Chapter 11. Designing for People

In previous chapters, I described personas and emphasized the importance of goals over tasks. Only after we know our user personas and their goals can we begin to examine tasks with confidence that they won't distort the design process. We call our tool for incorporating tasks scenarios. A scenario is a concise description of a persona using a software-based product to achieve a goal. In this chapter, I'll describe scenarios in more detail, along with a few other useful design tools. I'll follow with a case study of how some of these tools, particularly scenarios, work in the real world.

Inmates Are Running the Asylum, The. Why High-Tech Products Drive Us Crazy and How to Restore the Sanity
The Inmates Are Running the Asylum Why High Tech Products Drive Us Crazy &How to Restore the Sanity - 2004 publication
Year: 2003
Pages: 170 © 2008-2017.
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