

System. Windows .Forms (system. windows .forms.dll) sealed class

This class is used by the DataGrid.HitTest() method to determine where a particular point is with respect to the grid. You can get the DataGrid.HitTestType from the Type property, as well as the index of the Column and Row that were hit.

The static Nowhere property returns an instance that represents a point entirely outside the grid.

 public sealed class  DataGrid.HitTestInfo  {  // Public Static Fields  public static readonly HitTestInfo  Nowhere  ;  // ={ None,-1,-1}   // Public Instance Properties  public int  Column  {get; }    public int  Row  {get; }    public HitTestType  Type  {get; }  // Public Instance Methods  public override bool  Equals  (object  value  );  // overrides object  public override int  GetHashCode  ();  // overrides object  public override string  ToString  ();  // overrides object  } 

. Net Windows Forms in a Nutshell
.NET Windows Forms in a Nutshell
ISBN: 0596003382
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 794 © 2008-2017.
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