Links view and Navigation view let you quickly check the arrangement of your sites and find the pages you need to work with. GoLive provides keyboard shortcuts for getting around quickly and easily in these views.
Windows [], [], [], [], Mac [], [], [], []
Select the next file in the direction of the arrow you press
Windows [Ctrl]-[], Mac [ z ]-[]
Start a partial tree from the selection
Windows [Ctrl]-[], Mac [ z ]-[]
Toggle the display of child elements of the selected parent element
Pressing this shortcut has the same effect as clicking the Expand button on a parent element.
Windows [Shift]-[], Mac [Shift]-[]
Add the parent element to the selection
Windows [Shift]-[], Mac [Shift]-[]
Add the child elements to the selection
Windows [Ctrl]-[], Mac [Option]-[]
Select the previous sibling element
If there is no previous sibling element, pressing this shortcut selects the nearest item to the left of the selected element.
Windows [Ctrl]-[], Mac [Option]-[]
Select the next sibling element
If there is no next sibling element, pressing this shortcut selects the nearest item to the right of the selected element.
Windows [Ctrl]-[], Mac [Option]-[]
Select the closest element above the selected element
Windows [Ctrl]-[], Mac [Option]-[]
Select the closest element below the selected element
Windows [Esc], Mac [Esc]
Toggle the display of a partial tree from the selection, and move to the center
Windows [Ctrl]-[Home], Mac [ z ]-[Home]
Select the top-level references
Windows [Home], Mac [Home]
Select the first sibling element
Windows [End], Mac [End]
Select the last sibling element
Windows [Enter], Mac [Enter]
Open the selected reference
Windows [Spacebar], Mac [Spacebar]
Temporarily display the Hand tool
Press [Spacebar] to display the Hand tool, then drag to scroll the window.
Windows [Shift]-click, Mac [Option]-click
Toggle the zoom between 100 percent and 200 percent
Windows [Shift]-drag, Mac [Option]-drag
Zoom to fit the rectangle you select
Press [Shift] or [Option], drag to select the rectangle you want to see, and release the mouse button and the key to make GoLive zoom the display to show only the contents of that rectangle.