Index[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [Z] backup/restore deploying SQL procedures 2nd backward compatibility DB2 for LUW built-in data types backward-index scans best practices BEFORE INSERT triggers example 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th zSeries BEFORE triggers 2nd FOR EACH ROW/STATEMENT clauses 2nd 3rd NO CASCADE clause BEGIN ATOMIC END blocks dynamic compound statements 2nd stand-alone code BEGIN keyword compound statements 2nd 3rd 4th BEGIN/END blocks result sets 2nd 3rd SQL procedure body structure variable declarations best practices code exception handling 2nd 3rd grouping SQL procedures by schema naming conventions 2nd readability 2nd return values versus out parameters size transaction controls definition indexes 2nd performance CASE versus IF, ELSE statements 2nd 3rd DETERMINISTIC versus NOT DETERMINISTIC keywords 2nd 3rd 4th dynamic SQL for DDL 2nd 3rd 4th 5th exception handling functions 2nd locks 2nd 3rd 4th repeated statements SET statements for value assignment 2nd single INSERT statements 2nd table truncation precompile options, iSeries 2nd 3rd result sets cursors 2nd limiting minimizing columns optimizing returns 2nd tables 2nd temporary tables 2nd 3rd BIGINT data type identity columns sequence objects BINARY data type Binary Large Objects (BLOB) Binary Large Objects. [See BLOBs] BIND behavior attribute values 2nd BIND statements DYNAMICRULES option 2nd 3rd 4th BINDADD statements privileges 2nd BLOB (Binary Large Objects) BLOB data type temporary tables BLOBs (Binary Large Objects) 2nd WITH COMPARISONS clause blocking rows book contacting authors 2nd book conventions style meanings 2nd syntax diagrams 2nd 3rd book resources 2nd book structure bootstrap data set (BSDS) breakpoints Debug view. Editor view (Development Center) nested procedures 2nd 3rd stored procedures 2nd 3rd BSDS (bootstrap data set) Buffer Pool Analyzer (DB2) 2nd buffer pools 2nd 3rd IBMDEFAULTBP table spaces 2nd buffers controlling sizes build environment configuration DB2_SQLROUTINE_PREPOPTS DB2 registry variable 2nd 3rd SET_ROUTINE_OPTS procedure 2nd 3rd built-in data types date and time 2nd 3rd using 2nd 3rd numeric 2nd 3rd 4th selection checklist 2nd string 2nd subtypes using 2nd value ranges 2nd |