

Page Setup feature, 84, 84, 151–152

Palm Emulator, 47–48, 48, 51

Palm HotSync Manager, 49

Palm system, callback functions in, 97

panes, window, 71–73, 71, 73

paper towel dispensers, 157, 253

parameters with undo, 189

password dialog boxes, 64, 64

paths for libraries, 224–225

PDF files

as industry standard, 259–260

for online help, 291–293, 292–293

PeekMessage function, 97

periods (.) in directory names, 223

phone bills, 132–137

Phone class, 57

phone dialer program, 49


for dynamic allocation, 174

precautions with, 174–178

polymorphism, 234, 234

polyphonic techniques, 42

pop-up menus, 54, 125–126, 125

Portrait printing, 152

PowerPoint presentations, 298

Preferences tab, 87, 87

prepackaged installers, 281–282

preprocessor definitions, 228–229

presentations in training, 295, 298


in dialog boxes, 80–82

print, 151, 153–154

Print dialog box, 152–153

Print Options dialog box, 153

printing and printouts

Cancel buttons for, 96–97

customer view of, 139–144

menus in, 151–153

phone bills, 132–137

Print Preview in, 151, 153–154

wasted paper in, 145, 154

PrintPage class, 187

private library members, 18

Process Explorer tool, 195

processes, UML, 39

processor heating, 179–181, 181

product names in library names, 215

programmers, 305

checks and balances for, 311–312

conflicts between, 314

cowboy, 306–307

helpful, 309

ideal, 305–306

monitoring, 314–315

navigation structure for, 114

new, 312–314

overconfident, 309–311

stuntman, 307–308

on testing teams, 270

unsure, nervous, 308–309

programming knowledge for QA personnel, 267

programming tools, pop-up menus for, 125


background, 181–183

exiting, 198

multiple instances of, 195–196

startup, 183–184

projection systems for training courses, 295, 298, 300

promoting overconfident programmers, 310

proprietary formats for e-books, 259

proxy classes, 56–57

public library members, 18

Designing Highly Useable Software
Designing Highly Useable Software
ISBN: 0782143016
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 114 © 2008-2017.
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