The PCFORMAT program converts Enscribe disk files data into other formats. Once the data is extracted and converted it can be downloaded using IXF or FTP.
The conversion format types that can be done are:
Conversion Format | Description |
ASCII | Word processing programs, or any application using ASCII text lines ending with carriage return/line feed (CR/LF) pairs. |
BASIC | Microsoft BASIC programs, Lotus 1-2-3, dBASE II, Knowledgeman; each database record is converted to a form acceptable to the INPUT statement of Microsoft BASIC |
DIF | Developed by Software Arts Product Corporation and used by Lotus 1-2-3, Knowledgeman, and many others |
SYLK | Developed by Microsoft Corporation for exchanging information between Multi-Tools and application programs |
The COPY command of PCFORMAT converts a data file with a record structure defined by <record name > into an unstructured file named <output file> with the specified <format>.
PCFORMAT requires access to the DDL data dictionary record of the file.
RISK PCFORMAT can extract data from sensitive data files and convert it to another format, which can be put on Non HP NonStop server systems. READ access to the Enscribe file is required.
BP-FILE-PCFORMAT-01 PCFORMAT should be secured "UUNU".
If available, use Safeguard software or a third party object security product to grant access to PCFORMAT object files to necessary personnel, and deny access to all other users.
BP-SAFE-PCFORMAT-01 Add a Safeguard Protection Record to grant appropriate access to the PCFORMAT object file.
Discovery Questions | Look here: | |
FILE-POLICY | Is there any need to use PCFORMAT conversions? | Policy |
OPSYS-OWNER-02 | Who owns the PCFORMAT object file? | Fileinfo |
FILE-POLICY | Who is allowed to execute PCFORMAT on the system? | Policy |
FILE-PCFORMAT-01 SAFE-PCFORMAT-01 | Is the PCFORMAT object file correctly secured with the Guardian or Safeguard system? | Fileinfo Safecom |
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