file extensions for workbooks, 12
FillFormat object, 183
referencing, 206
FillLabels macro, stepping through, 50–51
filtering tables, 148
finding dates, 321–322
Finished folder, xv
Immediate window, 76
task panes, 76
font shadows on shapes, 194
fonts in shapes, 192–193
For Each blocks, 220–222
vs. For loops, 224–225
For loops, 222–224
vs. For Each blocks, 224–225
formatting text in shapes, 192–193
Forms controls
vs. ActiveX controls, 268
selecting, 268
forms, user. see user forms
formula bar, worksheet. see window elements in worksheets
Formula property, 122
FormulaR1C1 property, 122
A1 reference style, 119
absolute references in, 117–118
dollar signs in, 117–118
for filling grids, 123–127
inserting in all selected cells, 49
R1C1 reference style, 51, 119–120
R1C1 reference style syntax, 120
relative references in, 116–117
simplifying, 150
values, converting to with macro, 26–27
From Access button, 143
function declaration statement, 240
arguments, adding, 240–242
arguments, making optional, 243–244
Array, 88
CLng, 241
creating, 239–240
custom, from macros, 244–245
data type conversion with. see Type
Conversion Functions
Date, 312
defined, 238
Dir, 225
InputBox, 53
MsgBox, 217–219
recalculating when any cell changes. see volatile functions
Rnd, 239, 241
testing, from user forms, 313
volatile. see volatile functions