
Java Servlet Programming, 2nd Edition > Preface > Acknowledgments


While I was working on this second edition, a friend said to me, "It must be easier for you to write a second edition; you already wrote the book once." I thought about that for a minute, laughed, and replied, "It is easier, but not nearly as easy as I'd hoped!"

Looking back, I believe the reason has little to do with books and more to do with technology. The first edition covered Servlet API 2.0, a specification developed over about two years. This second edition covers Servlet API 2.2 and 2.3, representing roughly two years of additional design work. So it only makes sense from that perspective that if the first edition took a year of active writing, then the second edition should take something similar. And, in fact, it did: about nine months.

There are many who have helped in the writing of this book to whom I am profoundly indebted. First and foremost are the book's technical reviewers: James Duncan Davidson, Servlet API Specification lead for APIs 2.1 and 2.2, and Danny Coward, lead for the upcoming API 2.3. I can't say enough good things about James and Danny. Not only have they provided me with invaluable assistance and advice throughout the writing of the book, they have given us all a wonderful platform for web programming.

My thanks also to the many developers who donated their expertise to help with the content creation chapters (and in many cases actually created the technology being discussed): Reece Wilton and Brian O'Neill for Tea, Justin Wells for WebMacro, Jon Stevens for ECS, Mark Diekhans and Christian Cryder for XMLC, and Hans Bergsten and Craig McClanahan for JSP.

I'd also like to thank Bob Eckstein, the book's editor, whose handwritten edits were always insightful, if sometimes unreadable. Bob took over editing duties from Paula Ferguson after she became responsible for managing O'Reilly's web and scripting books.

My thanks also to Jim Grisham, who helped locate all varieties of machine and browser types for testing examples; Magnus Stenman of Orion, who explained how the Orion Server implements J2EE; Justyna Horwat, called by some the Tag Library Goddess, for answering questions about JSP tag libraries; and Ethan Henry, who helped with suggestions on servlet performance tuning.

I can't forget Brett McLaughlin, author of Java and XML (O'Reilly) and the cocreator of JDOM. His cooperating with me on JDOM actually slowed down the book, but the speed with which he writes inspires me, and besides, with the acknowledgment he gave to me in his book, I have to say something here!

And finally, thanks to my girlfriend, Kathlyn Bautista, who didn't complain if I worked Sundays but made me never want to.

Jason Hunter
November 2000

Last updated on 3/20/2003
Java Servlet Programming, 2nd Edition, © 2001 O'Reilly


2001, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.

Java servlet programming
Java Servlet Programming (Java Series)
ISBN: 0596000405
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 223 © 2008-2017.
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