Deployment Considerations

During the application design phase, you should review your corporate security policies and procedures together with the infrastructure your application is to be deployed on. Frequently, the target environment is rigid, and your application design must reflect the restrictions. Sometimes design tradeoffs are required, for example, because of protocol or port restrictions, or specific deployment topologies. Identify constraints early in the design phase to avoid surprises later and involve members of the network and infrastructure teams to help with this process.

Figure 4.2 shows the various deployment aspects that require design time consideration.

click to expand
Figure 4.2: Deployment considerations

Security Policies and Procedures

Security policy determines what your applications are allowed to do and what the users of the application are permitted to do. More importantly, they define restrictions to determine what applications and users are not allowed to do. Identify and work within the framework defined by your corporate security policy while designing your applications to make sure you do not breach policy that might prevent the application being deployed.

Network Infrastructure Components

Make sure you understand the network structure provided by your target environment and understand the baseline security requirements of the network in terms of filtering rules, port restrictions, supported protocols, and so on.

Identify how firewalls and firewall policies are likely to affect your application's design and deployment. There may be firewalls to separate the Internet- facing applications from the internal network. There may be additional firewalls in front of the database. These can affect your possible communication ports and, therefore, authentication options from the Web server to remote application and database servers. For example, Windows authentication requires additional ports.

At the design stage, consider what protocols, ports, and services are allowed to access internal resources from the Web servers in the perimeter network. Also identify the protocols and ports that the application design requires and analyze the potential threats that occur from opening new ports or using new protocols.

Communicate and record any assumptions made about network and application layer security and which component will handle what. This prevents security controls from being missed when both development and network teams assume that the other team is addressing the issue. Pay attention to the security defenses that your application relies upon the network to provide. Consider the implications of a change in network configuration. How much security have you lost if you implement a specific network change?

Deployment Topologies

Your application's deployment topology and whether you have a remote application tier is a key consideration that must be incorporated in your design. If you have a remote application tier , you need to consider how to secure the network between servers to address the network eavesdropping threat and to provide privacy and integrity for sensitive data.

Also consider identity flow and identify the accounts that will be used for network authentication when your application connects to remote servers. A common approach is to use a least privileged process account and create a duplicate (mirrored) account on the remote server with the same password. Alternatively, you might use a domain process account, which provides easier administration but is more problematic to secure because of the difficulty of limiting the account's use throughout the network. An intervening firewall or separate domains without trust relationships often makes the local account approach the only viable option.

Intranet, Extranet, and Internet

Intranet, extranet, and Internet application scenarios each present design challenges. Questions that you should consider include: How will you flow caller identity through multiple application tiers to back-end resources? Where will you perform authentication? Can you trust authentication at the front end and then use a trusted connection to access back-end resources? In extranet scenarios, you also must consider whether you trust partner accounts.

For more information about these and other scenario-specific issues, see the "Intranet Security," "Extranet Security," and "Internet Security" sections in the "Microsoft patterns & practices Volume I, Building Secure ASP.NET Applications: Authentication, Authorization, and Secure Communication " at .

Improving Web Application Security. Threats and Countermeasures
Improving Web Application Security: Threats and Countermeasures
ISBN: 0735618429
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 613 © 2008-2017.
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