Configuring Reports


Reports can be adjusted and customized like nearly everything else in Project. This section will show you the tasks involved with customizing the fields shown in a report, the filter it uses, the time period it shows, and a number of other details.

Editing the Report Definition

graphics/one_icon.jpg Click the View, Reports menu item.

graphics/two_icon.jpg Select the category of report you want to edit.

graphics/three_icon.jpg Click the Select button.

graphics/four_icon.jpg Select the report you want to edit.

graphics/five_icon.jpg Click the Edit button.


graphics/six_icon.jpg Edit the name of the project in the Name field.

graphics/seven_icon.jpg Select the period and count for the report.

graphics/eight_icon.jpg Define which table the report should use with the Table drop-down menu.

graphics/nine_icon.jpg Select the filter that should be applied to the report with the Filter drop-down menu.

graphics/ten_icon.jpg Check the Show Summary Tasks and Gray Bands check boxes if you want those effects to appear in the report.

graphics/eleven_icon.jpg Click the Text button to edit the text styles used in the report.

graphics/tweleve_icon.jpg Click OK when finished.


Show Me. Microsoft Office Project 2003
Show Me Microsoft Office Project 2003
ISBN: 0789730693
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 204 © 2008-2017.
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