Once you understand layer Blend Modes, you wind up using them all the time. Chances are by now you know which individual modes you want to use (such as Overlay, Multiply, Soft Light, Hard Light, Screen) and which ones you'll probably never use (such as Dissolve). If you know which ones you want to use, you can use a keyboard shortcut to jump right to the Blend Mode you want. For example, to jump to the Overlay mode for a layer, press Shift-Option (PC: Shift-Alt) and the first letter of the mode you want, in this case, the letter "O" (making the shortcut Shift-Option-O [PC: Shift-Alt-O]). For Screen mode, you'd press Shift-Option-S (PC: Shift-Alt-S), and so on. (Note: If you have a tool selected that has a Blend Mode in its Options Bar, the keyboard shortcut will change that Blend Mode instead of the layer Blend Mode.)

    Photoshop CS Killer Tips
    The Digital Photography Book
    ISBN: 735713561
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2006
    Pages: 429
    Authors: Scott Kelby © 2008-2017.
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