) function
RegQueryValueEx( ) function
relational database management system (RDBMS)
relational operators
relationships, variables
relinquishing UNIX privileges
     permanently 2nd
remediation support phase, code review 2nd
remote client socket, OpenSSH
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) endpoints
REMOTE_ADDR (environment variable)
REMOTE_HOST (environment variable)
REMOTE_IDENT (environment variable)
REMOTE_USER (environment variable)
Reopening a Temporary File listing (9-6)
repetition, signals
Representational State Transfer (REST)
request traffic, DNS (Domain Name System)
request variables
     parroted request variables
     synthesized request variables
REQUEST_METHOD (environment variable)
         Referer request header
     RPC servers, listening to
require( ) function
requirements definitions, SDLC (Systems Development Life Cycle)
requirements, software
rereading code, code audits
resetting TCP connections
resolvers, DNS (Domain Name System)
resource limits, UNIX
resource records, DNS (Domain Name System) 2nd
responses (HTTP)
     spoofing for
REST (Representational State Transfer)
restricted accounts, operational vulnerabilities, preventing
restricted tokens, Windows NT sessions, access tokens
retention, process attributes, UNIX
retrieve_data( ) function
Retry-After header field (HTTP)
Return Value Checking of MultiByteToWideChar( ) listing (8-29)
return value testing, functions
return values, functions
     UNIX temporary files
reverse-engineering applications
reviewing code
     application review phase 2nd 3rd
         bottom-up approach
         hybrid approach
         iterative process
         peer reviews
         status checks
         top-down approach
         working papers
     code auditing 2nd 3rd
         binary navigation tools
         CC (code comprehension) strategies 2nd
         CP (candidate point) strategies 2nd 3rd
         dependency alnalysis
         desk checking
         DG (design generalization) strategies 2nd
         fuzz testing tools
         internal flow analysis
         OpenSSH case study
         rereading code
         source code navigators
         subsystem alnalysis
         test cases 2nd
     code navigation
         external flow sensitivity
     documentation and analysis phase 2nd
         findings summary
     preassessment phase
         application access
         information collection
     process outline
     remediation support phase 2nd
Rey, Enno
rfork( ) function
RFP (Rain Forest Puppy)
Right Shift Vulnerability Example listing (6-26)
right shift, operators 2nd
risks, DREAD risk ratings
root directories, UNIX
RPC (Remote Procedure Calls) servers
         binding to
     interfaces, registering
     requests, listening to
RpcBindingInqAuthClient( ) function
RPCs (Remote Procedure Calls)
         decoding routines
         definition files
    Windows NT
         ACFs (application configuration files)
         application audits
         context handles
         DCE (Distributed Computing Environment) RPCs
         IDL file structure
         IPC (interprocess communications)
         MIDL (Microsoft Interface Definition Language)
         ONC (Open Network Computing) RPCs
         proprietary state mechanisms
         RPC servers
RpcServerListen( ) function
RpcServerRegisterAuthInfo( ) function
RpcServerRegisterIf( ) function
RpcServerRegisterIfEx( ) function
RpcServerUseProtseq( ) function
RpcServerUseProtseqEx( ) function
running code, auditing
runtime stack, activation records
Russinovich, Mark E. 2nd

The Art of Software Security Assessment. Identifying and Preventing Software Vulnerabilities
The Art of Software Security Assessment: Identifying and Preventing Software Vulnerabilities
ISBN: 0321444426
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 194

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