


see Velocimacros.

main() method

coding standards, 145

JUnit framework, 84

unit testing, 79


enterprise architecture goals, 17

field and method visibility, 149

J2EE design, 675

stored procedures, RDBMS, 260

using EJBs, 24

using reflection, 133

writing effective tests, 78

Mandatory transaction attribute, CMT, 382, 386

ManualExtractionSqlQuery class

extract() method, 345, 348

JDBC abstraction framework, 345

Template Method design pattern, 345


documentation, 159


RMI (Remote Method Invocation), 654


advantages, 462

compared to Struts, 461

compared to WebWork, 464

description, 461

disadvantages, 463

domification, 462

MVC web frameworks, 461

org.infohazard.maverick package, 461

org.infohazard.maverick.ctl package, 461

org.infohazard.maverick.flow package, 461, 462


see JMX MBeans.

MDBs (Message-Driven Beans)

abstract superclasses, EJBs deriving from, 415

AbstractJmsMessageDrivenBean class, 416

AbstractMessageDrivenBean class, 415

subclass example, 416

consuming messages, 229

description, 229

exception handling, 231

interfaces implemented, 230

programming restrictions, 230

subscription durability, 232

transaction management, 231

using EJBs, 22

Message Oriented Middleware

see MOM.

MessageDrivenBean interface, 230

MessageListener interface, javax.jms, 230

MDB classes implementing. 415


batching messages, 229

consuming messages, 229-32

JMS and JTS compared, 229

MOM and JMS, 228

producing messages, 228

using asynchronouis calling with JMS, 227-35

when to use, 232-34

Method class, java.lang.reflect package

invoke() method, 642, 645

method overriding

see overriding.

method parameters

encapsulating multiple parameters, 124

method signatures

checked exceptions, 127

MethodNameResolver interface, com.interface21.web.servlet.mvc.multiaction package, 485


coding standards, 144

hiding methods, 151

implementation methods, 151

method visibility, 151

private non-abstract methods, 153, 155

protected abstract methods, 153

public non-abstract methods, 153, 155

Microsoft Web Application Stress Tool

see WAS Tool.

middle tier

data access without EJBs, 275


risk management, 69

mock objects

web site, 99

model objects, MVC, 449, 450

description, 450

design principles, 524

JavaBean model objects, 525

smart model objects, 525

sample application views, 521

reference data objects, 522

view objects and, 525

localization handled in view, 526

model contains all information for view, 525

ModelAndView class, com.interface21.web.servlet package, 470, 475

MOM (Message Oriented Middleware), 228

MoVC (Model View Controller) pattern

see MVC pattern.

moving data to operation

EJB Command design patterns, 656

minimizing remote calls, 656

Value Object J2EE pattern, 656

moving operation to data

data validation, 656

example of using, 657

minimizing remote calls, 656

MultiActionController class,com.interface21.web.servlet.mvc.multiaction package, 480, 484

advantages of using, 487

compared to DispatchAction class, 484

data binding. 486

disadvantages of using, 487

example of using, 486

revalidation, 670

Strategy design pattern, 484

multiple clients

exclusive locking, 301

support, 17. 18

using EJBs, 22

multiple method arguments

OO design principles summarized, 173

multiple parameters

encapsulating, 124

multiple windows

testing web specific issues, 100

Multiplexed Resource Mapping Strategy

compared to template selection servlet, 454

Front Controller pattern, 454


using EJBs, 23, 214

MVC (Model View Controller) pattern, 36-38

alternatives to MVC, 456

components, 37

control flow example, 452

controller objects, 449

designing web tier, 448

J2EE design, 679

model objects, 449, 450

pull model, 449

push model, 449

SFSB as controllers, using, 373

Swing GUI libraries, 449

view objects, 449, 450

view technologies, 517

MVC web frameworks

Command design pattern and, 457

controller servlet, 456

data binding, 492, 493

JavaBeans, 493

description, 456

Front Controller pattern and, 448

types of Front Controller pattern, 453

implementing, 456

integrating web application into overall architecture, 465

JSP custom tags, 533

Maverick, 461

named view strategy, 457

decoupling controllers and views, 517

request controllers, 457

sample application, 467

control flow, 469

controller implementation example, 481

data validation, 498

designing, 468

implementing web tier, 506

request handling, 508

workflow refinements, 479

Struts, 457

test packages, 103

user input, processing, 492

web caching using HTTP, 669

WebWork, 463

Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 On Demand
ISBN: B0085SG5O4
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 183 © 2008-2017.
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