When working with procedures on DB2 for zSeries, there are two important things to consider. DYNAMICRULES Bind/Rebind Option ValueThe DYNAMICRULES option on the BIND or REBIND command determines what values apply at runtime for the following dynamic SQL attributes:
The DYNAMICRULES option also determines whether dynamic SQL statements can include GRANT, REVOKE, ALTER, CREATE, DROP, and RENAME statements. It is worth mentioning that the installation panel DSNTIP4 (Application Programming Defaults Panel 2) has the field USE FOR DYNAMICRULES that will determine from where the values for certain application programming defaults are taken:
The Package's Runtime EnvironmentIn addition to the DYNAMICRULES value, the runtime environment of a package controls how dynamic SQL statements behave at runtime. The two possible runtime environments are
The combination of these two factors determine four dynamic SQL statement behaviors: RUN, BIND, DEFINE, and INVOKE. The two behaviors applicable to stored procedures are DEFINE and INVOKE; therefore, we will only describe these behaviors and the corresponding DYNAMICRULES values in this section. |