Checking Style and Spelling


PowerPoint's spelling checker checks the spelling of the entire presentation, including all slides, outlines, notes pages, and handout pages. You can correct misspelled words in your presentation two different ways. Use the Spelling button on the Standard toolbar to check the entire presentation, or when you encounter a wavy red line under a word, you can right-click the word and choose the correct spelling from the list. PowerPoint's style checker works with the Office Assistant to help you correct common presentation style mistakes, such as incorrect font size, inconsistent punctuation, and other readability problems.

Set Style Options


Click the Tools menu, and then click Options.


Click the Spelling And Style tab.


Select the Check Style check box.


Click Style Options.


Click the Case And End Punctuation tab or the Visual Clarity tab.


Select the style options you want to set.


Click OK twice.


Check Style or Spelling

  • If a light bulb appears, click the light bulb, and then click an option on the Office Assistant.

  • If a red wavy line appears under a word as you type, right-click it, and then click the correct spelling.

  • If you want to check the entire presentation, click the Spelling button on the Standard toolbar. If the Spelling dialog box appears, use the Change, Ignore, and Add buttons to change the spelling, ignore the word, or add it to the dictionary.


Show Me. Microsoft Office 2003
Show Me Microsoft Office 2003
ISBN: 0789730073
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 418 © 2008-2017.
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