The What and Why of Templates

In PHP, the most common method of separating presentation and application logic is through the use of templates. A template is (in general) an HTML document that contains special markers and/or control structures. In fact, PHP was originally designed to be a simple macro language that functioned much like a template engine.

Separating Common Elements from Code

As PHP grew more popular, it was quickly adopted by Web developers across the world because it was very easy to learn. This ease of development made PHP one of the best languages for rapid application development and prototyping. Unfortunately, the same capabilities that make PHP such an excellent language for prototyping quickly also make it very easy to create unmanageable code. Developers soon realize that as websites become larger, making their websites more modular becomes very important. The most common solution to this problem is to separate the website into common elements that can be included via a PHP include statement. For instance, in most cases, you can separate any given website into three separate elements: a header, a footer, and the actual content. Listing 7.1 shows how to separate your average Web page into three segments:

Listing 7.1. Your Typical Segmented Web Page


 <?php    function display_head($title="Your typical web page") {    ?>    <HTML>    <HEAD><TITLE><?=$title?></TITLE></HEAD>    <BODY>    <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0>    <TR>    <TD>       <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0>       <TR><TD><A HREF="products.php">Products</A></TD></TR>       <TR><TD><A HREF="contact.php">Contact</A></TD></TR>       <TR><TD><A HREF="about.php">About Us</A></TD></TR>       </TABLE>    </TD>    <TD>    <?php } // end of display_head() function    function display_foot() {    ?>    </TD>    </TR>    </TABLE>    </BODY>    </HTML>    <?php } // end of display_foot() function ?> 


 <?php include('segments.php');       display_head(); ?> Welcome to my web site. <?php display_foot(); ?> 

Looking at Listing 7.1, you can see that such a way of doing things already provides a major benefit over the classical approach. Separating the common elementsthe header and footerinto their own functions simplifies the maintenance of the entire site drastically. With a system such as this, to do something trivial, only one file has to be modified, such as adding a link to the menu of the website, and it will be changed throughout the entire site. For most smaller websites that have only one or two developers (both of whom are familiar with PHP) a system such as this would work just fine.

Unfortunately, any site that has one group of people working on the actual layout of the website and another working on the PHP scripts will not be much better off using this system. Although it does reduce the amount of redundancy in a website, it still requires that PHP code be embedded directly into HTML documents for things to work properly.

A (Quick) Template System Example

For situations in which there is a real need for the separation of presentation and application logic, a true template system is required. Although later in the chapter I'll be talking about a professional template system, Smarty, written in PHP, it won't do you much good unless you know the basic idea of how it works in the first place. To assist you in understanding how a template system works, I've written my own simple template system I call QuickTemplate. By examining how this template system works, you'll not only get an idea of how all template systems work, but perhaps learn a little about writing some pretty complex PHP code properly.

Before I discuss the QuickTemplate script itself (it's actually a class) let's first take a look at what we want to accomplish. To separate HTML code from PHP code entirely, we'll need to somehow earmark certain points in the document where PHP code is responsible for filling in the spaces. When it comes to the QuickTemplate class, template markers are identified by enclosing a string (capital AZ only) between two percent (%) characters. For instance, you could define the same HTML document as in Listing 7.1 fairly easily (see Listing 7.2):

Listing 7.2. A QuickTemplate Template File

As you can see, the HTML code in Listing 7.2 is completely free of any PHP code. It can be manipulated using any WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) HTML editor without problems, yet it still offers the same amount of control over dynamic content as the similar segmentation method found in Listing 7.1. In this case, I have taken the liberty of separating the navigational links into a separate file shown in Listing 7.3:

Listing 7.3. The Content for the Navigational HTML
 <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0>       <TR><TD><A HREF="products.php">Products</A></TD></TR>       <TR><TD><A HREF="contact.php">Contact</A></TD></TR>       <TR><TD><A HREF="about.php">About Us</A></TD></TR> </TABLE> 

In practice, each of these two listings should be saved into its own separate file (I'll assume they are called index.thtml and links.html, respectively, for reasons you'll understand later). Now that you have defined your templates, put them to use with the QuickTemplate class.

As with every template system I discuss in this chapter, the QuickTemplate class uses complex arrays. In the case of the QuickTemplate class, the following array is typical for the template I've described in Listings 7.2 and 7.3:

Listing 7.4. A Typical QuickTemplate Array
 <?php $temp_data = array('main' => array('file' =>                                          'index.thtml'),                    'leftnav' => array('file' =>                                          'link.html'),                    'content' => array('content' =>                                          'This is the content: %DYNAMIC%'),                    'title' => array('content' =>                                          'Your typical template web site'),                    'dynamic' => array('content' =>                                          'This is some more content')                    ); ?> 

As you can see, this multidimensional associative array first contains a number of keys that (with the exception of the main key) reflect the template markers found in Listing 7.2. The values of each of these keys is another array containing a single associative element. The key (either file or content) is associated with a value (either a filename or a string) representing the data that should replace the template marker. In Listing 7.2 I defined a template marker by the name of %CONTENT%. This marker will be replaced by the value of the content key in the $temp_data array. Because the value of this key is an array with a content key, the string "This is the content: %DYNAMIC%" is used. However, before the %CONTENT% template marker is replaced, the string it is being replaced with is also parsed. Following is a summary of what happens:

  1. %CONTENT% is replaced with the value of the content key.

  2. %DYNAMIC% inside of the content key is replaced with the value of the dynamic key.

The end result of this process is that for every instance of the %CONTENT% marker you will find the string: "This is the content: This is some more content".

This process occurs for every template marker within your template document until there are no more markers to replace. If for whatever reason a marker exists that does not exist within the QuickTemplate array (Listing 7.4) an error message is generated that is stored as an HTML comment in place of that template marker.

Now that you have an idea of how the QuickTemplate system behaves, let's take a look at the actual code that makes the system work. Depending on how confused you were by my explanation of how a template marker is processed, you may or may not think this code is too complex for you. However, I encourage everyone to keep readingthe reality of the situation is that the entire class is only 40 lines of code!

For reference, let's lay out the entire class in Listing 7.5:

Listing 7.5. The QuickTemplate Class
 <?php     class quick_template {         private $t_def;         public function parse_template($subset = 'main') {             $noparse = false;             $content = "";             $temp_file = $this->t_def[$subset]['file'];             if(isset($temp_file)) {                 if(strlen($temp_file) > 6) {                     substr($temp_file, strlen($temp_file)-6);                 }                 if(strcasecmp($ext, ".thtml") != 0) {                     $noparse = true;                 }                 if(!$fr) {                     $content = "<!-- Error loading '$temp_file' //-->";                 } else {                     $content = fread($fr, filesize($temp_file));                 }                 @fclose($fr);             } else {                 if(isset($this->t_def[$subset]['content'])) {                     $content = $this->t_def[$subset]['content'];                 } else {                     $content = "<!-- Content for '$subset' not defined //-->";                 }             }             if(!$noparse) {                 $content=preg_replace("/\%([A-Z]*)\%/e",                 "quick_template::parse_template(strtolower('$1'))",                 $content);             }             return $content;         }         function __construct($temp='') {             if(is_array($temp)) $this->t_def = $temp;         }     } ?> 

As you can see, this class contains only (ignoring the trivial constructor) a single functionparse_template(). Let's start there.

The QuickTemplate class functions through the use of recursion (as I suspect most template engines do). It is this recursive property that allows a template system to replace template markers within the content of other template markers so quickly and easily.


Not sure what recursion is? Basically, a recursive function is a function that calls itself from within its own code. This is illustrated in the following function, which determines the greatest common divisor between two numbers:

 <?php      function gcd($a, $b) {           return ($b > 0) ? gcd($b, $a % $b) : $a;      } ?> 

This is just one (very nice) example of how recursion can be quite useful.

Looking at the function definition for parse_template(), you can see that a single optional parameter $subset is allowed with a default value of main. This parameter is never meant to be used by the developer using the QuickTemplate class. Rather, it is used to define the array key that is currently being processed by the engine. Because the engine has to start processing somewhere, this key was chosen by me as the starting point for all template parsing.

When parsing begins, the initial step is to do some simple initialization of three variables: $content, $noparse, and $temp_file. The first variable, $content, will store the output generated by parsing the template for the particular segment being parsed. The $noparse variable is a Boolean used to determine whether the value of the current template marker should be parsed further by the engine. This is to allow us to have both template HTML files (which must be parsed) and pure HTML files (which don't have to be parsed). Although it would be easier to not bother with such a feature, it is done for efficiency reasons to stop unnecessary parsing. The second variable, $temp_file, is simply the file key of the current subset. This value should represent the filename to be parsed by the engine, if it's available. If the file key is not provided, an attempt is made to look for a content key before generating an error. As such, the next line of code in the function is a check to see if $temp_file is actually defined by using the isset() function. If the variable is defined, the file is then read into a variable from the file system using PHP's file system functions. If the $temp_file variable is not defined, the content key is checked to see whether there is a string instead of a full file to parse. If this key does not exist, an error is generated.

So far, we have dealt only with initialization and error checking. The real work in the parse_template() function is yet to come. Surprisingly, this "real work" is limited to the use of a single PHP function: preg_replace() using the /e mode. Recalling from Chapter 3, "Regular Expressions," the preg_replace() function matches strings using regular expressions, which are then replaced with other strings. In this case, you have asked preg_replace() to extract all instances of capitalized strings between % characters and call the parse_template() function recursively. The return value from this function call is then used to replace the string that was originally extracted.

The result of this function is the very heart of the entire QuickTemplate engine. By using the preg_replace() function, you recursively ensure that every single template marker meeting the requirements of the regular expression is replaced. The result of this replacement is stored into $content, which is then returned either to the initial script that created the instance of QuickTemplate or to another copy of the parse_template function that recursively called it.

That's pretty much the whole QuickTemplate class! Although it seems too simplistic, it works quite well. To wrap up the discussion, Listing 7.6 shows it in action:

Listing 7.6. Using the QuickTemplate Class
 <?php     include('quicktemplate.php');          // Class definition     $temp_data = array('main' => array('file' =>                                            'index.thtml'),                        'leftnav' => array('file' =>                                            'link.html'),                        'content' => array('content' =>                                            'This is the content: %DYNAMIC%'),                        'title' => array('content' =>                                            'Your typical template web site'),                        'dynamic' => array('content' =>                                             'This is some more content')                        );     $engine = new quick_template($temp_data);     echo $engine->parse_template(); ?> 

When this code is executed using the templates defined in Listings 7.2 and 7.3, the following is the output of this script:

 <HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>Your typical template web site</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0> <TR> <TD><TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0> <TR> <TD><A HREF="/">About Us</A></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD><A HREF="/products.php">Products</A></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD><A HREF="/contact.php">Contact</A></TD> </TR> </TABLE> </TD> <TD> This is the content: This is some more content </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </BODY> </HTML> 

Hopefully, you can appreciate the amount of work that goes into even a simple template engine. To make matters worse, the QuickTemplate engine doesn't support really useful features such as control structures. However, unlike using include statements to segment your websites, the QuickTemplate class does a good job of ensuring the complete separation between presentation HTML code and the application logic that controls it.

Of course, this separation does not come without a price. At this point, you probably realize that writing (or using someone else's) template engine is sure to make your Web pages less intuitive. Hence, you should understand what the QuickTemplate class does (even if you don't completely understand how it does it) before proceeding further. If using QuickTemplate has confused you, you probably aren't ready for a system such as Smarty, which follows this section, because it is much more advanced and can be slightly confusing. Rather, if you are having difficulty with anything up to this point, you should review what we have covered thus far in discussing the QuickTemplate class before moving further in this chapter.

PHP 5 Unleashed
PHP 5 Unleashed
ISBN: 067232511X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 257 © 2008-2017.
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