

Ascertains whether a given wide character produces space

 #include <wctype.h> int iswspace ( wint_t wc  ); 

The iswspace( ) function is the wide-character version of the isspace( ) character classification function. It tests whether its wide character argument produces whitespace rather than a glyph when printedthat is, a space, tabulator, newline, or the like. If the argument is a whitespace wide character, iswspace( ) returns a nonzero value (that is, TRue); if not, the function returns 0 (false).

Which wide characters fall into the whitespace class depends on the current locale setting for the category LC_CTYPE, which you can query or change using the setlocale( ) function. In all locales, however, if iswspace( ) is true for a given wide character, then iswalnum( ), iswgraph( ), and iswpunct( ) are false.


See the example for iswalpha( ) in this chapter.

See Also

iswblank( ), iswprint( ); the corresponding function for byte characters, isspace( ); iswalnum( ), iswalpha( ), iswcntrl( ), iswdigit( ), iswgraph( ), iswlower( ), iswprint( ), iswpunct( ), iswupper( ), iswxdigit( ), setlocale( ); the extensible wide-character classification function, iswctype( )

C(c) In a Nutshell
C in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (OReilly))
ISBN: 0596006977
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 473 © 2008-2017.
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