
While we depend on the software manufacturers to help us out with technical support and information for almost all the books we write, we must acknowledge the special situation within which this book was produced. Wrox have been at the forefront of ASP publishing since the first beginnings of this technology, and we are grateful for the regular support we receive from the developers and product managers at Microsoft.

The authors started working with the ASP.NET team during the writing of the Preview to Active Server Pages+ book, and this relationship has continued through the writing of the original Professional ASP.NET book (based on Beta technology), and the rewriting of this edition. This book certainly wouldn't have been as good as it is without the generous assistance of so many of the developers. We'd like to thank everyone who answered questions, provided assistance with samples, reviewed chapters, and generally helped out, notably the ASP.NET team, the ADO.NET and XML teams , and the CLR team. There are really too many people to mention, but special thanks go to Mark Anders, Scott Guthrie, Mark Fussell, Mike Pizzo, Andres Sanabria, and Erik Olsen. We'd also like to thank Carl Grumbeck for making us more than welcome every time we visit the Microsoft labs next time we'll remember the tea.

To all of you, thanks guys we hope you like the result.

Professional ASP. NET 1.1
Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0 (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0470384611
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 243 © 2008-2017.
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