

calculated fields, 636, 636

Calculation tab, 592, 592


in assignments, 186–187, 187

default task types in, 191, 191

for effort driven tasks, 188, 190–191

for fixed duration tasks, 189–191

for fixed-unit tasks, 187–188

for fixed work tasks, 188–189

for contours, 206–207, 207

in PERT, 261–262, 262

project options for, 592, 592

for resource requirements, 183–185, 183–184

for summarization, 636–637, 636

Calendar tab, 589–590, 590

for default options, 96–97, 96

for work hours, 41–42, 42

calendars and Calendar view, 318

accepting and rejecting, 577, 577

additional, 100, 100

date selection in, 318–320, 319–320

defined, 732

for enterprise-wide projects, 508–509, 509

formatting, 320–321, 321

options for, 96–97, 96, 589–590, 590

printing, 100–101, 101

selecting, 94

standard, 95–96, 96, 166

and task duration, 111–112

for working times, 41–42, 42, 97–99, 98–99, 166–169,

Calendars groups, 604

Calendars tab, 605, 605

CALs (client access licenses), 535

Cancel buttons, 702–703, 703

Cancel parameters, 692

Caption property, 701–702

Cash Flow report, 362

categories for security, 476, 477

adding, 480–481, 481

deleting, 481

managing, 477, 478

modifying, 478–480, 478–480

Categories page, 476–478, 477

Cell object, 695–697

Center button, 172

certificates, 623–624

Change Password page, 540, 540

change request processes, 225

Change Working Time dialog box

for additional calendars, 100, 100

for Calendar page, 96–97, 96

for default working times, 41, 41, 169

standard calendar for, 95–96, 96

for working times, 97–99, 98–99

ChangeAssignedRateTable procedure, 714

changes. See also editing and modifying

in menu and toolbar options, 596–597, 596

in Web Access

accepting and rejecting, 577–578, 577, 579

rules for, 578–579, 579

Charged Costs application, 687, 712–715, 713

Check In Enterprise Projects option, 489

Check In Enterprise Resources option, 490

Check Names dialog box, 296–297

CheckBox controls, 699

child elements, 732

Choose Projects screen, 531

Choose Related Projects screen, 531

Choose Resources screen, 531, 531

Choose Scheduling Options screen, 531

Choose Update Options screen, 531

Clean Up Microsoft Project Server Database screen, 498, 498

Clear Baseline dialog box, 228, 228


baselines, 228, 228

resource leveling delays, 221

client access licenses (CALs), 535


files, 90

projects, 67, 445

communicating results in, 455–456

project reviews in, 447–449

reasons for, 445–446

reports in, 449–453, 450–453

with resource pools, 289, 289

views in, 454–455, 454–455

Resource Information dialog box, 173–174, 174

cmdApplyLink_Click procedure, 724

cmdCancel_Click procedure, 703, 723

cmdSaveSetting_Click procedure, 707

Code field, 160

code in VBA, 656, 662–663

for controls, 702–709, 703–705, 708

procedures, 656, 660, 663–664

creating, 664–665, 664

for Gantt bar color, 666–667, 666

help for, 665–666, 665

code masks, 511, 639

Code window, 659, 659

Collaborate menu, 16, 16

Collaborate tab, 593, 594

for e-mail, 60, 60, 299, 299

for workgroups, 163, 163

Collaborate toolbar, 236, 311

collaboration, 11

e-mail, 33, 60, 60, 299, 299

in Project 2002, 15–17, 16

project options for, 593, 594

tools for, 10

collections, 666, 668–669

color of Gantt bars, 666–667, 666

Column Definition dialog box

for duration, 180, 180

for hiding columns, 160–161, 160

for interim plans, 230

for numbering, 119, 119

for resource leveling, 219, 219, 223

for Resource Sheets, 334, 334

for sources, 276–277, 277

for tables, 337


hiding, 160–161, 160

printing, 358, 358

in Resource Sheets, 160, 160

for tasks, 116, 116

COM (Component Object Model), 688

COM Add-Ins dialog box, 260, 260

ComboBox controls

in linked expense application, 722–723

in user forms, 699

comma-separated values (CSV) files

exporting, 415

importing, 397

support for, 382

command bars, 595–596

changing options on, 596–597, 596

creating, 598–599, 598

macros on, 618–622, 620–622

personalized, 597–598, 597


in linked expense application, 722–723

in user forms, 699

in VBA, 660–661, 661

Commands and Options dialog box, 567

Commands tab

for menus and toolbars, 597–598, 597, 620–622, 620

for PERT, 259

comments in VBA, 659

Commercial Construction template, 600

committed costs, 732

communication, 293–294

e-mail, 33, 294–297, 295, 297

importance of, 7

of plans, 55–58, 56–58

from Project, 294

in project management, 29–30

reports for. See reports

of results, 455–456

setting up, 59–60, 59

of tasks

assigning, 60–62, 61–62

updating status of, 62–63, 62–63

workgroup messages, 298–299, 299

Company E-mail Address setting, 497

Compare to Baseline map, 383

comparing portfolio models, 562–563, 563

comparison operators, 676

% Complete button, 236

% Complete field, 232

completed projects, 446

Completed Tasks report, 360

completion dates, 732

Component Object Model (COM), 688

concept stage, 5

conditional structures, 677–678

Configure Enterprise Fields dialog box, 512

Confirmed filter, 344

Confirmed Assignments filter, 345

conflict management, 732


constraint, 148–149

with links, 285–286

in resource leveling, 220, 221

Connect to Servers page, 488

consolidated resource names, 154–155

consolidating projects, 271–273, 272–273


for message boxes, 680

in VBA, 669

constraints, 4

applying, 146, 146

conflicts in, 148–149

defined, 732

deleting, 148

flexible and inflexible, 146–147

with overallocated resources, 218

in resource leveling, 52, 52

reviewing, 147–148, 447

for tasks, 145–149, 146–147

consumable resources, 732

contacts for tasks, 310

Contacts Properties dialog box, 296

Contains test, 347

Contains Exactly test, 347–348


of reports, 366–367, 367–368

in Web Access, 496

Contents page in Help, 80–81, 80

Contents tab for projects, 103, 103

contingencies, 732

contingency plans

creating, 253–254

defined, 732

storing, 255, 255


calculations for, 206–207, 207

defined, 732

editing, 207–208, 208

predesigned, 199–204, 200–204

task type interaction with, 206–207, 206

controls, 645, 660–662, 662

code for, 702–709, 703–705, 708

placing, 700–702, 700, 702

selecting, 698–700, 698

Convert Table to Text dialog box, 397, 397


data types, 671–672

objects, 423–424

copies, opening files as, 86

Copy Picture dialog box, 374–375, 375, 443–444, 444

copying, 426–427, 427, 429

Excel data, 434

forms, 648

graphic images, 437

objects, 430–431, 442–444, 443–444

Organizer for, 605–606, 605–606

pictures of projects, 374–375, 375

between projects, 270

tasks, 116

cost-accrual methods, 170–171

Cost Data by Task map, 383

Cost Greater Than filter, 344–345

Cost Overbudget filter, 345

Cost Performance Index (CPI) ratio

defined, 733

in earned value analysis, 243

Cost table, 50, 51, 175–176, 175

Cost Tracking form, 645–646

Cost/Use field, 160

cost variance (CV)

defined, 733

in earned value analysis, 243

Cost view, 553, 554


application for, 712–715, 713

assigning. See assignments

defined, 732

entering, 169–171, 169–170, 175

fixed costs, 175, 175

total costs, 176

estimating, 27, 50–51, 51, 732

managing, 36, 64–65, 64–65, 732

as project parameter, 4

reports for, 361–362, 362

viewing and printing, 176

Costs tab

for entering costs, 169–171, 169

for rates, 197, 197

Count setting, 367

CPI (Cost Performance Index) ratio

defined, 733

in earned value analysis, 243

CPM (Critical Path Method), 263–264, 263–265

defined, 733

in schedule development, 27–28

crashing, 733

Create a New Task page, 547, 547, 556–557, 556

Create New Base Calendar dialog box, 100, 100, 509

Create New Data Source dialog box, 403

Created After filter, 344

CreateObject function, 689

Critical Path Method (CPM), 263–264, 263–265

defined, 733

in schedule development, 27–28

critical paths, 65, 65

defined, 733

in optimizing schedules, 54

critical tasks, 733

Critical Tasks report, 360

cross-project linking, 733

Crosstab report, 364

CSV (comma-separated values) files

exporting, 415

importing, 397

support for, 382

Currency data type, 671

Current Activities reports, 240, 240, 360–361, 361

current date for projects, 93–94, 94

Custom AutoFilter dialog box, 253, 253, 346, 346, 559

Custom Dictionaries dialog box, 125

custom fields, 627

for assignments, 630–631

creating, 632–638, 633–638

deleting, 638

for enterprise-wide projects, 501

applying, 518–520, 519, 525–526, 526

creating, 513–514, 513–514

for resources, 629–630

for tasks, 628–629

uses for, 631–632

Custom fields tab, 513, 513, 632–633, 633

custom forms

creating, 645–648, 648

editing, 649–653, 649–652

opening, 647, 647

purpose of, 646–647

custom outline codes, 639–640

creating, 640–642, 640–641

for grouping tasks and resources, 643–644, 644

lookup tables with, 642–643, 642

sorting by, 645, 645

Custom Outline Codes tab, 510, 511, 640–641, 641

Custom Reports dialog box, 353

available reports in, 364, 366

for overallocated resources, 210

Custom tab

for document properties, 704–705, 705

for project properties, 104–105, 104

customization tools, 10

Customize dialog box

Commands tab, 597–599, 597, 620–622, 620

Options tab, 596, 596

for PERT, 259

Toolbars tab, 74, 74, 598, 598

Customize Enterprise Fields dialog box, 510–511, 511,
513, 513

Customize Fields dialog box

for calculated fields, 636

for creating fields, 632–633, 633, 638–639, 716–717

for display options, 637

for outline codes, 640–641, 641

for value lists, 634

Customize Form Editor, 647–648

Customize Forms dialog box, 647–648, 647, 653

Customize Group By dialog box, 643–644, 644

Customize Published Fields dialog box, 313–314, 314

Customize Workgroup dialog box, 314

CV (cost variance)

defined, 733

in earned value analysis, 243

Mastering Microsoft Project 2002
Mastering Microsoft Project 2002
ISBN: 0782141471
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 241 © 2008-2017.
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