Mapping Files

Let's begin with a description of the reference configuration file. Unlike stand-alone iBATIS applications, you normally only include references to the concrete sqlMap files.

Listing 10-1 shows a sample reference configuration file.

Listing 10-1: SqlMapConfig.XML Reference Configuration File

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE sqlMapConfig     PUBLIC "-// SQL Map Config 2.0//EN"     "">      <sqlMapConfig>     <sqlMap resource="Test.xml" /> </sqlMapConfig>
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As you can see in Listing 10-2, the configuration file references a single sqlMap file, Test.xml, which in turn declares the domain object type.

Listing 10-2: sqlMap File for Test Class

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE sqlMap PUBLIC "-// SQL Map 2.0//EN" ¿ "">   <sqlMap>      </sqlMap>
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At this point, we have the basic infrastructure of the application ready. The missing piece of the puzzle is the Spring context file that links all the configuration files together (see Listing 10-3).

Listing 10-3: Spring applicationContext.xml File

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN" ¿ "">      <beans>          <!-- SqlMap setup for iBATIS Database Layer -->     <bean           >         <property name="configLocation">             <value>sqlMapConfig.xml</value>         </property>     </bean>      </beans>
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Listing 10-3 shows you how to instruct Spring to create an instance of the sqlMapClient bean, which loads the sqlMapConfig.xml file. We now have a configured sqlMapClient bean that can be used in the DAO implementations. All we need to do is define the DAO interfaces, create the implementation, and create the dataSource bean; but before we can do that, we must take a more detailed look at the map files.

In Table 10-1, we review the files we have and how we are going to structure them.

Table 10-1: Locations of the Configuration Files


Source Location

Build/Run Location










The build script, build.xml, takes care of building the application and makes sure that the configuration files are copied from their source location to the appropriate destination to run the application. Before we can move ahead and complete the configuration files and make the application work, we need to take a closer look at the sqlMap files.

The location of the files is specific to the application type you are developing. It is important to realize that the configuration files are resources and as such, they are handled by ResourceLoaders; usually the default ResourceLoader. Refer to Chapter 5 for more information on resources.

SqlMap Files

sqlMap defines types, result maps, and database statements. Even though you can use a single file, it is a good idea to create a separate sqlMap file for each domain object. If you follow this simple rule, you will keep the sqlMap files easy to read, and as the number of domain objects grows, the project will remain easy to manage.

In Listing 10-4, we create a simple database with a single table to demonstrate the iBATIS functionality.

Listing 10-4: SQL Create Script

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create table Test (     TestId serial not null,     Name varchar(50) not null,      RunDate timestamp not null,          constraint PK_TestId primary key (TestId) );      insert into Test (Name, RunDate) values 
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Next, we create a domain object to map in the sqlMap file. The domain object (see Listing 10-5) has the same class name as the sqlMap file, Test, and it is going to have the same properties as the Test table columns.

Listing 10-5: Test Domain Object

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package com.apress.prospring.ch12.domain;      import java.util.Date;      public class Test {          private int testId;     private String name;     private Date runDate;          // Operations          public String toString() {         StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(50);         result.append("Test { testId: ");         result.append(testId);         result.append(", name: ");         result.append(name);         result.append(", runDate: ");         result.append(runDate);         result.append(" }");         return result.toString();     }          // Getters and setters          public String getName() {         return name;     }          public void setName(String name) { = name;     }          public Date getRunDate() {         return runDate;     }          public void setRunDate(Date runDate) {         this.runDate = runDate;     }          public int getTestId() {         return testId;     }          public void setTestId(int testId) {         this.testId = testId;     } }
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The domain object has three properties, testId, name, and runDate. We need to tell iBATIS how to interpret the data that will be selected from the database. To do this, we create a resultMap element that tells iBATIS what object to instantiate and what properties to set (see Listing 10-6).

Listing 10-6: sqlMap File for the Test Domain Object

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE sqlMap PUBLIC "-// SQL Map 2.0//EN" ¿ "">   <sqlMap>          <typeAlias type="com.apress.prospring.ch12.domain.Test" alias="test"/>          <resultMap bold">test" >         <result property="testId" column="TestId"/>         <result property="name" column="Name"/>         <result property="runDate" column="RunDate"/>     </resultMap>          </sqlMap>
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Listing 10-6 actually shows how to create a typeAlias that tells iBATIS that Test actually means com.apress.prospring.ch12.domain.Test; this is a merely a convenience feature to save you typing. Table 10-2 lists all predefined aliases and their corresponding Java types.

Table 10-2: Predefined iBATIS Type Aliases


Java Type




Use #value# to access the object's primitive boolean property.



Use #value# to access the object's primitive byte property.



Use #value# to access the object's primitive short property.



Use #value# to access the object's primitive int property.



Use #value# to access the object's primitive long property.



Use #value# to access the object's primitive float property.



Use #value# to access the object's primitive double property.



Use #value# to access the object's value.



Use #value# to access the object's value.



Use #value# to access the object's value.



Use #key# to get or set the item in the Map.

Next, we define a resultMap with an ID of result. When a resultMap with the name result is used, iBATIS instantiates the Test object and sets its properties with the values in the appropriate columns (see Listing 10-7).

Listing 10-7: sqlMap File for the Select Statement of the Test Domain Object

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE sqlMap PUBLIC "-// SQL Map 2.0//EN" ¿ "">   <sqlMap>          <typeAlias type="com.apress.prospring.ch12.domain.Test" alias="test"/>          <resultMap  bold">result">         <result property="testId" column="TestId"/>         <result property="name" column="Name"/>         <result property="runDate" column="RunDate"/>     </resultMap>              <select  resultMap="result">         select * from Test     </select> </sqlMap>
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Don't worry if you don't understand what a select node does or what to use it for, we will discuss this further in the "Selecting Data" section later in this chapter.

Configuring iBATIS and Spring

Finally, we can define the TestDao interface and its iBATIS implementation and then add the familiar dataSource bean.


If you cannot remember how to configure dataSource beans, go back to Chapter 8 where we discussed different DataSources you can use in a Spring application.

In Listing 10-8, we begin with TestDao, a DAO interface, and the SqlMapClientTestDao implementation.

Listing 10-8: TestDao Interface

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package;      import java.util.List;      import com.apress.prospring.ch12.domain.Test;      public interface TestDao {     public List getAll();     public List getByNameAndRunDate(String name, Date runDate);     public void save(Test test);     public void delete(int testId);     public Test getById(int testId);     public List getByNameAndRunDate(String name, Date runDate);     public void updateName(int testId, String name); }
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We now proceed to implement this interface (see Listing 10-9). We use a convenience Spring superclass, SqlMapClientDaoSupport. Just like JdbcDaoSupport, this class already has a property for a dataSource and provides getSqlMapClientTemplate(), which allow us to call iBATIS methods.

Listing 10-9: TestDao iBATIS Implementation

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package;      import java.util.List;      import;      import com.apress.prospring.ch12.domain.Test;      public class SqlMapClientTestDao      extends SqlMapClientDaoSupport      implements TestDao {          // TestDao methods are implemented as stubs }
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In Listing 10-10, we finish the applicationContext.xml file to link the beans together.

Listing 10-10: Spring applicationContext.xml File

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN" ¿ "">      <beans>     <!-- Data source bean -->     <bean            destroy-method="close">         <property name="driverClassName">             <value>org.postgresql.Driver</value>         </property>         <property name="url">             <value>jdbc:postgresql://localhost/prospring</value></property>         <property name="username"><value>janm</value></property>         <property name="password"><value>****</value></property>     </bean>           <!-- SqlMap setup for iBATIS Database Layer -->     <bean           >         <property name="configLocation">             <value>sqlMapConfig.xml</value>         </property>     </bean>          <bean           >         <property name="dataSource"><ref local="dataSource"/></property>         <property name="sqlMapClient"><ref local="sqlMapClient"/></property>     </bean>      </beans>
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We're almost there, now. We have a full Spring application context file with the dataSource, sqlMapClient, and testDao beans. We can now create a Main class (see Listing 10-11) that creates the application context from the context file on the classpath and selects and prints the data.

Listing 10-11: The Sample Application's Main Class

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package com.apress.prospring.ch12;      import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List;      import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import;      import; import com.apress.prospring.ch12.domain.Test;          public class Main {          private ApplicationContext context;          private void run() {         System.out.println("Initializing application");         context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml");                  System.out.println("Getting testDao");         TestDao testDao = (TestDao)context.getBean("testDao");                  System.out.println("Done");     }          public static void main(String[] args) {         new Main().run();     }      }
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The framework for the application is now ready. Once executed, the Spring application context is loaded and all beans are successfully configured. However, we cannot see any data just yet, so let's move on to the next section.

Pro Spring
Pro Spring
ISBN: 1590594614
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 189 © 2008-2017.
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