4.1. Access Control

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Granting users and administrators rights on the system is a deceptively easy task, and one of the most basic facing the system administrator. Controlling system access, begins with basic Unix accounts, group membership, and file permissions. Recent additions such as ACLs and mandatory access controls in FreeBSD can make managing access quite complicated. Take a little time to think about the design of your access control systems to ensure you have granted the access needed, without sacrificing security.

4.1.1. Controlling User Access

Users fall into several categories, depending on the system involved. Generally, only administrators have accounts on infrastructure systems and in higher security environments, only administrators responsible for the service that system provides. Add developers to the list of allowed users and you have a workgroup system.

Traditionally, local user accounts represent two classes of users: those who have shell accounts on the system, and service users. Service users don't usually need a valid shell (they do not log in) but do have an associated group. The user and group named on an OpenBSD system (BIND in FreeBSD), for example, allows the DNS server to run as someone other than root. In this case there is no human being associated with the user and it should stay this way. Do not set a password and shell for system users or use the account as an administrative one. It is permissible, however, to add DNS administrators to the named group for the purposes of administering nameserver configuration files without needing privileged access.

Be careful in OpenBSD that you do not add ordinary users to the staff group. This is an administrative group and has fewer restrictions based on the predefined login classes on OpenBSD systems. See login.conf(5) for more information.

Infrastructure systems should provide shell access only to administrators; therefore these systems require few user accounts and groups beyond the system defaults. Workgroup systems, however, benefit from careful user and group planning before the creation of the first user account.

Most Unix users are familiar with the user/group/other permissions model found in most Unix operating systems. OpenBSD and FreeBSD continue to provide this basic access control functionality by user and group membership. Granting access by group is fairly flexible in that you are able to control access by moving users into and out of groups instead of changing the permissions of files and directories. Thus group permissions are often used more than user permissions for controlling access to data. As such, how you allocate users to primary groups is a very important decision. There are three typical approaches: using a catch-all primary group, using project-based primary groups, and using per-user groups. We favor the last approach, as you'll see. Using a catchall primary group

One way to organize users into groups involves creating one group for all users (e.g. users) and placing all users into this group. Create additional groups on a per-project or role basis and assign users to these secondary groups for finer grain access control. This paradigm suffers one conceptual drawback: the users group is almost equivalent to world permissions because this group contains all users. In addition, files created by users will be group-owned by the users group and, depending on the user's umask, may be group readable by default.

The key difference between world permissions and a catchall users group is that system users like nobody, sshd, and so on will not be in the users group you create. This is a good thing. User accounts used by system daemons should be granted minimal access to files and directories on the system. Project-based or role-based primary groups

Project-based or role-based groups as primary groups also allow for effective access control. This method, like the method described above, fails to cover one scenario. There is no way to add users without automatically giving them access to some subset of data already present on the system. In environments where contractors or guest users are periodically given user accounts, this can pose a problem. Per-user groups

Per-user groups are one way around this drawback, and this solution fits in well with the least-privilege paradigm. In this scenario, you create a new group every time you create a new user; thus there is a one-to-one mapping of users to groups. Following this strategy, users do not automatically have access to any data when they first log in. Only if they are subsequently added to another group will they have any group-based access. This effectively nullifies group permissions by default for all users, allows for more granular access control, and may therefore be your ideal choice for managing users and groups. The only drawback to this approach is the small administrative inconvenience of creating new groups when you create new users. Login classes

With a system to manage users and groups in place, you can turn your attention to putting in place resource limits, environment variables, and session accounting on a per-user or per-group basis. Login classes provide an effective means of doing this. As you create groups for the users of your systems, reevaluate the preexisting limits imposed in /etc/login.conf and see if additional restrictions may be appropriate for the group you are creating. umasks

The user file-creation mask (umask) is of fundamental importance in any discussion about access control. Setting a umask affects the default permissions on all newly created files. Most administrators and users expect files they create to be readable for everyone (user, group, and other) but only writable for themselves. Likewise when directories are created, they expect that anyone should be able to change into the directory and list contents (user, group, and other read/execute), but only the creator should be able to write files.

FreeBSD and OpenBSD set a default umask of 022 for users. It is this setting that creates the behavior described above. For users, this may be acceptable. For the root user, a more restrictive umask is preferable. A more appropriate umask would enforce full user rights but no group or world permission upon file, a umask of 077. You may adjust the default umask on your system by modifying /etc/login.conf appropriately. Be advised that users can freely overwrite the default umask by using the shell-builtin command umask either on the command line or in their shell startup configuration file (.[t]cshrc for [t]csh, .profile for [ba]sh, etc.). The danger of ACLs (FreeBSD only)

User and group permissions used to be all there was to worry about on BSD systems. Now, however, FreeBSD 5.x offers support for filesystem access control lists (ACLs). With these discretionary access controls, it is now possible to grant much more fine-grained permissions based on arbitrary collections of users instead of granting permission by preexisting groups. With this increased flexibility comes the need for more careful administration. Arbitrary and haphazard assignment of permissions can make it extremely difficult to determine who has access to what and manage permissions in general. In some cases, it may be preferable to administer your system using standard Unix permissions.

On the other hand, it can be frustrating to see carefully crafted group-based permissions changed by users to a world-readable or, heaven forbid, a world-writable state. In many cases, users see this as a convenience and prefer it over tracking down the administrator with a change request. Whichever paradigm you choose, understand the risks involved in either approach and make a conscious decision instead of "going with the flow."

If you decide discretionary access controls are not appropriate in your environment, perhaps mandatory access controls are for you. The mandatory access control (MAC) framework was introduced with FreeBSD 5.x and allows the administrator to assign security-relevant labels to data. This type of access control imposes limits based on data classification and user rights, both of which are controlled by the administrator.

Bear in mind that the MAC framework is considered experimental and careful consideration must be given to the use of this feature on production systems. It is also only available on UFS2 filesystems.

Neither ACLs nor MAC is supported in OpenBSD.

4.1.2. Controlling Administrator Access

Perhaps even more important than controlling the access users have on your systems is limiting and auditing administrator access. On systems with multiple administrators or service operators who need certain administrative rights, don't provide access by passing around the root password during lunch. Infrastructure systems generally provide one or two major services and you may be able to grant rights by making key files group-writable. On some systems, the only privilege certain administrative users may need is the ability to restart key service. Allowing some non-root users to do this is easy using sudo. Even on systems where multiple administrators operate at the same system-wide level, it is important to carefully audit what administrators do to enforce accountability. The rest of this section outlines some of the approaches you should take to grant administrator access while limiting and auditing the use of escalated privileges. Disable and avoid clear-text access

The first place to look for ways to mitigate the risks administrators pose is in their access method. telnet(1), rsh(1), rlogin(1), etc. are clear-text protocols. Your username, password, and every bit of data displayed or typed into a session is easily readable by anyone else on the local network. Administrators should never use clear-text protocols. This should be a done deal, as the default on both FreeBSD and OpenBSD systems is to have these clear-text protocols disabled. Connect using SSH

Both OpenBSD and FreeBSD provide secure shell (ssh(1)) services as part of the base installation. Leave telnet disabled and use ssh. Configure sshd(8) to accept remote connections based on public/private key cryptography instead of the weaker password-based authentication. Ensure all administrators accessing your servers are generating ssh keys using the ssh-keygen(1) utility. The public half of their keys may then be placed in their ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on every system to which they require access. See the Section 3.6 section of Chapter 3 or the sshd_config(5) manpage to learn how to disable password authentication altogether.

Password authentication is a form of single-factor authentication. This means the user merely needs to know something to gain access. Public key authentication requires that you not only know a passphrase, but also that you have the private key. This is known as two-factor authentication and is stronger than single-factor authentication.

When the number of systems involved reaches hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands, managing ssh keys scattered across machines can become a nightmare: both for distribution and removal. In this case, ssh using public key authentication might not be an option, so consider deploying a Kerberos infrastructure which provides for secure, centralized authentication and kerberized ssh. Kerberos eliminates the need for distributing ssh keys while still providing encrypted access. Without additional software, however, Kerberos reduces the authentication from two-factor back to one. Privileged access using ssh

Administrators gain root-level access to a system in one of three ways:

  • They place their public keys in ~root/.ssh/authorized_keys (or list their Kerberos principals in ~root/.k5login) and ssh directly into the root account from remote systems.

  • They use a nonprivileged account to ssh into the system and then su to gain a root shell.

  • They use a nonprivileged account to ssh into the system and then use sudo(8) to execute privileged commands.

The first option requires that you allow root logins via ssh and no human being can be directly tied to login events. This is far from ideal. The second option allows you to disable root logins, but after the administrator gains a root shell, she is unlikely to relinquish it and subsequent commands are not audited. The third option provides accountability, enables auditing for every action, and is generally considered the most secure way to gain privileged access.

4.1.3. General sudo Configuration

Once administrators are using an encrypted means of access to the system, and not logging in as root, you may turn your attention to the execution of privileged commands. This is, after all, what sets the administrator apart from the user.

sudo is available with the base operating system in OpenBSD and may be installed out of FreeBSD's ports from ports/security/sudo or during the install process. It allows the users of the system (or other administrators) to execute commands as other, often more privileged, users. It also allows for the dissemination of granular administrative rights with comprehensive auditing (by logging every command run through sudo) instead of "keys to the kingdom" without any accountability. In a nutshell, sudo operates by accepting entire commands as arguments to itself, consulting the sudoers(5) configuration file to authorize the user attempting to run the command, and then executing the command in an alternate user context.

Creating a customized sudoers file is one of the first steps the security-minded system administrator takes on a newly installed system. Like it's counterpart vipw(8) for the passwd files, visudo locks the sudoers file and provides some syntax checking after editing. Since the sudoers file defines how users can execute privileged commands, errors in the file can be very dangerous. Always use visudo.

sudo configuration is fairly straightforward. You define aliases for commands, hosts (useful if you distribute a single sudoers file to multiple hosts), users who should be allowed to run privileged commands, and user accounts under whose context certain commands should be executed (sudo can run commands as non-root users with -u). Aliases, found at the bottom of the sudoers file, specify which users are allowed to execute what commands, where (which host), and potentially, as whom. We do not go into any more detail about general sudo configuration, as configuration is extremely well documented in the sudoers(5) manpage. Instead we turn our attention to secure configuration guidelines and pitfalls. Avoid dangerous commands

Be extraordinarily careful about the binaries to which you grant access. Be aware that many binaries (like vi(1)) let you spawn a shell. When vi is executed with super-user privileges, any commands it runs (such as a shell, or grep, or awk) will be too! Likewise, less(1) (which is the opposite of more(1)) on FreeBSD and OpenBSD can invoke the editor defined by the VISUAL or EDITOR environment variable when you press v while paging through a file if this variable is set to vi, a root shell is just a few keystrokes away. To allow users to view certain sensitive files, allow privileged execution of the cat(1) binary; more can run in the user's context. In Example 4-1, the first command runs more as root, the second runs more in the user context and cat as root.

Example 4-1. Viewing files with sudo
% sudo more /root/private_file % sudo cat /root/private_file | more

There are innumerable commands that can gain unrestricted elevated privileges when provided certain keyboard input, file input, or environment variables. Some examples include find(1), chown(8), chgrp(1), chmod(1), rm(1), mv(1), cp(1), crontab(1), tar(1), gzip(1), and gunzip(1). As it turns out, configuring sudo without "giving away the barn" is no easy task!

Remember that liberal sudo rights should only be assigned to administrators who would otherwise have root. Otherwise, allow only very specific privileged commands by following the guidelines in the rest of this section. Use explicit paths

Explicitly providing a path ensures that identically named binaries elsewhere in the path are never executed with elevated privileges. While there are ways to control how the PATH is used in sudo, including the ignore_dot and env_reset flags, the safest and most foolproof way is to always use explicit paths to binaries.

The env_reset flag resets the PATH environment variable among others. Read the sudoers(5) manpage to determine whether this flag would work well in your environment. Be very specific

As mentioned previously, several system commands can be used to gain elevated privileges when combined with sudo. To combat this, be very specific about not only allowed commands but also the allowed arguments, as shown in Example 4-2.

Example 4-2. Commands with arguments
Cmnd_Alias WEB = /usr/local/sbin/apachectl, \                  /usr/bin/chgrp [-R] www-devel /web/*

In this case, the alias WEB is created as a set of commands for the administrators of the web server. They have unrestricted use to the Apache control script apachectl(1), and may change group ownership of any files in /web/ to www-devel, while optionally providing the recursive argument to chgrp. Use NOPASSWD sparingly

A useful feature of sudo is the ability to allow certain users to run commands without having to provide a password. If users ask for this functionality, you should feel comfortably within your rights as an administrator to deny their request. Forcing a password prompt sends a message (both literally and figuratively) to users that they are about to run a command in root's context and they should be careful and responsible.

In some cases, service accounts need to run privileged commands, and there may not be a human being around to enter a password at the time. In these cases, it becomes acceptable to use the NOPASSWD option as shown in Example 4-3.

Example 4-3. Service account using NOPASSWD
nagios    localhost = NOPASSWD : /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nagios.sh restart

In this case, the nagios service account under which some daemon or script runs is able to run the nagios.sh startup script with the restart argument. Since this daemon is running without user intervention, should the need arise to restart nagios, it will be able to do so without needing to provide a password. Be realistic

Finally, avoid being too draconian. Service operators are likely to get angry and spend time trying to find ways to gain unrestricted escalated privileges if you provide too few means for them to do their jobs. This wastes time and, if they succeed, will defeat your auditing strategy.

4.1.4. Comparing sudo and su

The BSD operating systems favor sudo over su. We take a moment here to outline some of the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches. We have tried to capture the salient differences in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1. Security related characteristics of sudo and su






Single password required for root access


Logging of executed privileged commands


Fine-grained administrator privileges


Simple revocation of privileges


Distributable configuration of access rights



Can accidentally grant root access


Elevates importance of administrator's password

Encourages laziness

Bear in mind that the satisfaction of the named characteristics may be affected by the number of administrators on the system in question.

Single password required for root access

One major advantage the default configuration for su has over sudo is that only one authentication token (root's password) can grant a user root access. On a system with multiple administrators and sudo configured to grant ALL rights to users in some administrative group, several username/password combinations can lead to root access.

On a system with only one administrator, root's account may be locked and the administrator's password may be the only root-capable password. Bear in mind this relies on the fact that sudo prompts for a password, which may be overridden in sudoers. In the event of a system crash, all filesystems will need to be checked before sudo may be used. If your system has been configured to prompt for root's password in single user mode, a BSD bootable CD will be necessary to gain root access.

This must be mitigated on systems with sudo by a password policy that documents guidelines for exceptionally strong passwords for all administrators.

Logging of executed privileged commands

All commands passed as arguments to sudo are logged by default to syslog's local2 facility. Successful authentication and subsequent execution of a privileged command are logged at priority notice, and authentication failures result in a log entry of priority alert. In addition to what one might expect in the log for sudo, you will find the full path of the command executed, which can alert you to potentially unsafe or malicious executables. Once su is run, however, no subsequent commands are reliably auditable.

For more information about configuring logging, see Chapter 10.

Accountability is one of the most vital parts of system security. Having a history of all privileged commands executed on a system is invaluable. This is one of the greatest benefits of sudo.

Many administrators choose to group administrators who should have full root access into the wheel or other administrative group. They may subsequently configure sudo so that these administrators have full root access by using a configuration line similar to the following:

%groupname ALL=(ALL) ALL

Remember that this grants administrators the right to run shells as an argument to sudo or through sudo -s, which invokes the command specified in the SHELL environment variable. In both of these cases, auditing will cease.

Fine-grained administrator privileges

Unlike su, sudo enables the administrator to allow only very specific commands. This may be ideal in environments where users should have administrative rights over key applications under their respective jurisdictions.

Simple revocation of privileges

Removing a user's ability to execute privileged commands is trivial with sudo: simply remove the user from the sudoers file. If su is your only means of administrator access control, the departure of an administrator will require changing the root passwords on all systems for which that administrator knew the root password.

Distributable configuration of access rights

The only access right "distributable" with su is full-fledged root access. To grant users the ability to su, you would need to add them to the wheel group. To centrally control access, you would need to either have consistent group files everywhere, build a system to push files, or use YP/NIS. The fine-grain control possible with sudo may, however, be distributed to systems using a variety of automated mechanisms for simple centralized administration like rsync(1) and rdist(1).

Can accidentally grant root access

It is difficult to accidentally tell someone a complex root password. Simple mistakes in the sudoers file, however, can lead to less-than-desirable effects. Take extreme care when working within the sudoers file to ensure you are not granting users the ability to gain escalated privileges.

Elevates importance of administrator's password

Administrators treat root passwords with great sensitivity. Unfortunately, they are not always as careful with their own. Novice administrators sometimes utilize the same password in administering systems as they do for local intranet sites. In the former case, the password is being transmitted over an encrypted tunnel. In the latter case, it may not be.

When restricted to using su, knowing an administrator's password will allow you to log into an account in the wheel group. This may result in privilege escalation through abuse of group-level permissions or by cracking the root password by brute force. When using sudo, knowing an administrator's password is equivalent to knowing the root password, if the administrator has the ability to invoke a root shell in some way.

Encourages laziness

Certain activities become a little cumbersome with sudo:

  • Redirection of command output into a directory or file not writable by the caller

  • Chained commands (e.g., sudo timeconsuming_command && sudo quick_command) may only partially execute due to password timeouts

  • Repeatedly having to type in sudo

  • Working with directory hierarchies not executable by you

In these cases and with su in general, the temptation exists to stay in a root shell once you're there, for the sake of convenience. An errant space-asterisk-space in a quickly typed rm command may suddenly lead to hours of recovery time. This can be avoided. Stay in a root shell for as short a period of time as possible.

Even when you have configured sudo to grant fine-grained permissions, the root account, of course, still exists. This account represents "keys to the kingdom" and is a goal of many attackers. This account must have a strong password that is known by few, and protected well, or it should be locked.

When administrators are supposed to have full-fledged root access but choose, or are required by policy, to use sudo, the root account may be safely locked. In this case, administrators invoke a shell through sudo to gain root-level access. Remember, however, that whenever shell access is provided, every administrator's password is as important as the root password would be since it effectively grants the same privileges.

4.1.5. Safeguard the Root Password

Root passwords should be stored in a secure location available to a non-administrator in the event of an emergency. This is most often accomplished in at least two ways for redundancy.

The most common and straightforward way to be able to securely recover root passwords is very nontechnical. Write the passwords down on paper and store the sheet offsite with other system configuration documentation. Be sure to clearly define who has access to these documents.

m of n Cryptography

Decryption that requires a subset of a known group of people is known as m of n cryptography. As long as any m people out of a pool of n can get together, they can decrypt the file. You want to pick the right n people to prevent collusion (e.g., vice presidents, corporate officers, managers, etc.) and a large enough n, relative to your turnover rate, that m of them will always be around.

Picking m (i.e., how many people need to be present, since any group of m people will be sufficient) also requires good planning. You probably do not want m to be 1, since that is the same as giving the root password out to all n people. Values of 2 or 3 are good for m. Unfortunately, m of n cryptography is only available in commercial products, such as PGP, RSA's Keon server, and Sun's iPlanet.

One bank requires any three (m) out of its eight (n) vice presidents to type passphrases to decrypt the keys that are used by the SSL-enabled web servers. When the servers crash and have to be restarted at 02:00, the vice presidents actually drive to the operations center to restart them. This serves as a significant incentive for both business owners and administrators to run a reliable system.

The root password may also be encrypted by a combined key such that multiple people are required for decryption. For instance, if none of the administrators to whom the file has been encrypted are able to perform root functions (e.g., due to vacation, illness, or death), passwords should be recoverable only by the combined efforts of some collection of relevant supervisors, IT managers, and/or executives.

Protecting the root password in these ways is more important when no other individuals are able to gain physical access to the system. Where physical access exists, someone should be able to boot the system from removable media and change root's password from the console. Nevertheless, an alternate means of root password access should be possible to save time in the event of an emergency.

The root password, however, is not sufficient for a non-administrator to do something useful in an emergency. Remember to include some disaster-reaction documentation (such as how to shut down the key servers before the UPS runs out of power) where non-administrators can refer to it.

     < Day Day Up > 

    Mastering FreeBSD and OpenBSD Security
    Practical Guide to Software Quality Management (Artech House Computing Library)
    ISBN: 596006268
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2003
    Pages: 142
    Authors: John W. Horch

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