[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] " (quotation marks) file or directory names with spaces, escaping path to Classic application #, root user prompt for bash shell #import preprocessor directive #include directive AppKit framework, included in example application header file in C source code, including including framework object header vecLib framework, using with $, bash shell prompt $ TERM , values of (under Terminal and xterm ) * (asterisk) passwords set to quoting or escaping -fast compiler flag -flat_namespace linker flag -fno-common compiler flag -funroll- loops compiler flag -lcurses routine -mtune-970 compiler flag -no-cpp-precomp switch .app file extension .command files .deb file extension .dmg file extension (single fork disk image) .h file extension (header files) .img file extension (dual fork disk image) . info files, for Fink packages .p file extension (precompiled header files) .profile file (Terminal) .so file extension .term files configuring window to execute a command .xinitrc script, for X11 customization /Applications folder, dragging disk images to /Applications/Utilities directory Directory Access and NetInfo Manager in Terminal in X11 in /bin/sh /dev directory /Developer/Tools directory uninstall-devtools.pl /etc directory BSD flat files contents of /etc/crontab /etc/exports file /etc/ group file /groups directory vs. dumping /groups directory in file format enabling use of with Directory Services /etc/hostconfig file [See hostconfig file] /etc/ hosts file /etc/init.d directory /etc/master.passwd file /etc/pam.d directory /etc/passwd file enabling use of with Directory Services /etc/periodic directory /etc/rc script launching Mach bootstrap services /etc/rc shell script /etc/rc.boot script /etc/rc.common file /etc/rc.local script /etc/ shells directory /etc/sshd_config file /etc/ttys file /groups directory /Library directory 2nd /Library/StartupItems directory /machines file /sw directory 2nd Fink installations in /System/Library directory /System/Library/CoreServices/ loginwindow .app /System/Library/Frameworks /System/Library/StartupItems directory /System/Library/User Template directory /usr/bin directory /usr/libexec directory /usr/local directory /var directory /var/db/netinfo directory \ (backslash) escaping spaces or special characters in file or directory names line continuation escape symbol, removal in preprocessing ^[ (ASCII ESC character) ^G (ASCII BEL character), terminating escape sequences 128-bit integers, arithmetic operations on 32-bit systems 3D modeling 64-bit systems |