

 zip [-h  -v] zip [-q  -v] [-T] [-0  -1  -9] [-F[F]] [-o] [-f  -u] [-g] [-b   directory   ]  [-J]   archive_filename   zip [-q  -v] [-T] [-0  -1  -9] [-r [-D]] [-m] [-t   MMDDYY   ] [-o] [-c] [-z]  [-X] [-j] [-k] [-l[l]] [-y] [-n   suffix   [:   suffix   ]...] [ -f  -u] [-d] [-g]  [-b   directory   ] [-A]   archive_filename   {   pathname   ...  -@ } [{ -i  -x }   pathname   ...] 


The files given by the pathname arguments are collected into a single archive file with some metadata (as with tar ), where they are compressed using the PKZIP algorithm. The archive file is named with a .zip extension unless another extension is specified. If pathname is given as - , then data to be archived and compressed is read from standard input; if archive_filename is - , the ZIP archive data is written to standard output instead of to a file. If archive_filename already exists, then the specified files are added to or updated in the existing archive. When called with no arguments, it prints a usage statement to standard output.

Unlike the creation of ZIP archives from the Finder, zip does not preserve resource or attribute forks.



Adjusts the file offsets stored in the ZIP archive to prepare it for use as a self-extracting executable archive.


When updating an existing archive, this option specifies the directory in which the new archive is temporarily stored before being copied over the old. Normally the temporary file is created in the current directory.


Prompts for one-line comments associated with each file in the archive.


Removes files from an existing archive, instead of adding or updating them.


Disables the creation of directory entries in the archive.


Updates files in an existing archive if the modification timestamps of the source files are more recent than those in the archive. Does not add new files to an existing archive.


Attempts to repair an archive file that has been corrupted or truncated. When doubled ( -FF ), it performs a more thorough analysis of the archive.


When updating an existing archive, attempts to append to the existing file, rather than creating a new file to replace the old.


Prints a usage statement to standard output.


Includes only the files specified by the additional pathname arguments, which usually include wildcards to match filenames of a certain pattern.


Discards the paths of archived files, retaining only the filenames.


Strips data prepended to an archive, such as code to make the archive a self-extracting executable.


Attempts to archive files using DOS-compatible names and attributes.


Translates Unix-style newlines in files to DOS newlines. When doubled ( -ll ), converts DOS newlines to Unix newlines.


Deletes the source files after they've been archived.


Disables compression for files with names ending in the specified strings.


Sets the modification timestamp of the ZIP archive to that of the most recently modified item in the archive.


Minimizes output.


Performs a recursive traversal of directories specified in the pathname arguments, and archives their contents.


Only archives files with modification timestamps more recent than the given date.


Tests the integrity of the ZIP archive created by the command. If the test fails, then a preexisting archive file will not be overwritten, and source files will not be deleted (if using - m ).


Updates files in an existing archive if the modification timestamps of the source files are more recent than those in the archive. Unlike - f , new files are also added.


Enables verbose output. If it's the only argument, prints version information, compile settings, and environment variable settings to standard output.


Excludes the files specified by the additional pathname arguments, which usually include wildcards to match filenames of a certain pattern.


Disables storage of file metadata in the archive, such as owner, group , and modification date.


Archives symbolic links as symlinks, rather than archiving the targets of symlinks .


Prompts for comments to be stored in the archive file.


Disables compression.


Compresses more quickly, at the cost of space efficiency.


Compresses better, at the cost of time.


Takes the list of source files from standard input.



Mac OS X Panther for Unix Geeks
Mac OS X Panther for Unix Geeks
ISBN: 0596006071
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 212 © 2008-2017.
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