Advanced Settings Tab

Alert Beep (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: ON

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: Specifies whether an audible beep should be sounded when a pop-up message is displayed.

Auto Reconnect

  • Default Value: 3

  • Range: 05 (01 for 2000/XP)

  • Description: Specifies the level of the Client Auto Reconnect feature to use. The levels of Auto Reconnect are as follows :

    • 0 = Disable/no Auto Reconnect

    • 1 = Devices (connections, drive mappings, printer captures) only

    • 2 = Devices and files opened for read-only

    • 3 = Devices and all opened files and file locks

    • 4 = Devices, all opened files/file locks, and guaranteed file write data recovery

    • 5 = Devices, all opened files/file locks, guaranteed file write data recovery, and capability to write network files to local disk and then resync files to the network later


Current Novell clients and NetWare 6.5 only support Auto Reconnect levels 03. Levels 4 and 5 are for potential future implementation. The Windows 2000/XP client only allows you to enable/disable Reconnect level 3. If you select 1, level 3 is enabled. If you select 0, Auto Reconnect is disabled.

Auto Reconnect Timeout (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: 120

  • Range: 12065535

  • Description: How long (in minutes) the Auto Reconnect feature will continue to attempt to reconnect to lost resources before timing out.

Broadcast Mode (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value:

  • Range: 0, 1, 2 (0=All, 1=Server Only, 2=None)

  • Description: Broadcast Mode controls what type of incoming pop-up messages a workstation can receive. When set to All, the workstation receives all messages from users and servers. Server Only accepts messages only from servers and None rejects all incoming pop-up messages from users and servers.

Bad Server Name Cache Enabled (Windows 2000/XP Only)

  • Default Value: ON

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: Enables/disables the caching of server names that the Novell client has been unable to resolve.

Bad Server Name Cache Timeout (Windows 2000/XP Only)

  • Default Value: 300 (seconds)

  • Range: 04294967295 seconds

  • Description: Sets the time period for which server names will be kept in the Bad Server Name cache before being removed.

Burst Mode (Windows 2000/XP Only)

  • Default Value: 1

  • Range: 0, 1 (0 = OFF, 1 = ON)

  • Description: The Burst Mode parameter controls the use of the packet burst protocol for file read/write. Generally, packet burst reduces overall network traffic and improves performance. Novell strongly recommends enabling packet burst to improve file read/write performance from NetWare servers.

Cache NetWare Password (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: ON

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: Specifies whether the NetWare credentials (name and password) from the initial login are stored in memory (cache) and used to authenticate to additional NetWare resources. If this is disabled, when users use Network Neighborhood to browse to NetWare servers or trees, they will be required to re-enter their names and passwords before access is granted.

Cache Writes (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: ON

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: Improves performance for writing files to the network by allowing the client to save changes to workstation memory before saving them to the network. If this is disabled, the Novell client must submit the file write changes to the server before being allowed to continue (will create a longer delay in the time applications pause during a file write). This is not the same as the True Commit parameter, which goes a step further and requires that the server acknowledge that the file changes have actually been committed to the volume on the server (not just submitted) before being allowed to continue.

Checksum (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: 1

  • Range: 03

  • Description: Provides a higher level of data integrity by validating NCP packets.

Close Behind Ticks (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: 400

  • Range: 065535

  • Description: The time (in ticks) the client waits after a file is closed before flushing the file from cache and writing it to disk. Increasing this value will improve file performance where files are opened, changed, closed, and then reopened frequently (such as with a database). There are about 18 ticks per second.

Cluster Connection Validation Interval (Windows 2000/XP Only)

  • Default Value: 20 seconds

  • Range: 0300 seconds

  • Description: Specifies how often TCP keep-alive packets will be sent to the cluster server to confirm that the cluster connection is still valid. A value of 0 will disable TCP keep- alive packets.

Delay Writes (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: ON

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: Delay Writes keeps the files in cache for the amount of time specified by Close Behind Ticks after the application closes the file. This is used for applications that repeatedly close and reopen files, such as overlay files.

Disable Account CreationLocal (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: OFF

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: Disables the creation of Disconnected Authentication accounts for users who do not currently have an account on the workstation, and who attempt to log in locally while the workstation is disconnected from the network.

Disable Account CreationNetwork (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: OFF

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: Disables the creation of Disconnected Authentication accounts for users who do not currently have an account on the workstation, and attempt to authenticate to the network. This is valid only during the initial login.

Disable Windows Password Cache (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: OFF

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: Disables the Windows user profile password file. This prevents others from potentially obtaining a user's eDirectory password, but other applications will not be able to use the Windows password cache.

DOS Long Name Support (Windows 2000/XP Only)

  • Default Value: ON

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: This parameter allows long filenames to appear in the DOS window.

DOS Name

  • Default Value: WIN98 (Windows 9x client), WINNT (Windows 2000/XP)

  • Range: N/A

  • Description: DOS Name is the operating system used by the %OS parameter.

Enable Disconnected Authentication (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: OFF

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: Forces user to authenticate even if the workstation is not connected to the network, so that unauthorized users cannot log in to the workstation and access another user's profile.

End Of Job (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: OFF

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: Causes an End of Job (EOJ) command to be sent to the file server when a process has completed (such as a print job, file read/write, and so on) that releases all resources allocated on the file server to the current task. This setting was implemented to help accommodate applications that did not properly release resources on the network.

Environment Pad (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: 17

  • Range: 17512 bytes

  • Description: Environment Pad specifies the number of bytes added to a DOS program's environment space before executing the program. If there are several environment variables (created using SET statements), this value might need to be increased to accommodate them; otherwise , some of the variables might not be available to the DOS program.

File Cache Level (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: 3

  • Range: 03

  • Description: Specifies the type of file caching used at the client. The larger the value, the more aggressive the client will be in caching files for better performance. Some applications might be intolerant of aggressive file caching and might require this setting to be disabled (0).

File Caching (Windows 2000/XP Only)

  • Default Value: ON

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: This controls whether the client will cache files locally. This parameter is equivalent to the Opportunistic Locking setting in the Windows 9x client.

File Commit (Windows 2000/XP Only)

  • Default Value: OFF

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: This controls whether buffers flushed by an application are committed immediately to disk on the server. Setting this value to ON will ensure data integrity at the expense of significantly reduced file write performance. This is because when this is set to ON, the client must immediately commit the file changes to disk on the server and must wait until the server acknowledges that the changes have been written instead of just requiring an acknowledgment from the server that the write request has been received (shows as disk request and then as dirty cache buffer if it sits long enough). This parameter is similar to the True Commit parameter offered in the Windows 9x client.

File Write Through (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: OFF

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: Controls whether all files are opened in write-through mode.

Force First Network Drive (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: OFF

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: Specifies the network drive letter the SYS:LOGIN directory is mapped to after logging out. ON maps SYS:LOGIN to the First Network Drive. OFF maps SYS:LOGIN to the current drive letter in use.

Give Up on Requests to SAs

  • Default Value: 15

  • Range: 160000 seconds

  • Description: This parameter specifies the maximum amount of time SLP will take to send requests to Server Agents (SAs).

Handle Net Errors (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: OFF

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: Determines whether the client handles network critical errors or returns an INT 24 to the application making the network request (thereby allowing the application to handle the network critical error).

Hold Files (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: OFF

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: Specifies whether files opened by a program using FCB_IO are held open until the program exits or are closed before the program exits. ON will hold them open until the program exits. OFF means that they can be closed by the program before it exits.

IP Address Costing

  • Default Value: 2

  • Range: 02

  • Description: This parameter controls the method used to estimate the cost of sending address referrals from SLP, DNS, and eDirectory via a given network route.

    • 0 = Disable IP address costing

    • 1 = Calculate the address cost via sorting by subnet mask

    • 2 = Calculate the address cost via an ICMP ECHO packet

Large Internet Packet Start Size

  • Default Value: 65535

  • Range: 51265535

  • Description: Large Internet Packet (LIP) Start Size determines the starting value for negotiating the LIP size. Setting this value can shorten the initial negotiation time for packet size over slow links.

Large Internet Packets

  • Default Value: YES (ON)

  • Range: YES, NO (GUI shows this as ON, OFF; Registry uses YES, NO)

  • Description: When Large Internet Packets is ON, it uses the maximum packet size negotiated between the NetWare server and the workstation, even across routers, bridges, and switches. If the maximum packet size supported by the network is smaller than the negotiated packet size, the size supported by the network is used.

Limit SAP Broadcast Queries (Windows 2000/XP Only)

  • Default Value: ON

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: Use this setting to limit SAP so that it locates servers only on connections where the bindery is present. Disable this parameter if you want SAP to find servers if the bindery query fails.

Link Support Layer Max Buffer Size

  • Default Value: 4736

  • Range: 63824682 bytes

  • Description: Specifies the maximum supported packet size in bytes. Use this setting to optimize performance for media (primarily token ring) that can use packets that are larger than the default size. If your network uses bus-mastering, increasing the settings increases system memory usage. Otherwise, system memory usage is usually unaffected by this setting.

Lock Delay (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: 1

  • Range: 165535 ticks

  • Description: Determines the delay (in ticks) to retry the open or lock of a file after a SHARE failure. Increase this value if you receive SHARE errors. There are approximately 18 ticks per second.

Lock Retries (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: 5

  • Range: 165535 retries

  • Description: Determines the number of retries to open or lock a file after receiving a SHARE failure. Increase this value if you receive SHARE errors.

Log File (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: NULL

  • Range: N/A

  • Description: Specifies the location and filename used to store Novell client diagnostic information (for example, C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\NIOS.LOG ). In addition to setting this value, you must also put the NWEnableLogging=True line in the [386Enh] section of the SYSTEM.INI file before the Novell client will begin writing information to the log file.

Log File Size (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: 65535

  • Range: 01048576 bytes

  • Description: Determines the maximum size of the log file used for Novell client diagnostic information before it begins to wrap around to the beginning of the file.

Login Attempt Retry Count (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: 3

  • Range: 0200

  • Description: Specifies the number of failed login attempts allowed before the user is prompted to shut down and restart the workstation. To use this parameter, you must have Disconnected Authentication enabled, and the NICI client must be installed on the workstation.

Long Machine Type

  • Default Value: I BM_PC

  • Range: N/A

  • Description: Tells the Novell client for Windows 9x what type of machine is being used each time the %MACHINE variable is accessed. Use this setting to set the machine's search path to the correct version of DOS.

Max Cache Size (Windows 9x only)

  • Default Value: 0 (dynamically sized by Novell client)

  • Range: 049152 KB

  • Description: Determines the largest size the NetWare cache is allowed to use. Setting to 0 allows the client to dynamically allocate available memory for caching. Setting a larger value improves network file access performance, but decreases the memory available for running applications or caching files on local drives .

Max Cur Dir Length (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: 64

  • Range: 64255 characters

  • Description: Sets the maximum length of the DOS prompt. Some applications do not function correctly if this is set higher than 64.

Max Read Burst Size (Windows 2000/XP Only)

  • Default Value: 36000

  • Range: 165536 bytes

  • Client Version: 2000/XP v4.3 and higher

  • Description: Specifies the maximum read burst window size that the client can request from the server. This value controls the maximum size only for a packet burst read window; the actual value in use will depend on network conditions (the client reduces the size used when packets are lost or data in the packet is incomplete). Max read burst size values smaller than the maximum packet size supported by the medium effectively disable packet burst for file reads. The client will try to request a read burst of the maximum size only if network conditions allow it.

Max Write Burst Size (Windows 2000/XP Only)

  • Default Value: 15000

  • Range: 165536 bytes

  • Description: Specifies the maximum write burst size that the client can request from the server. This value controls the maximum size only for a packet burst write window; the actual value in use will depend on network conditions (the client reduces the size used when packets are lost or data in the packet is incomplete). Max write burst size values smaller than the maximum packet size supported by the medium effectively disable packet burst for file writes. The client will try to request a write burst of the maximum size only if network conditions allow it. Increasing this value beyond its default might be detrimental to server performance.

Message Timeout (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: 0 (user must clear the message manually)

  • Range: 010000 ticks

  • Description: Defines the time (in ticks) before pop-up messages are cleared from the screen without user intervention. Setting this to 0 will leave messages on the screen until the user manually clears the message. There are approximately 18 ticks per second.

Minimum Time to Net

  • Default Value:

  • Range: 065535 milliseconds

  • Description: Used for bridged WAN/satellite with time-to-net values set too low for workstations to make a connection under either of the following conditions:

    • The server on the other side of the link is not running packet burst.

    • The transfer rate for the link is 2400 baud or less. For 2400 baud, set this parameter to 10000 milliseconds.

Name Cache Level (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: 1

  • Range: 0, 1, 2 (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled, 2 = enabled with persistence)

  • Description: Specifies the level of name caching to be used by the client. Name caching refers to the mapping of a service name to an address (IP or IPX). For example, mapping the server named PRV-SERV1 to the IP address of . Setting this to 2 allows the client to store service names and their address(es) in a file that will be read the next time the machine is booted , which can result in significantly reduced login times and network traffic.

Name Resolution Timeout (Windows 2000/XP Only)

  • Default Value: 10

  • Range: 1180 seconds

  • Description: The time in seconds the client will wait for the configured namespace providers to resolve the specific name to an address.

NCP Max Timeout (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: 30

  • Range: 065535 seconds

  • Description: The amount of time the client is allowed to retry a network connection before an error message is displayed.

Net Status Busy Timeout (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: 180

  • Range: 1600 seconds

  • Description: Specifies the number in seconds to wait for a non-busy response from a server before the client displays an error message.

Net Status Timeout (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: 30

  • Range: 1600 seconds

  • Description: Specifies the number of seconds to wait for a response from the network to an application's request before the client displays an error message. The difference between this setting and the Net Status Busy Timeout is that this setting is used when there has been no response from the server. The Net Status Busy Timeout is used when there has been a Server Busy/Choke/Request Being Processed reply from the server for a request, but the actual requested information has not yet been provided.

NetWare Protocol (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: NDS BIND


  • Description: Legacy setting that controlled in what order the namespace providers (formerly NetWare name services) are accessed. This is now controlled on the Name Resolution Order on the Protocol Preferences tab.

Network Printers (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: 3

  • Range: 09 printers

  • Description: Sets the number of logical LPT ports the Novell client can capture/redirect. This parameter allows you to capture and redirect LPT1 through LPT9.

Opportunistic Locking (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: OFF

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: If enabled, allows the client to detect opportunities to exclusively cache network files locally. Setting this to ON can dramatically improve file access performance. This parameter has been renamed File Caching on 2000/XP clients v4.7 and higher.

Packet Burst (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: 1

  • Range: 0, 1 (0 = OFF, 1 = ON)

  • Description: The packet burst parameter controls the use of the packet burst protocol for file read/write. Generally, packet burst reduces overall network traffic and improves performance. Novell strongly recommends enabling packet burst to improve file read/write performance from NetWare servers.

Packet Burst Read Window Size (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: 24

  • Range: 3255 packets

  • Description: Specifies the maximum number of packets used in a read burst window size that the client can use. This value controls only the maximum number of packets for a packet burst read window; the actual value in use will depend on network conditions (the client reduces the value used when packets are lost or data in the packet is incomplete). Increasing this value beyond its default might be detrimental to server performance because the client will continue to attempt to increase this value if it has previously backed off because of network problems.

Packet Burst Write Window Size (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: 10

  • Range: 3255 packets

  • Description: Specifies the maximum number of packets used in a write burst window that the client can use. This value controls the maximum number of packets only for a packet burst write window; the actual value in use will depend on network conditions (the client reduces the value used when packets are lost or data in the packet is incomplete). Increasing this value beyond its default might be detrimental to server performance because the client will continue to attempt to increase this value if it has previously backed off because of network problems.

Polled Broadcast Message Buffers (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value:

  • Range: 0100

  • Description: Sets the maximum number of broadcast messages to be saved on the client when Broadcast Message Mode (value in the broadcast packet, not the same as Broadcast Mode) is set to Polled. If more uncleared messages are received than this value allows, subsequent messages will be discarded.

Print Header (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: 64

  • Range: 01024 bytes

  • Description: Sets the size of the buffer (in bytes) that holds the information used to initialize the printer for each print job. Increase this value if you are using a complex print job, or when printing to a PostScript printer.

Print Tail (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: 16

  • Range: 01024 bytes

  • Description: Sets the size of the buffer (in bytes) that holds the information used to reset the printer after a print job.

Quit Idle Connects (Windows 2000/XP Only)

  • Default Value: 5

  • Range: 160000 minutes

  • Description: Time (in minutes) for DAs and SAs to close idle TCP connections.

Read Only Compatibility (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: OFF

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: Determines whether a file marked read-only can be opened with a Read/Write access call. Some applications require this parameter to be ON to function properly.

Receive Broadcast Messages (Windows 2000/XP Only)

  • Default Value:

  • Range: 0, 1, 2 (0 = All, 1 = Server Only, 2 = None)

  • Description: Tells the client which broadcast messages, if any, to receive. You can choose one of the following settings: All (receive all broadcast messages), Server Only (receives broadcast messages sent by the server only), or None (do not receive any broadcast messages).

Remove Drive From Environment (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: ON

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: Controls whether network drive lettersall drive letters between the First Network Drive and Z: are removed from the PATH variable during login or when a drive mapping is removed/deleted. If the AUTOEXEC.BAT file defines a PATH statement that includes a network drive letter that points to a non-NetWare server during the persistent drive reconnecting, it will be removed during login to Netware unless this parameter is set to OFF.

Replica Timeout

  • Default Value:

  • Range: 01000 (minutes)

  • Description: Amount of time for which the client will attempt to log in to the eDirectory replica previously used as the Primary eDirectory server. By doing this, you can force the client to first attempt to use the same replica for all of its eDirectory operations. When set to 0, the client will use the first replica to respond to a given request.

Resolve Name Using Primary Connection (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: ON

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: Controls whether Resolve Name requests will be done only over the primary connection/primary eDirectory server. If set to OFF, Resolve Name requests can be done over all connections.

Search Dirs First (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: OFF

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: When the Novell client attempts to locate a file/directory request from an application, it does not yet know if it is a file or directory. It first attempts to find the requested path/file as a file and if that fails, it attempts to locate it as a directory. Setting this parameter to ON will change the client to search for a file/directory request as a directory first and a file second. Unless you open more directories than files, leave this setting at its default.

Search Mode (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: 1

  • Range: 17

  • Description: Alters the method for finding a file if it is not in the current directory or path. Search Mode has five settings that range from 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7. The default is 1.

    • Mode 1 looks in the search drives only when the application specifies no path and the file is not in the default directory.

    • Mode 2 prevents the Novell client from looking in any search drives for auxiliary files (do not search mode).

    • Mode 3 is similar to mode 1, but it focuses only on read-only search requests.

    • Mode 5 searches on all open paths, even if the application also specifies a path.

    • Mode 7 is similar to mode 5, but it focuses on read-only requests.

Server Cache Timeout (Windows 2000/XP Only)

  • Default Value: 21

  • Range: 060

  • Description: Number of days before a server entry, which relates the server name to an IP/IPX address, is cleared out of the file cache. This parameter controls how long an unused entry is stored before it is removed.

Set Station Time

  • Default Value: ON

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: Synchronizes the client workstation date and time with the NetWare server that the client workstation initially attaches to. Setting the value of this parameter to OFF disables synching time from the server to the workstation and allows the workstation time to differ significantly from the network servers.

Short Machine Type

  • Default Value: IBM

  • Range: N/A (Any valid string)

  • Description: Specifies which overlay files to use with the specific machine type of your client workstation. This setting is similar to Long Machine Type, except that it is used specifically with overlay files. The value for this setting can be up to four characters long. Use this setting when the %MACHINE variable is accessed.

Shrink Path to Dot (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: ON

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: Allows network search drives in the DOS PATH variable to either be truncated to a dot or be left with the full directory path.

Signature Level

  • Default Value: 1

  • Range: 03 (0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, but not preferred, 2 = Preferred, 3 = Required)

  • Description: Determines the level of enhanced security support. Enhanced security includes the use of a message digest algorithm and per-connection/per-request session state. Options 2 and 3 will increase security at the cost of performance.

SLP Active Discovery (Windows 2000/XP Only)

  • Default Value: ON

  • Range: ON/OFF

  • Description: Controls whether SLP is allowed to use multicast to look up services. If it is set to ON, the SLP namespace provider can send multicast requests to Server Agents (SA) in the event the service could not be found using a Directory Agent (DA). Setting this to ON also allows the SLP User Agent (UA) to attempt to locate a DA using multicast. If this is set to OFF, the SLP namespace provider must send unicast service requests to DAs and is not allowed to send multicast requests to SAs.

SLP Cache Replies

  • Default Value: 1

  • Range: 160 minutes

  • Description: When SLP receives a service request from a User Agent (UA), the SLP reply is saved for the amount of time specified by the SLP Cache Replies parameter. If SLP receives a duplicate of the request, the cached reply is sent so that the same reply does not have to be generated again.

SLP Default Registration Lifetime

  • Default Value: 10800

  • Range: 6060000 seconds

  • Description: The Novell clients include the capability to advertise SLP services from workstations (not just servers). In the event an application requests the client to register an SLP service with a DA, this setting controls the time (in seconds) for the default registration lifetime (time before the DA expires /invalidates the service).

SLP Maximum Transmission Unit

  • Default Value: 1400

  • Range: 5764096 bytes

  • Description: This parameter specifies the maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the link layer used. Erroneously setting this parameter either too large or too small will adversely affect performance of SLP. This parameter only affects SLP traffic using the UDP protocol; the TCP protocol negotiates its own MTU during connection creation.

SLP Multicast Radius

  • Default Value: 32

  • Range: 132

  • Client Version: 9x v3.0 or higher, 2000/XP v4.5 or higher

  • Description: This parameter is a number specifying the maximum number of subnets (number of routers plus 1) that SLP's multicast packets can traverse. This is accomplished by setting the Time to Live (TTL) of the multicast packet equal to this parameter. A value of 1 confines multicasting to the local segment only (all routers will discard the multicast request).

Synch NDS Password (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: ON

  • Range: ON/OFF

  • Description: Updates the Disconnected Workstation Authentication password with the eDirectory password. Synch NDS Password does not alter the Windows User Profile password. To use this parameter, you must have Disconnected Authentication enabled, and the NICI client must be installed on the workstation.

True Commit (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: OFF (NO)

  • Range: ON/OFF (YES/NO)

  • Description: This controls whether buffers flushed by an application are committed immediately to disk on the server. Setting this value to ON will ensure data integrity at the expense of significantly reduced file write performance. This is because when this is set ON, the client must immediately commit the file changes to disk on the server and must wait until the server acknowledges that the changes have been written instead of just requiring an acknowledgment from the server that the write request has been received (shows as disk request and then as dirty cache buffer if it sits long enough). This parameter is similar to the File Commit functionality used in the Windows 2000/XP client.

UNC Path Filter (Windows 2000/XP Only)

  • Default Value: ON

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: Enables/disables the UNC path filter. Filters requests for UNC path resolution sent to the Client for Microsoft Networks (Microsoft Redirector). When enabled, UNC path queries sent to the Microsoft Redirector will first be filtered by the Novell client to see whether the Novell client knows the server name. If the server name is known, the Microsoft Redirector will not attempt a name resolve. If the server name is not known, the usual name resolution process will occur. This can dramatically increase the speed of network file operations and resource mappings.

Use DHCP for SLP

  • Default Value: ON

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: This parameter controls whether the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) can be used for obtaining SLP Scope and Directory Agent configuration. This is accomplished by the client sending a DHCP Inform Req for the DHCP Option 78 (SLP DA) and 79 (SLP Scope).

Use Extended File Handles (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: ON (YES)

  • Range: ON/OFF (YES/NO)

  • Description: If set to ON, allows the Novell client to open multiple files up to the server parameter MAXIMUM FILE LOCKS PER CONNECTION .

Use Video BIOS (Windows 9x Only)

  • Default Value: OFF

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: Specifies whether the client uses BIOS or Direct Video Memory calls when a pop-up message is displayed. The BIOS method is slower than the Direct Video Memory calls.

Wait Before Giving Up on DA

  • Default Value: 5

  • Range: 160000 seconds

  • Description: This parameter specifies the amount of time that SLP will wait before giving up on a request to a Directory Agent.

Wait Before Registering on Passive DA

  • Default Value: 2

  • Range: 160000 seconds

  • Description: Specifies the range of time for the random delay interval before a Server Agent reregisters its service with the Directory Agent.

Workstation Manager Login Events (Windows 2000/XP Only)

  • Default Value: OFF

  • Range: ON, OFF

  • Description: Enables/disables Novell client login event notifications to be sent to Workstation Manager. These events allow the ZENWorks Policy Scheduler to launch policies scheduled for these event types. If you disable the Initial Novell Login or if users log in to eDirectory from the red N menu, you should enable this setting so that login events will be forwarded to Workstation Manager.

Novell NetWare 6. 5 Administrator's Handbook
Novell NetWare 6.5 Administrators Handbook
ISBN: 0789729849
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 172 © 2008-2017.
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