

Tanabata-sama, 150
Tannen, Deborah, 71
Target, 142
target market, profile of, 12-13
teamwork, 55-56
tentative testers, 159-160
Terry Precision Cycling, 42, 169
"thinking pink", see "pink thinking", 188, 190-191, 204
time-challenged shoppers, 137-138
time-saving aspects, promoting, 70-71
Title 9 catalog, 55
Title IX, 11-12
TiVo, 42 Trading Spaces , 99
transitions, see life transitions
transparent marketing approach, 25-26, 34-61, 211-212
defining questions in, 39-41
by ESPN, 17, 42-48
future importance of, 35-36
as good marketing, 36-37
in home improvement industry, 16-17, 48-54
keys to, 37-39, 41
pitfalls to avoid in, 59-61
products/services reflecting, 41-42
secrets used in, 54-59
as tailoring for specific markets, 34-35
travel industry, 110-113, 127-128
TravelSmith, 111
tween- years consumers, 4-5

Don't Think Pink(c) What Really Makes Women Buy(c) and How to Increase Your Share of This Crucial Market
Dont Think Pink: What Really Makes Women Buy -- and How to Increase Your Share of This Crucial Market
ISBN: 081440815X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 96 © 2008-2017.
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