Software and Games

Games are not just for children, although children play games. Games are invented and used by many people, including novelists, mathematicians, and corporate strategists.

Kinds of Games

If you are sitting around the living room on a winter's evening and someone says, "Let's play a game," what could you play?

You could play charades (play-acting to uncover a hidden phrase). You could play tic-tac-toe or checkers, poker or bridge. You could play hide-and-seek or table tennis. You could play "When I took a trip, . . ." a game in which each person adds a sentence onto a story that grows in the telling. You could, especially if you have younger children, end up having a wrestling match on the living room floor.

Games fall into many categories: zero-sum, non-zero-sum, positional, competitive, cooperative, finite, and infinite, to name a few (see Figure 1-1). As a way to help identify what kind of game software development could be, let's look at those choices.

Figure 1-1. Different categories of games.

Zero-sum games are those with two sides playing in opposition, so that if one side wins, the other loses. Checkers, tic-tac-toe, bridge, and tennis are examples. Software development is clearly not a zero-sum game.

Non-zero-sum games are those with multiple winners or multiple losers. Many of the games you would consider playing on that winter's evening are non-zero-sum games: poker, parcheesi, and hide-and-seek. Software development is also a non-zero-sum game.

Positional games are those in which the entire state of the game can be discovered by looking at the markers on the board at that moment. Chess and tic-tac-toe are examples. Bridge isn't, because the played cards don't show which person played them.

Some people try to play software development as a positional game, requiring that the documentation reflect the history and current state of the project. They intend that, should anyone leave the project, a replacement person will be able to join the team, read the documentation, and pick up where the other person left off. We will come to see that this is not an effective gaming strategy for software development.

(Positional games are actually far more interesting than the simple description here implies. John Conway, in his book On Numbers and Games (1976), was able to show how two-person, positional games form a superset of all numbers: real, imaginary, finite, and transfinite. He constructs the notion of number directly from two-person, positional games.)

All of these are competitive games, in which there is a clear notion of winning and losing.

In cooperative games, the people work either to win together or to continue the game as long as they consider it worth playing. The former are goal-seeking cooperative games, the latter non-goal-seeking cooperative games. Storytelling, playing jazz, and carpet wrestling are non-goal-seeking cooperative games. In these latter games, the players do not seek to end the game by reaching a goal as fast as possible. They come to an end only when enough people get tired of playing and step out.

Charades, rock climbing, and software development are goal-seeking cooperative games (see Figure 1-1 again).

All of these are finite gamesgames intended to end. Infinite games are those in which the players' primary intention is to keep the game going. Organizations, corporations, and countries play these. Their core purpose is to stay in existence.

A person's profession is also an infinite game. The person, wanting to continue the profession, makes a set of moves that permit her practice of that profession to continue.

Often, a person or company aims to play well on a particular project in order to get the best position on the next game. As with the card game appropriately named "So long, sucker," these sorts of teams and alliances change continually and without notice.

Software and Rock Climbing

Of all the comparison partners for software development that I have seen, rock climbing has emerged as the best. It is useful to have such a comparison partner, to get some distance from the subject and open a vocabulary that we can reapply to software development. Rock climbing is not a metaphor for software development but a comparison partner, another member of the same class of games.

Let's see how some of the words and phrases associated with rock climbing relate to software development.

Cooperative and goal-seeking. A team of rock climbers work together to reach the top. They will evaluate the climb based on how well they climbed together and how much they enjoyed themselves, but the first measure of success is whether they reached the top. Reaching the endpoint is a primary goal, and the game is over when they reach the top.

(If you are a rock climber, you might well interrupt me here. For many rock climbers, the moment of reaching the end of the climb is a sad one, for it signals the end of the game. That is true of cooperative games in general. The game comes to an end when the endpoint is reached, but if the players have been enjoying themselves, they may not want to stop. Similarly, sometimes software developers do not want to finish their design, because then the fun part of their work will be over.)

Load bearing. The climbers must actually support their weight on their hands and feet. This is a particularly valuable point of comparison between the two: Software must run and produce reasonable responses. While multiple solutions are possible, not just any solution will do.

Team. Climbing is usually done in teams. There are solo climbers, but under normal circumstances, climbers form a team for the purpose of a climb.

Individuals with talent. Some people just naturally climb better than others do. Some people will never handle certain climbs.

Skill-sensitive. The rock climber must have a certain proficiency. The novice can approach only simple climbs. With practice, the climber can attack more and more difficult climbs.

Training. Rock climbers are continually training on techniques to use.

Tools. Tools are a requirement for serious rock climbing: chalk, chucks, harness, rope, carabiner, and so on. It is important to be able to reach for the right tool at the right moment. It is possible to climb very small distances with no tools. The longer the climb, however, the more critical the tool selection is.

Resource-limited. A climb usually needs to be completed by nightfall or before the weather changes. Climbers plan their climbs to fit their time and energy budget.

Plan. Whether bouldering, doing a single-rope climb, or doing a multiple-day climb, the climbers always make a plan. The longer the climb, the more extensive the plan must be, even though the team knows that the plan will be insufficient and even wrong in places.

Improvised. Unforeseen, unforeseeable, and purely chance obstacles are certain to show up on even the most meticulously planned climbing expeditions unless the climb is short and the people have already done it several times before.

Therefore, the climbers must be prepared to change their plansto improviseat a moment's notice.

Fun. Climbers climb because it is fun. Climbers experience a sense of flow (Csikszentmihalyi 1991) while climbing, and this total occupation is part of what makes it fun. Similarly, programmers typically enjoy their work, and part of that enjoyment is getting into the flow of designing or programming. Flow in the case of rock climbing is both physical and mental. Flow in the case of programming is purely mental.

Challenging. Climbers climb because there is a challenge: Can they really make it to the top? Programmers often crave this challenge, too. If programmers do not find their assignment challenging, they may quit or start embellishing the system with design elements they find challenging (rather like some of the poets mentioned in the epic poetry project).

Dangerous. Probably the one aspect of rock climbing that does not transfer to software development is danger. If you take a bad fall, you can die. Rock climbers are fond of saying that climbing with proper care is less dangerous than driving a car. However, I have not heard programmers express the need to compare the danger of programming with the danger of driving a car.

Software development has been compared with many other things, including math, science, engineering, theater, bridge building, and law. Although one can gain insight from looking at any of those activities, the rock-climbing comparison is the most useful for the purpose of understanding the factors involved in the activity.

A Game of Invention and Communication

We have seen that software development is a group game, which is goal seeking, finite, and cooperative. The team, which consists of the sponsor, the manager, usage specialists, domain specialists, designers, testers, and writers, works together with the goal of producing a working and useful system. In most cases, team members aim to produce the system as quickly as possible, but they may prefer to focus on ease of use, cost, defect freedom, or liability protection.

The game is finite because it is over when the goal is reached. Sometimes delivery of the system marks the termination point; sometimes the end comes a bit later. Funding for development usually changes around the time the system is delivered, and new funding defines a new game. The next game may be to improve the system, to replace the system, to build an entirely different system, or possibly to disband the group.

The game is cooperative because the people on the team help each other to reach the goal. The measure of their quality as a team is how well they cooperate and communicate during the game. This measure is used because it affects how well they reach the goal.

If it is a goal-directed cooperative game, what does the game consist of? What constitutes moves in the game?

The task facing the developers is this: They are working on a problem that they don't fully understand, one that lives in emotions, wishes, and thoughts and that changes as they proceed. They need to

  • Understand the problem space

  • Imagine some mechanism that solves the problem in a viable technology space

  • Express that mental construct in an executable language, which lacks many features of expression, to a system that is unforgiving of mistakes

To work through this situation, they

  • Use props and devices to pull thoughts out of themselves or to generate new ideas that might help them understand the problem or construct a solution

  • Leave trails of markers for those who will come later, markers to monitor and test their progress and their understanding, and they use those markers again, themselves, when they revisit parts of their work

Software development is therefore a cooperative game of invention and communication. There is nothing in the game but people's ideas and the communication of those ideas to their colleagues and to the computer.

Looking back at the literature of our field, we see a few people who have articulated this before. Peter Naur did, in his 1985 article "Programming as Theory Building," and Pelle Ehn did, in "Scandinavian Design: On Participation and Skill" (1992) and in his magnificent but out-of-print book Work-Oriented Design of Software Artifacts (1988). Naur and Ehn did this so well that I include those two articles in near entirety in Appendix B. Robert Glass and colleagues wrote about it in "Software Tasks: Intellectual or Clerical?" (1992), and Fred Brooks saw it as such a wickedly hard assignment that he wrote the article "No Silver Bullet" (1995).

The potential consequences of this cooperative game of invention and communication are outlined in the remainder of this chapter. The remainder of the book examines those consequences.

Software and Engineering

Considering software development as a game with moves is profitable, because doing so gives us a way to make meaningful and advantageous decisions on a project. In contrast, speaking of software development as engineering or model building does not help us make such advantageous decisions.

The trouble with using engineering as a reference is that we, as a community, don't know what that means. Without having a common understanding of what engineering is, it is hard to get people to work "more like engineering." In my travels, people mostly use the word engineering to create a sense of guilt for not having done enough of something, without being clear what that something is.

The dictionary is clear as to what "engineering" is: "The application of science and mathematics by which the properties of matter and the sources of energy in nature are made useful to people" (Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition, 2003).

That definition does not explain what doing engineering is about. In my experience, "doing engineering" involves creating a trade-off solution in the face of conflicting demands. Another person, though, wrote to me and said, "A basic concept of engineering is to address problems in a repeatable and consistent manner." This confusing the act of doing engineering work with the outcome of doing engineering work is a common mistake.

The outcome of doing engineering work is the factory, which is run while specific people watch carefully for variations in quantity and quality of the items being manufactured.

The act of doing engineering work is the ill-defined creative process the industrial engineer goes through to invent the manufacturing plant design. That process is not run with statistical controls, measuring quantity and quality of output. Like software development, it runs as a cooperative game of invention and communication, with individual people of different backgrounds huddling together to come up with a workable design.

When people say, "Make software development more like engineering," they often mean, "Make it more like running a plant, with statistical quality controls." But as we have seen, running the plant is not the act of doing engineering.

The other aspect of "doing engineering" is looking up previous solutions in code books.

Civil engineers who design bridges are not supposed to invent new structures. Given a river and a predicted traffic load, they are supposed to take soil samples and use the code books to look for the simplest structure that handles the required load over the given distance, building on the soil at hand. They base their work on centuries of tabulation of known solutions.

This only marginally fits the current state of software development. We are still in the stage where each team's design is supposed to be better than the neighbor's, and the technologies are changing so fast that few code books exist. As time goes by, more of these code books will be available. Today, however, there are still more variations between systems than there are commonalities.

Let's return to considering "engineering" to mean "thinking and making trade-offs." These are appropriate phrases. We would like our software developers to think, and to understand the trade-offs they select. However, these phrases do not provide guidance in running projects.

Software and Model Building

Many people have advocated model building over the last decade, including Ivar Jacobson, who declared, "Software development is model building."

Characterizing software development as engineering may not provide much guidance for running projects, but characterizing it as model building leads directly to inappropriate project decisions.

If software development were model building, then a valid measure of the quality of the software or of the development process would be the quality of the models, their fidelity to the real world, and their completeness. However, as dozens of successful project teams around the world have told me:

"The interesting part of what we want to express doesn't get captured in those models. The interesting part is what we say to each other while drawing on the board.

"We don't have time to create fancy or complete models. Often, we don't have time to create models at all."

Where I found people diligently creating models, software was not getting delivered. Paying attention to the models interfered with developing the software.

Constructing models is not the purpose of the project. Constructing a model is only interesting as it helps win the game.

The purpose of the game is to deliver software. Any other activity is secondary. A model, as any communication, is sufficient, as soon as it permits the next person to move on with her work.

The work products of the team should be measured for sufficiency with respect to communicating with the target group. It does not matter if the models are incomplete, drawn with incorrect syntax, and actually not like the real world if they communicate sufficiently to the recipients.

As Jim Sawyer so colorfully wrote in an e-mail discussion about use cases (Cockburn 2001c):

". . . as long as the templates don't feel so formal that you get lost in a recursive descent that wormholes its way into design space. If that starts to occur, I say strip the little buggers naked and start telling stories and scrawling on napkins."

The effect of the communication is more important than the form of the communication.

Some successful project teams have built more and fancier models than some unsuccessful teams. From this, many people draw the conclusion that more modeling is better.

Some successful teams have built fewer and sloppier models than some unsuccessful teams. From this, other people draw the conclusion that less modeling is better.

Neither is a valid conclusion. Modeling serves as part of the team communication. There can be both too much and too little modeling. Scrawling on napkins is sufficient at times; much more detail is needed at other times.

Understanding how much modeling to do, and when, is the subject of this book. Thinking of software development as a cooperative game that has primary and secondary goals helps you develop insight about how elaborate a model to build or whether to build a model at all.

Agile Software Development. The Cooperative Game
Agile Software Development: The Cooperative Game (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0321482751
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 126 © 2008-2017.
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