

Scientific and E notations, 34
Semicolons and relational expressions, 92
Sequences, escape, 42
Signed data type, unsigned vs., 2930
Single variables , passing using pointer notations, 230232
Sizeof operators, 37
using with variables, 5051
explicit arrays, 194, 195
implicit arrays, 194195, 196
Source code, writing, 1317
Source files, changing of projects, 3740
Square brackets and arguments, 209
curly braces and multiple conditional, 9293
nested if, 109
return 0, 6
switch, 122123
switch and if / else if / else, 103107
Statements, if, 8993
assignment operator, 93
common mistakes, 9193
curly braces and conditional statements, 9293
indenting, 91
semicolons and relational expressions, 92
Statements, if and switch, 83
flowcharting , 8789
if / else if / else statement, 98100
if / else statement, 9498
if statement, 8993
relational operators, 8487
switch statement, 100107
Statements, if / else, 9498
common mistakes, 9698
conditional operator, 9495
curly braces and conditional statements, 9798
no else without an if, 96
relational expressions and else keywords, 9697
semicolons and else expression, 97
Statements, if / else if / else, 98100
common syntax errors, 100
Statements, nested if, 110115
Statements, switch, 100107
switch and if / else if / else statements, 103107
Statements, switch and if / else if / else
falling through, 104106
ranges of numbers , 106107
Static local variables, 171172
returning pointers to, 237238
of character values, 3536
of floating-point numbers, 3435
persistent, 24
of strings, 36
String functions, C-string and C++, 259266
appending strings, 261
assigning values to strings, 260261
comparing two strings, 262264
conversion between C-strings and numbers, 264266
determining lengths of strings, 259260
adding, 6970
appending, 261
assigning values to, 260261
comparing two, 262264
determining length of, 259260
inputting multiple words into, 61
storage of, 36
Structure member variables, assessing, 298299
Structure variables, declaring, 297298
Structures, 296309
accessing structure member variables, 298299
declaring, 296297
declaring structure variables, 297298
initializing, 300305
nesting, 307309
passing structures as function arguments, 305307
Structures, initializing, 300305
constructors, 300305
initialization lists, 300
Structures and classes, 293316
classes, 309314
object-oriented programming (OOP), 294295
reasons for reading book, 294
structures, 296309
Subtraction operators, 7071
Switch and if / else if / else statements, 103107
falling through, 104106
ranges of numbers, 106107
Switch statements, 100107
if and, 83
switch and if / else if / else statements, 103107
using with logical operators, 122123
Syntax errors, common, 100
Syntax of declaring variables, 4647
Syntax of for loop, 132134
Syntax of pointer declaration, 214215
System, binary numbering, 26

C++ Demystified(c) A Self-Teaching Guide
C++ Demystified(c) A Self-Teaching Guide
ISBN: 72253703
Year: 2006
Pages: 148 © 2008-2017.
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