I enjoy hearing from readers, whether with general comments about this book, specific corrections, other topics you would like to see covered, or just war stories about your own network programming travails. You can reach me by sending email to elharo@metalab.unc.edu. Please realize, however, that I receive several hundred pieces of email a day and cannot personally respond to each one. For the best chances of getting a personal response, please identify yourself as a reader of this book. If you have a question about a particular program that isn't working as you expect, try to reduce it to the simplest case that reproduces the bug, preferably a single class, and paste the text of the entire program into the body of your email. Unsolicited attachments will be deleted unopened. And please, please send the message from the account you want me to reply to and make sure that your Reply-to address is properly set! There's nothing quite so frustrating as spending an hour or more carefully researching the answer to an interesting question and composing a detailed response, only to have it bounce because my correspondent was sending from a public terminal and neglected to set the browser preferences to include their actual email address. I also adhere to the old saying "If you like this book, tell your friends . If you don't like it, tell me." I'm especially interested in hearing about mistakes. This is my eighth book. I've yet to publish a perfect one, but I keep trying. As hard as I and the editors at O'Reilly worked on this book, I'm sure there are mistakes and typographical errors that we missed here somewhere. And I'm sure that at least one of them is a really embarrassing whopper of a problem. If you find a mistake or a typo, please let me know so I can correct it. I'll post it on the web page for this book at http://www.cafeaulait.org/books/jnp3/ and on the O'Reilly web site at http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/javanetwk/errata/. Before reporting errors, please check one of those pages to see if I already know about it and have posted a fix. Any errors that are reported will be fixed in future printings. |