C# programs
for StockQuote service, 19–23, 19–20
for weather information, 11–14, 11–12
CacheData service, 346–348
CacheDuration attribute, 346–347
caching, 342–343
appropriate situations for, 346–348, 347
data, 352
output, 346
parameters effect on, 349–352, 350
for performance, 344–345, 345
Calc method, 127
CalcTax method, 54
CalculateMortgage service, 125–126, 126
CalculateResults method, 93
California Department of Transportation, 32
CallBackHandler method, 355
CallBad method, 98
CallDelay.vb program, 353–356
caller-ID information, 29–32, 30
CallGood method, 98
calling services, 5, 5, 85–86
Array service, 92–94, 92
asynchronous, 352–356, 354
Google service, 105–107, 106
GreetSpecific service, 88–90, 89
Hello service, 86–87, 87
Presidents service, 96–97, 97
ServerInfo service, 94–95, 94
from within services, 80–82, 81
across SSL connections, 243–245, 243–245
Swap service, 90–91, 90
CallProxy method, 100
CallRemoteService.html page, 100
callService method, 86–87, 89, 94
CalTraffic.aspx page, 32–34
case of names, converting, 188
CatchError.html page, 98–99
CatchException.cs program, 78–79
CATraffic service, 32–34, 33
Certificate Authorities, 232–233, 236
certificate-based authentication, 214–215, 214
array values, 68–71
parameter values, 59–60
charging for services. See money making services
chat clients, 262–264, 262
chat service, 259–261, 259
ChatClient.vb program, 262–264
CheckedOut subfolder, 326
CheckedOutFile method, 326–327
checking in and out project documents, 325–326
CheckSpelling method, 106–107
.class extern entry, 291
Class View window, 16
ClientCert method, 214
ClientDBAccess.vb program, 191–192
clock ticks, 63
Close function, 4
code-behind files, 294
code templates, 41
Command object, 179
CompanyEntries method, 414
<compilation> entry, 299
config.web file, 145
Configuration Manager dialog box, 162, 163
conflicts for DataSet objects, 365
ConnectDemo.vb program, 179–181
Connection object, 179
Contacts field, 117
Content object, 209
Context object, 241
<contractRef> entry, 173
Control Panel
for authentication, 210
for event logs, 335
for SSL connections, 239
for Windows services, 314
converting case of names, 188
Cookie collection, 146
CookieDemo.asmx.vb program, 148
CookieDemo.asp page, 146–147
CookieDemo service, 147–150
within services, 147–150, 149
for session information, 145
Session object with, 150–152, 151
for storing and retrieving data, 146–150, 146, 149
CopyFile method, 269
copying files, 308–313
CopyUser method, 378–379
credit-card information, 375
CType method, 136
Cube method, 349
<customErrors> entry, 299