

CanyonBlue, Cittera tool, 379

caret (^), for bottom to top association, 65

cascading operations, 85

Catalysis methodology, 36

central class, for use case, 229–230

circle. See also socket

filled in (large dot)

for initial nodes, 215

for initial state, 263

half circle, on a stick, for interfaces, 327

labeled, for connectors, 215–216

with plus sign inside, for membership, 323

on a stick, for interfaces, 327

with X inside, for final-flow nodes, 215

Cittera tool Web site, 379

class diagram. See also hybrid class/object diagram; object diagram

breaking into hierarchical levels, 114–116

communication diagram evolving from, 228–232

communication diagram mapped to, 244–246

constructing, 113–119

content of, 116

context diagrams for, 120–121

cycles in, 368–369

definition of, 111–112

for frameworks, 257

for functional modeling, 181–182

for internal classes of components, 330–333

number of classes in, 115

object diagram compared to, 72–73

project-oriented, 119–127

for subsystem responsibilities, 323–325

time period for, 118–119

uses of, 11, 13, 15, 113, 179, 320

using for every purpose, 363–364

«class» stereotype, 143

classes. See also attributes; objects; operations; subclasses; superclasses

abstract, 106–107

application, 122–123, 342

as association, 75–76, 231

associations between, 62–63, 64–66, 366–367

associations with themselves, 73–75

as attribute type, 45–46

boundary, 123

central, for use case, 229–230

composition parts as, 90–91

concrete, 106

containing only attributes or operations, 361–383

controller, 123, 230–231

definition of, 20, 40

device, 389

diagram of, converting to code, 79–80

diagramming, 52–56, 59–60

distinguishing from types, 46

domain, 121–122

duplicates of, 366

events treated as, 281

as friend, 58

generalization and, 21, 25–26, 93–97

grouping into subsystems, 318, 321–323

hotspots, 255

identifying for a business, 40–41

importing into subsystems, 351–352

multiple, wrapping into packages, 125–127

naming, 42–43, 365, 370

roles of, 71–73

specialization and, 21, 25–26, 97–98

surrogate, 389

view, 123, 389

visibility of, 57–60

classification scheme, analysis packages based on, 342

class-scope. See static attributes; static operations

«client workstation» stereotype, 334

clients. See customers

client-server dependency, 347

client-supplier dependency, 347

clocks as actors, 136

code. See software and system development

codependency, 347–348


in subsystem, 348, 350

in text-based behavior specification, 183

collaboration. See also communication diagram

for architectural patterns, 355–356

definition of, 227

diagramming, 250, 355–356

in frameworks, 255–258

in patterns, 250–252

showing object interaction in, 254

UML modeling tools supporting, 33–34

collaboration diagram. See communication diagram

collaboration occurrence, 252–254, 356

colon (:)

between object and class name, 53–54

between part name and class name, 90

colons, double (::), between class and operation, 50

COM (Microsoft), 30

common objects, subsystems based on, 346

communication diagram

class detail in, 245–246

class diagrams consistent with, 244–245

class diagrams in preparation for, 228–232

constructing, 234–241

for frameworks, 257

looping in, 238–241, 242

messages in, 235–241

naming, 235

operation calls in, 236–238

participants of, 232–234

sd abbreviation for, 234

uses of, 15, 179, 391

communication paths between nodes, 334–335

communication standard for components, 30

communityUML Web site, 373

completion event, 287

completion transition, 274, 287

component diagram

for frameworks, 257

for interfaces, 329–330

uses of, 14, 15, 320

component environment, 30. See also EJB

«component» stereotype, 143, 327

component-based development, 29–31


black boxes, 327–329

choosing, 319

communication between, 30

definition of, 28, 325–326, 327

delegates for, 331

diagramming, 327

icons for, 327

interfaces for, 326–330

internal classes of, 330–333

ports for, 331

composite structure diagram

constructing, 250–252

definition of, 89–92

uses of, 14, 16

composite structure diagram with collaboration, 251

composition. See also aggregation

aggregation compared to, 25, 88–89

as association, 86–87

as composite structure diagram, 89–92

definition of, 25, 86

inheriting parts of, 101

transitive property of, 89

conceptual types, 48

concrete class, 106

concrete use cases, 167


of activities, 220

definition of, 241–242

identifying threads in, 243–244

looping and, 242

with states, 303–308

of use cases, 140–141

connectors, 90, 215–216, 224

constraint-based state, 266

constraints. See also invariants; postconditions; preconditions

on associations, 63, 75

inheritance of, overriding, 103–104

inheriting, 101

OCL used to define, 185–187

construction elements, 40

constructor operation, 85, 97

«constructor» stereotype, 60

«container» stereotype, 334

context diagram

constructing, 120–121, 384

definition of, 11

for use cases, 145

uses of, 383–384

control flow, 214

control nodes, 215

controller class

application class diagram for, 389

definition of, 123

state diagram for, 388

for use case, 230–231

«controller» stereotype, 230

CORBA (Object Management Group), 30

cost, system design requirement, 317

coupling, in subsystem, 348, 350

«create» stereotype, 194–195

CRUD test for use cases, 367

curly brackets. See braces

customers (clients), 132

UML 2 for Dummies
UML 2 For Dummies
ISBN: 0764526146
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 193 © 2008-2017.
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