4.6 Maintaining Neo

Neo requires two maintenance tasks . The first is regularly updating the installed version of Neo simply because, as with any new piece of software, features and bug fixes are constantly being added. The latest version is always available on the Web site.

The second maintenance task is updating the keyfile, if you use one. Neo is an effective tool only if it knows which devices to contact. Make sure your keyfile reflects the current state of your network either by updating it manually or by using an automated process.

Neo does not require you to maintain SNMP MIBs; any necessary variable data is coded into the program itself. The upshot is that there is less complexity for the maintainer, though it also means that the software must be updated in order to include new functionality.

Open Source Network Administration
Linux Kernel in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (OReilly))
ISBN: 130462101
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 85

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