7.8 Reasoning about Expectation

7.8 Reasoning about Expectation

The basic ingredients for reasoning about expectation are quite similar to those for reasoning about likelihood. The syntax and semantics follow similar lines, and using the characterizations of expectation functions from Chapter 5, it is possible to get elegant complete axiomatizations.

7.8.1 Syntax and Semantics

What is a reasonable logic for reasoning about expectation? Note that, given a simple probability structure M = (W, , μ, π), a formula φ can be viewed as a gamble on W, which is 1 in worlds where φ is true and 0 in other worlds. That is, φ can be identified with the indicator function X[[φ]]M. A linear propositional gamble of the form a1φ1 + + anφn can then also be viewed as a random variable in the obvious way. Moreover, if W is finite and every basic measurable set in is of the form [[φ]]M for some formula φ, then every gamble on W is equivalent to one of the form a1φ1 + + amφm. These observations motivate the definition of the language En for reasoning about expectation. En (Φ) is much like QUn, except that instead of likelihood terms i(Φ), it has expectation terms of the form ei(γ), where γ is a linear propositional gamble. Formally, En (Φ) is the result of starting off with Φ and closing off under conjunction, negation, and basic expectation formulas of the form

where γ1, , γk are linear propositional gambles, and b1, , bk, c are real numbers.

A formula such as ei(a1φ1 + + amφm) > c is interpreted as saying that the expectation (according to agent i) of the gamble a1φ1 + + amφm is at least c. More precisely, given a propositional linear gamble γ = a1φ1 + + akφk and a structure M, there is an obvious random variable associated with γ, namely, XMγ = a1X[[φ1]]M + + amX[[φn]]M. Then ei(γ) is interpreted in structure M as the expectation of XMγ. The notion of "expectation" depends, of course, on the representation of uncertainty being considered.

For example, for a probability structure M = (W, 1, , n, π) measn, not surprisingly,

where μw, i is the probability measure in i(w). Linear combinations of expectation terms are dealt with in the obvious way.

Just as in the case of the i operator for likelihood, it is also possible to interpret ei in lower probability structures, belief structures, arbitrary probability structures, and possibility structures. It then becomes lower expectation, expected belief, inner expectation, and expected possibility. I leave the obvious details of the semantics to the reader.

7.8.2 Expressive Power

As long as ν is a measure of uncertainty such that Eν(XU) = ν(U) (which is the case for all representations of uncertainty considered in Chapter 5), then En is at least as expressive as QUn, since the likelihood term i(Φ) is equivalent to the expectation term ei(Φ). More precisely, by replacing each likelihood term i(Φ) by the expectation term ei(Φ), it immediately follows that, for every formula ψ QUn, there is a formula ψT En such that, for any structure in measn, probn, beln, or possn, ψ is equivalent to ψT

What about the converse? Given a formula in QUn, is it always possible to find an equivalent formula in En? That depends on the underlying semantics. It is easy to see that, when interpreted over measurable probability structures, it is. Note that the expectation term ei(a1φ1 + + amφm) is equivalent to the likelihood term a1i(Φ1) + + ami(Φm), when interpreted over (measurable) probability structures. The equivalence holds because Eμ is additive and affinely homogeneous.

Interestingly, QUn continues to be just as expressive as En when interpreted over belief structures, possibility structures, and general probability structures (where i is interpreted as inner measure and ei is interpreted as inner expectation). The argument is essentially the same in all cases. Given a formula f En, (5.12) can be used to give a formula f En equivalent to f (in structures in beln, probn, and possn) such that e is applied only to propositional formulas in f (Exercise 7.25). It is then easy to find a formula fT QUn equivalent to f with respect to structures in beln, probn, and possn. However, unlike the case of probability, the translation from f to fT can cause an exponential blowup in the size of the formula.

What about lower expectation/probability? In this case, En is strictly more expressive than QUn. It is not hard to construct two structures in lpn that agree on all formulas in QUn but disagree on the formula ei(p + q) > 1/2 (Exercise 7.26). That means that there cannot be a formula in QUn equivalent to ei(p + q) > 1/2.

The following theorem summarizes this discussion:

Theorem 7.8.1

start example

En and QUn are equivalent in expressive power with respect to measn, probn, beln, and possn. En is strictly more expressive than QUn with respect to lpn

end example

7.8.3 Axiomatizations

The fact that En is no more expressive than QUn in probability structures means that a complete axiomatization for En can be obtained essentially by translating the axioms in AXprobn to En, as well as by giving axioms that capture the translation. The same is true for expected belief, inner expectation, and expected possibility. However, it is instructive to consider a complete axiomatization for En with respect to all these structures, using the characterization theorems proved in Chapter 5.

I start with the measurable probabilistic case. Just as in the case of probability, the axiomatization splits into three parts. There are axioms and inference rules for propositional reasoning, for reasoning about inequalities, and for reasoning about expectation. As before, propositional reasoning is captured by Prop and MP, and reasoning about linear inequalities is captured by Ineq. (However, Prop now consists of all instances of propositional tautologies in the language En; Ineq is similarly relativized to En.) The interesting new axioms capture reasoning about expectation. Consider the following axioms, where γ1 and γ2 represent linear propositional gambles:

  • EXP1. ei(γ1 + γ2) = ei(γ1) + ei(γ2).

  • EXP2. ei(aΦ) = aei(Φ) for a .

  • EXP3. ei(false) = 0.

  • EXP4. ei(true) = 1.

  • EXP5. ei(γ1) ei(γ2) if γ1 γ2 is an instance of a valid propositional gamble inequality. (Propositional gamble inequalities are discussed shortly.)

EXP1 is simply additivity of expectations. EXP2, EXP3, and EXP4, in conjunction with additivity, capture affine homogeneity. EXP5 captures monotonicity. A propositional gamble inequality is a formula of the form γ1 γ2, where γ1 and γ2 are linear propositional gambles. The inequality is valid if the random variable represented by γ1 is less than the random variable represented by γ2 in all structures. Examples of valid propositional gamble inequalities are p = p q + p q, φ φ + ψ, and φ φ ψ. As in the case of Ineq, EXP5 can be replaced by a sound and complete axiomatization for Boolean combinations of gamble inequalities, but describing it is beyond the scope of this book.

Let AXe, probn consist of the axioms Prop, Ineq, and EXP1–5 and the rule of inference MP.

Theorem 7.8.2

start example

AXe, probn is a sound and complete axiomatization with respect to measn for the language En.

end example

Again, as for the language QUn, there is no need to add extra axioms to deal with continuity if the probability measures are countably additive.

The characterization of Theorems 5.2.2 suggests a complete axiomatization for lower expectation. Consider the following axioms:

  • EXP6. ei(γ1 + γ2) ei(γ1) + ei(γ2).

  • EXP7. ei(aγ + b true) = aei(γ) + b, where a, b , a 0.

  • EXP8. ei(aγ + b false) = aei(γ), where a, b , a 0.

EXP6 expresses superadditivity. EXP7 and EXP8 capture positive affine homogeneity; without additivity, simpler axioms such as EXP2–4 are insufficient. Monotonicity is captured, as in the case of probability measures, by EXP5. Let AXe, lpn consist of the axioms Prop, Ineq, EXP5, EXP6, EXP7, and EXP8, together with the inference rule MP.

Theorem 7.8.3

start example

AXe, lpn is a sound and complete axiomatization with respect to lpn for the language En.

end example

Although it would seem that Theorem 7.8.3 should follow easily from Proposition 5.2.1, this is, unfortunately, not the case. Of course, it is the case that any expectation function that satisfies the constraints in the formula f and also every instance of EXP6, EXP7, and EXP8 must be a lower expectation, by Theorem 5.2.2. The problem is that, a priori, there are infinitely many relevant instances of the axioms. To get completeness, it is necessary to reduce this to a finite number of instances of these axioms. It turns out that this can be done, although it is surprisingly difficult; see the notes for references.

It is also worth noting that, although En is a more expressive language than QUn in the case of lower probability/expectation, the axiomatization for En is much more elegant than the corresponding axiomatization for QUn given in Section 7.4. There is no need for an ugly axiom like QU8. Sometimes having a richer language leads to simpler axioms!

Next, consider reasoning about expected belief. As expected, the axioms capturing expected belief rely on the properties pointed out in Proposition 5.2.7. Dealing with the inclusion-exclusion property (5.11) requires a way to express the max and min of two propositional gambles. Fortunately, given linear propositional gambles γ1 and γ2, it is not difficult to construct gambles γ1 γ2 and γ1 γ2 such that, in all structures (Exercise 7.27). With this definition, the following axiom accounts for the property (5.11):

To deal with the comonotonic additivity property (5.12), it seems that comonotonicity must be expressed in the logic. It turns out that it suffices to capture only a restricted form of comonotonicity. Note that if φ1, , φm are pairwise mutually exclusive, a1 am, and b1 bm, γ1 = a1φ1 + + amφm, and γ2 = b1φ1 + + bmφm, then in all structures M, the gambles XMγ1 and XMγ2 are comonotonic (Exercise 7.28). Thus, by (5.12), it follows that EBel((XMγ1+γ2) = EBel((XMγ1) + EBel((XMγ2). The argument that EBel satisfies comonotonic additivity sketched in Exercise 5.19 shows that it suffices to consider only gambles of this form. These observations lead to the following axiom:

Let AXe, beln consist of the axioms Ineq, EXP5, EXP7, EXP8, EXP9, and EXP10, and the rule of inference MP. As expected, AXe, beln is a sound and complete axiomatization with respect to probn. Perhaps somewhat surprisingly, just as in the case of likelihood, it is also a complete axiomatization with respect to probn (where ei is interpreted as inner expectation). Although inner expectation has an extra property over and above expected belief, expressed in Lemma 5.2.13, this extra property is not expressible in the language En.

Theorem 7.8.4

start example

AXe, beln is a sound and complete axiomatization with respect to possn and probn for the language En.

end example

Finally, consider expectation with respect to possibility. The axioms capturing the interpretation of possibilistic expectation EPoss rely on the properties given in Proposition 5.2.15. The following axiom accounts for the max property (5.13):

Let AXpossn consist of the axioms Prop, Ineq, EXP5, EXP7, EXP8, EXP10, and EXP11, and the inference rule MP.

Theorem 7.8.5

start example

AXpossn is a sound and complete axiomatization with respect to possn for En.

end example

Reasoning About Uncertainty
Reasoning about Uncertainty
ISBN: 0262582597
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 140

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