Wanghy Cache,595
weather data service example
IoC version
Constructor Injection,43–44
Method Injection,44–45
Setter Injection,41–43
JDBC used by,67–69
non-IoC version,40–41
web frameworks. See also MVC web frameworks
application dependency on,6
books about,597
integration with,20
web requests,security for,368,369–370
Web Service Definition Language (WSDL),307
Web Services with JAX-RPC
accessing a service,326–328
custom application objects,330–332
definition of,324–325
exporting a service,328–330
support classes for,325
when to use,325,333
web tier,27–28
WebApplicationContext interface,50,430–431,432,434–436
WebApplicationObjectSupport class,435–436
WebContentGenerator interface,458
WebContentInterceptor class,447–448
WebLogic 7.0 and 8.1 server,transaction manager for,249,250
WebLogicJtaTransactionManager class,250
WebLogicServerTransactionManager FactoryBean class,250
Acegi Security,368
Apache Commons Pool,150
Apache OJB (Object relational Bridge),256
AspectWerkz AOP framework,169
Aurora MVC,595
Canoo WebTest tool,106,485
Cayenne O/R mapping project,302,596
EasyMock library,105,483
iBATIS SQL Maps,261
iText library,490
Jakarta Apache Cactus tool,106,421
Jakarta Commons FileUpload package,478
Jakarta POI,516
JDBC RowSet Implementations tutorial,189
JDBC tutorial,171
jMock library,106
JSF web framework,525
MockEJB framework,420
Mule framework,596
Oracle TopLink,256
sample application source code,551
Spring documentation,597
The Spring Framework.NET,595
Spring IDE for Eclipse,595
The Spring Modules project,595
Spring XMLDB,595
Struts web framework,525
Tapestry web framework,525
TestMaker tool (Push2Test),485
Velocity macros,510
Velocity template engine,356
Wanghy Cache,595
WebWork web framework,525,596
WebSphere 4.0 and 5.x server,transaction manager for,249
WebSphereTransactionManagerFactoryBean class,250
WebWork web framework
data binding,525–526
definition of,525,596
features of,525–526,528,530,532
integration with,20,536–537
presentation layer,528
wizard-style forms,474–477
WSDL/SOAP,remoting using,307. See also Web Services with JAX-RPC