Parenty, Pat
on accountability, 87
on conflict-management skills, 166
on honesty in leadership, 230, 232
party, team development's similarity to, 9395
passive listening, 147148
changing, 2224
differences in, 12
evolution of, 13
expectations/ core beliefs created by, 1213
self-limiting, 14
sharing, 16
"performing" stage, see high-performance stage (stage 4)
Phillip Morris U.S.A. (PMUSA), 3537, 3941, 209
playing the victim, 21, 22, 159
PMUSA, see Phillip Morris U.S.A.
polarization of organizations, 28
positive role of conflict, 45
preprogrammed styles, 140
promises, keeping, 124125
alignment of, 108111
beyond the team, 51
for cc's, 189
communication, 52
for conflict resolution, 4352, 89
for new team members , 126
self-assessment, 125
team-based, 4451
psychological boundaries, 153