Gardner, Howard, xi, xii, xiii, 60
Gardner, John, 143–44
GE, 74
Geisinger, Jesse, 138
Generative morality. See also Moral imagination
characteristics of, 49
definition of, 48
examples of, 51–53, 67–86
moral imagination and, 64–67, 86–87
power of, 51–53, 64–65
prevalence of, 50
source of, 48
Golden parachutes, 28–29
Golden Rule. See also Empathy
clarifying mission through, 101–3
creativity and, 91, 102–3, 106
empathy and, 53, 89–91
ethical behavior and, 72
examples of use of, 92–103
“eye for an eye” vs., 88–89
humility and, 73
misapplication of, 89
prevalence of, 92
as problem-solving tool, 96–101
trust and, 93
as way of life, 103–6
Good work
committing to, 6
definition of, xiii
mixed motives and, 10–12
in philanthropy, 130, 131, 136, 145–46
Gorman, Leon, 92
Greenleaf, Robert, 26, 37–40, 41, 56
Growth, personal, 119–21