

GenerateFault method, returning custom SOAP fault with, 148149
GenerateResponse method, using, 335
GenerateResponse Web-service client class, description of, 63
GET, specifying METHOD attribute as, 6667
GetBcc method, using with MIME messages, 427
GetCc method, using with MIME messages, 426427
GetClientError() function, purpose of, 155
GetDataSource function, calling, 251
GetExtensionVersion function
errors in, 223224
overriding, 214
role in ISAPI DLLs, 15
GetMemMgr()-> Allocation function, explanation of, 305
GetRecipients method, using with MIME messages, 426
GetResponse* methods , using with Navigate method of HTTP client class, 446
GetServerVariable function, overview of, 398
GetURL function
calling for use with Passport Manager, 362
implementation sample code, 362363
GetWriteStream method, overriding for use with custom SOAP encryption/ compression, 475
GUID data type
defining in XSD document, 411
using in WSDL, 412413

ATL Server. High Performance C++ on. NET
Observing the User Experience: A Practitioners Guide to User Research
ISBN: B006Z372QQ
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 181 © 2008-2017.
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