Recipe 13.1 Creating a Plug-in That Supports Wizards and Editors


13.1.1 Problem

You want to create a plug-in that uses a wizard to create files and an editor to edit them.

13.1.2 Solution

Use a PDE Wizard template. Create a new plug-in project, select the "Plug-in with a multi-page editor" template, and follow the onscreen directions to create a skeletal template, ready to be customized.

13.1.3 Discussion

In this example, we're going to create a plug-in that Eclipse will associate with the file extension .new . The plug-in's wizard will enable the user to create files with this extension, and when the user double-clicks those files, they'll appear in the plug-in's editor.

The PDE can help us out here by creating a template for our plug-in. Select New Project. In the New Project dialog, select Plug-in Development in the left box and Plug-in Project in the right box, and click Next . Specify the name of the project as org.cookbook.ch13.EditorPlugIn in the following dialog, as shown in Figure 13-1.

Figure 13-1. Naming the plug-in

Click Next once again to bring up the Plug-in Code Generators dialog shown in Figure 13-2. Select the "Plug-in with a multi-page editor" template, as shown in the figure, and click Next.

Figure 13-2. Creating a plug-in with a multipage editor

In the next dialog, give the provider name as Eclipse Cookbook , as shown in Figure 13-3, and click Next.

Figure 13-3. Giving the provider name

The following dialog enables you to give the extension you want to use for the files created by this plug-in; enter new here, as shown in Figure 13-4. Then click Next.

Figure 13-4. Configuring the plug-in's editor

In the last dialog, shown in Figure 13-5, set the file extension to new , and enter as the initial filename.

Figure 13-5. Configuring the wizard

Finally, click Finish to create the code template for the plug-in. The following files are created by the PDE and added to the org.cookbook.ch13.EditorPlugIn project.

 org.cookbook.ch13.EditorPlugIn _  _  Controls the build script  _  _  _plugin.xml  Plug-in manifest  _  _  _src  Source folder  _  _org.cookbook.ch13.EditorPlugIn        _  Plug-in's Java file  _  _org.cookbook.ch13.EditorPlugIn.editors        _  Editor's code  _  Editor actions  _  _org.cookbook.ch13.EditorPlugIn.wizards         _  Wizard's code  _  Wizard's page  

13.1.4 See Also

Recipe 13.2 on customizing a wizard; Recipe 13.3 on customizing editors; Chapter 12 of Eclipse ( O'Reilly).

Eclipse Cookbook
Inside XML (Inside (New Riders))
ISBN: 596007108
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 232
Authors: Steve Holzner © 2008-2017.
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