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Does Firefox comply with all the web standards? No. But then, neither does Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Opera, or any other web browser! No browser is 100% compliant with the standards. It is my hope that Firefox is better than other browsers with regard to the standards. And, maybe it is. However, there is a lot of subjectivity in that it is often a case of comparing apples to oranges with compliance and standards. One browser complies with standard A, and the other with B. Which is better? Standard A is different from standard B, so they cannot be meaningfully compared. First, what are these mythical standards? There is no government-appointed web standards organization the Internet is strictly hands off with regard to the government (and that includes any government!). Instead, these standards come from many places. General Internet standards are set by the following:
That's a lot of alphabetic soup and this list is not exhaustive. However, for web standards, a few organizations are critical to our usage of the Web. The main web standards authority is the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). W3C defines standards, including
As stated at the beginning of this chapter, we are most interested in CSS and the DOM inspector. |
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