List Print Jobs


If you have several jobs queued up to print, you might want to see that list. Perhaps you want to cancel one or more of the jobs (more on how to do that ahead, in the next few sections), you want to find out why a job is taking so long to print, or maybe you just want to know how many print jobs are in line. The lpq command (as in "lp queue") lists all jobs currently printing on the default printer.

$ lpq bro is ready and printing Rank   Owner Job File(s)                Total Size active scott 489 Lovecraft_-_Call_of_C 108544 bytes 

If you want to find out the status of print queues for all your printers, not just your default, simply append -a (as in all) after lpq:

$ lpq -a Rank   Owner Job File(s)                Total Size active scott 489 Lovecraft_-_Call_of_C 108544 bytes 1st    scott 490 ERB_-_A Princess_of_M 524288 bytes 

Keep in mind two things. First, the listing provided by lpq -a is cut off, so while the filenames are actually Lovecraft_-_Call_of_Cthulhu.txt and ERB_-_A Princess_of_Mars.txt, you don't see the entire name because lpq only shows a certain number of characters.

Second, and this is very important, lpq is not showing all the print jobs the printer knows about, only those that your machine knows about. From the printer's perspective, the print queue might actually look like this:

  • Lovecraft_-_Call_of_Cthulhu.txt

  • Doyle_-_The_Lost_World.txt

  • ERB_-_A Princess_of_Mars.txt

To find out the actual queue on the printer, you have to use whatever management utilities come with that device, which is far beyond the scope of this book.

Linux Phrasebook
Linux Phrasebook
ISBN: 0672328380
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 288 © 2008-2017.
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