Packet Internet groper (Ping) program
for connectivity, 69-70
defined, 506
for multicast, 327-328
Packet Level Protocol (PLP), 506
packet loss in best efforts networks, 357-358
packet mode connections, 504
Packet over Sonet (POS) interfaces, 308
Packet Switch Exchange (PSE), 508
packet-switched networks (PSNs), 508
packet switches, 504
packet switching, 504
defined, 504
in MLS
candidate, 248-249, 248
enable, 249-250, 250-251
subsequent, 250
in OSI model, 11-12
in unicast, 285
packets command, 257
PAgP (Port Aggregation Protocol)
defined, 504
for redundant links, 186
PAP (Password Authentication Protocol), 504
parallel Fast EtherChannel links, 180
configuration for, 181-186
guidelines for, 180-181
parity checking, 505
partial mesh topology, 505
particle buffers, 410, 410, 505
Password Authentication Protocol (PAP), 504
passwords, 59
for 2950 switches, 59-61
for 3550 switches, 59-61
for 4000 switches, 59
for VTP, 108, 114
PAT (Port Address Translation), 505
best path selection, 142-145
in campus networks, 9, 14
payload compression, 505
PCR (Peak Cell Rate), 505
PDNs (Public Data Networks), defined, 505
PDUs (Protocol Data Units)
in OSI model, 12
in unicast, 285
Peak Cell Rate (PCR), 505
peering problems, 28
per-hop routing
in best efforts networks, 357
defined, 505
Per-VLAN Spanning Tree (PVST), 150
defined, 508
operation of, 163-164
Per-VLAN Spanning Tree+ (PVST+)
defined, 508
operation of, 164-165
performance in campus networks, 4-6
permanent virtual circuits (PVCs), 508
permanent virtual paths (PVPs), 508
PFCs (Policy Feature Cards), 21
defined, 505
in MLS, 244
PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), 505
Physical layer, 12, 505
PIM (Protocol Independent Multicast), 22
defined, 505
enabling, 320-323
PIM DM (PIM dense mode)
defined, 506
for multicast delivery, 311-313, 312-313
for multicast routing, 321
PIM SM (PIM sparse mode)
defined, 506
for multicast delivery, 315-316, 315
for multicast routing, 321-322
PIM sparse-dense mode
defined, 506
enabling on interfaces, 322-323
Ping (Packet Internet groper) program
for connectivity, 69-70
defined, 506
for multicast, 327-328
plain old telephone service (POTS), 507
planning for multicast, 317-318
pleisochronous transmissions, 506
PLP (Packet Level Protocol), 506
PNNI (Private Network-Network Interface), 506
PNNI Topology State Packet (PTSP), 508
point-to-multipoint connections, 506
point-to-point connections, 506
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), 507
Points of Presence (POPs), 507
poison reverse updates, 506
defined, 506
in DiffServ model, 359, 361
Policy Feature Cards (PFCs), 21
defined, 505
in MLS, 244
policy-map command, 366
polling, 506
POP (Post Office Protocol), 507
POPs (Points of Presence), 507
Port Address Translation (PAT), 505
Port Aggregation Protocol (PAgP)
defined, 504
for redundant links, 186
port block command, 459
port density, 507
port security, 507
PortFast, 187-188
and BPDUs, 189
configuring, 188-189
defined, 507
in bridges vs. switches, 137
in Cisco switch model numbers, 20
console, 55-56
duplex configuration for, 68-69
Ethernet, 56
ID setting for, 171-172
in RSTP, 194
in show spantree, 152
in spanning tree operation, 142-143
cost setting, 171-173
designated, 142, 145
priority setting, 173-177, 175
root, 144-145
states of, 145-146, 146
speed setting, 68-69
for 2950 and 3550 switches, 68-69
for 4000 switches, 68
status LEDs for, 56
trunk, 103-105
POS (Packet over Sonet) interfaces, 308
Post Office Protocol (POP), 507
POTS (plain old telephone service), 507
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), 507
PPP callback, defined, 507
Predictor compression, 507
preemption in HSRP, 376
Presentation layer, 507
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), 505
PRI (Primary Rate Interface), 507
bridges, 143, 168-169
in GLBP, 383-384
ports, 173-177, 175
in spanning tree operation, 147
in TCI, 102
for traffic classes, 362, 362
priority-list command, 369-371
Priority Queuing, 363, 369-371, 507
Private Network-Network Interface (PNNI), 506
process switching, 266, 266, 507
processing delay
in best efforts networks, 357
defined, 507
PROM (programmable read-only memory), 508
propagation delays
with BPDUs, 144, 163
defined, 508
Protocol Data Units (PDUs)
in OSI model, 12
in unicast, 285
Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM), 22
defined, 505
enabling, 320-323
Protocol Independent Multicast dense mode
defined, 506
for multicast delivery, 311-313, 312-313
for multicast routing, 321
Protocol Independent Multicast sparse mode
defined, 506
for multicast delivery, 315-316, 315
for multicast routing, 321-322
Protocol Independent Multicast sparse-dense mode
defined, 506
enabling on interfaces, 322-323
protocol stacks, 508
defined, 508
in Gigabit Ethernet, 53-54
routing. See routing protocols
Proxy ARP, 508
proxy option, 329
defined, 508
in PIM DM, 311-312, 312
in PIM SM, 315, 315
in VTP, 117-119, 118
PSE (Packet Switch Exchange), 508
PSNs (packet-switched networks), 508
PSTNs (Public Switched Telephone Networks), 508
PTSP (PNNI Topology State Packet), 508
Public Data Networks (PDNs), 505
PVCs (permanent virtual circuits), 508
PVP tunneling, 508
PVPs (permanent virtual paths), 508
PVST (Per-VLAN Spanning Tree), 150
defined, 508
operation of, 163-164
PVST+ (Per-VLAN Spanning Tree+)
defined, 508
operation of, 164-165