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3. Paul C. Nutt, Why Decisions Fail , Berrett-Koehler, San Francisco, 2002, p. 5.
4. Ian Mitroff, Smart Thinking for Crazy Times , Berrett-Koehler, San Francisco, 1998, p. 7.
5. Stephen R. Covey, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People , Simon & Schuster, New York, 1990, p. 24.
6. Paul C. Nutt, Why Decisions Fail , Berrett-Koehler, San Francisco, 2002, p. 6.
7. Max De Pree, Leadership Jazz , Dell, New York, 1992, p. 8.
8. Ian Mitroff, Smart Thinking for Crazy Times , Berrett-Koehler, San Francisco, 1998, p. 18.
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11. Edward De Bono, Practical Thinking , Penguin Books, London, 1971, p. 32.
12. Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence , Bantam Books, New York, 1995, pp. 8586.
13. Thomas Gordon, Leadership Effectiveness Training (L.E.T.) , Bantam Books, Toronto, 1980, p. 38.
14. Ian Mitroff, Smart Thinking for Crazy Times , Berrett-Koehler, San Francisco, 1998, p. 19.
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16. Paul C. Nutt, Why Decisions Fail , Berrett-Koehler, San Francisco, 2002, p. 49.
17. Paul C. Nutt, Why Decisions Fail , Berrett-Koehler, San Francisco, 2002, p. 49.
18. Gerard I. Nierenberg, The Art of Creative Thinking , Cornerstone Library, New York, 1982, pp. 197199.
19. James L. Adams, Conceptual Blockbusting , 2nd ed., W.W. Norton, New York, 1979, pp. 137139.
20. Edward De Bono, Lateral Thinking , Perennial Library, New York, 1990, p. 63.
21. Edward De Bono, Lateral Thinking , Perennial Library, New York, 1990, p. 131.
22. Edward De Bono, Six Thinking Hats , Little, Brown, Boston, 1985, pp. 199207.
23. Paul C. Nutt, Why Decisions Fail , Berrett-Koehler, San Francisco, 2002, p. 108.
24. J. Edward Russo and Paul J. H. Shoemaker, Decision Traps , Fireside Books, New York, 1989, p. 120.
25. J. Edward Russo and Paul J. H. Shoemaker, Decision Traps , Fireside Books, New York, 1989, p. 81.
26. J. Edward Russo and Paul J. H. Shoemaker, Decision Traps , Fireside Books, New York, 1989, pp. 173188.