Types and Variants of Undo

As is so common in the software industry, there is no adequate terminology to describe the types of undo that exist — they are uniformly called undo and left at that. This language gap contributes to the lack of innovation in new and better variants of undo. In this section, we define several undo variants and explain their differences.

Incremental and procedural actions

First, consider what objects undo operates on: the user's actions. A typical user action in a typical application has a procedure component — what the user did — and an optional data component — what information was affected. When the user requests an undo function, the procedure component of the action is reversed, and if the action had an optional data component — the user added or deleted data — that data will be deleted or added back, as appropriate. Cutting, pasting, drawing, typing, and deleting are all actions that have a data component, so undoing them involves removing or replacing the affected text or image parts. Those actions that include a data component are called incremental actions.

Many undoable actions are data-free transformations such as a paragraph reformatting operation in a word processor or a rotation in a drawing program. Both these operations act on data but neither of them add or delete data. Actions like these (with only a procedure component) are procedural actions. Most existing undo functions don't discriminate between procedural and incremental actions but simply reverse the most recent action.

Blind and explanatory undo

Normally, undo is invoked by a menu item or toolbar control with an unchanging label or icon. The user knows that triggering the idiom undoes the last operation, but there is no indication of what that operation is. This is called a blind undo. On the other hand, if the idiom includes a textual or visual description of the particular operation that will be undone it is an explanatory undo.

If, for example, the user's last operation was to type in the word design, the undo function on the menu says Undo Typing design. Explanatory undo is, generally, a much more pleasant feature than blind undo. It is fairly easy to put on a menu item, but more difficult to put on a toolbar control, although putting the explanation in a ToolTip (see Chapter 29) is a good compromise.

Single and multiple undo

The two most-familiar types of undo in common use today are single undo and multiple undo. Single undo is the most basic variant, reversing the effects of the most recent user action, whether procedural or incremental. Performing a single undo twice usually undoes the undo, and brings the system back to the state it was in before the first undo was activated.

This facility is very effective because it is so simple to operate. The user interface is simple and clear, easy to describe and remember. The user gets precisely one free lunch. This is by far the most frequently implemented undo, and it is certainly adequate, if not optimal, for many programs. For some users, the absence of this simple undo is sufficient grounds to abandon a product entirely.

The user generally notices most of his command mistakes right away: Something about what he did doesn't feel or look right, so he pauses to evaluate the situation. If the representation is clear, he sees his mistake and selects the undo function to set things back to the previously correct state; then he proceeds.

Multiple undo can be performed repeatedly in succession — it can revert more than one previous operation, in reverse temporal order. Any program with simple undo must remember the user's last operation and, if applicable, cache any changed data. If the program implements multiple undo, it must maintain a stack of operations, the depth of which may be settable by the user as an advanced preference. Each time undo is invoked, it performs an incremental undo; it reverses the most recent operation, replacing or removing data as necessary and discarding the restored operation from the stack.


The biggest limitation of single-level, functional undo is when the user accidentally short-circuits the capability of the undo facility to rescue him. This problem crops up when the user doesn't notice his mistake immediately. For example, assume he deletes six paragraphs of text, then deletes one word, and then decides that the six paragraphs were erroneously deleted and should be replaced. Unfortunately, performing undo now merely brings back the one word, and the six paragraphs are lost forever. The undo function has failed him by behaving literally rather than practically. Anybody can clearly see that the six paragraphs are more important than the single word, yet the program freely discarded those paragraphs in favor of the one word. The program's blindness caused it to keep a quarter and throw away a fifty-dollar bill, simply because the quarter was offered last.

In some programs any click of the mouse, however innocent of function it might be, causes the single undo function to forget the last meaningful thing the user did. Although multiple undo solves these problems, it introduces some significant problems of its own.


The response to the weaknesses of single-level undo has been to create a multiple-level implementation of the same, incremental undo. The program saves each action the user takes. By selecting undo repeatedly, each action can be undone in the reverse order of its original invocation. In the above scenario, the user can restore the deleted word with the first invocation of undo and restore the precious six paragraphs with a second invocation. Having to redundantly re-delete the single word is a small price to pay for being able to recover those six valuable paragraphs. The excise of the one-word re-deletion tends to not be noticed, just as we don't notice the cost of ambulance trips: Don't quibble over the little stuff when lives are at stake. But this doesn't change the fact that the undo mechanism is built on a faulty model, and in other circumstances, undoing functions in a strict LIFO (Last In, First Out) order can make the cure as painful as the disease.

Imagine again our user deleting six paragraphs of text, then calling up another document and performing a global find-and-replace function. In order to retrieve the missing six paragraphs, the user must first unnecessarily undo the rather complex global find-and-replace operation. This time, the intervening operation was not the insignificant single-word deletion of the earlier example. The intervening operation was complex and difficult and having to undo it is clearly an unpleasant, excise effort. It would sure be nice to be able to choose which operation in the queue to undo and to be able to leave intervening — but valid — operations untouched.


The problems with multiple undo are not due to its behavior as much as they are due to its manifest model. Most undo facilities are constructed in an unrelentingly function-centric manner. They remember what the user does function-by-function and separate the user's actions by individual function. In the time-honored way of creating manifest models that follow implementation models, undo systems tend to model code and data structures instead of user goals. Each click of the Undo button reverses precisely one function-sized bite of behavior. Reversing on a function-by-function basis is a very appropriate mental model for solving most simple problems caused by the user making an erroneous entry. Users sense it right away and fix it right away, usually within a two- or three-function limit. The Paint program in Windows 95, for example, had a fixed, three-action undo limit. However, when the problem grows more convoluted, the incremental, multiple undo model doesn't scale up very well.


When the user goes down a logical dead-end (rather than merely mistyping data), he can often proceed several complex steps into the unknown before realizing that he is lost and needs to get a bearing on known territory. At this point, however, he may have performed several interlaced functions, only some of which are undesirable. He may well want to keep some actions and nullify others, not necessarily in strict reverse order. What if the user entered some text, edited it, and then decided to undo the entry of that text but not undo the editing of it? Such an operation is problematic to implement and explain. Neil Rubenking offers this pernicious example: Suppose the user did a global replace changing tragedy to catastrophe and then another changing cat to dog. To undo the first without undoing the second, can the program reliably fix all the dogastrophes?

In this more complex situation, the simplistic representation of the undo as a single, straight-line, LIFO stack doesn't satisfy the way it does in simpler situations. The user may be interested in studying his actions as a menu and choosing a discontiguous subset of them for reversion, while keeping some others. This demands an explanatory undo with a more robust presentation than might otherwise be necessary for a normal, blind, multiple undo. Additionally, the means for selecting from that presentation must be more sophisticated. Representing the operation in the queue to clearly show the user what he is actually undoing is a more difficult problem.


The redo function came into being as the result of the implementation model for undo, wherein operations must be undone in reverse sequence, and in which no operation may be undone without first undoing all of the valid intervening operations. Redo essentially undoes the undo and is easy to implement if the programmer has already gone to the effort to implement undo.

Redo avoids a diabolical situation in multiple undo. If the user wants to back out of a half-dozen or so operations, he clicks the Undo control a few times, waiting to see things return to the desired state. It is very easy in this situation to press Undo one time too many. He immediately sees that he has undone something desirable. Redo solves this problem by allowing him to undo the undo, putting back the last good action.

Many programs that implement single undo treat the last undone action as an undoable action. In effect, this makes a second invocation of the undo function a minimal redo function.

Group multiple undo

Microsoft Word has an unusual undo facility, a variation of multiple undo we will call group multiple undo. It is multiple-level, showing a textual description of each operation in the undo stack. You can examine the list of past operations and select some operation in the list to undo; however, you are not undoing that one operation, but rather all operations back to that point, inclusive (see Figure 12-1).

click to expand
Figure 12-1: Microsoft's Undo/Redo facility is a little unusual. You can undo multiple actions, but only as a group; you can't choose to undo only the thing you did three actions ago. Redo works in the same manner.

Essentially, you cannot recover the six missing paragraphs without first reversing all the intervening operations. After you select one or more operations to undo, the list of undone operations is now available in reverse order in the Redo control. Redo works exactly the same way as undo works. You can select as many operations to redo as desired and all operations up to that specific one will be redone.

The program offers two visual cues to this fact. If the user selects the fifth item in the list, that item and all four items previous to it in the list are selected. Also, the text legend says "Undo 5 actions." The fact that the designers had to add that text legend tells me that, regardless of how the programmers constructed it, the users were applying a different mental model. The users imagined that they could go down the list and select a single action from the past to undo. The program didn't offer that option, so the signs were posted. This is like the door with a pull handle pasted with Push signs—which everybody still pulls on anyway.

About Face 2.0(c) The Essentials of Interaction Design
About Face 2.0(c) The Essentials of Interaction Design
Year: 2006
Pages: 263

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