You'll find SQL simple to learn and use if you know the proper syntax for passing data. For the most part, SQL consists of keywords individual words with a predefined meaning. Most keywords can include arguments, just like functions and procedures. A keyword with arguments is known as a clause. Combined clauses that make a request of the database engine are called statements. A statement can consist of just one clause, but usually, there is more than one. The most basic and general statement form is the following:
action fieldlist FROM datasource where action is one of many keywords that defines the statement's purpose, fieldlist defines the fields to act upon, and datasource identifies the table in which the data is stored. You can limit the records acted upon by adding a WHERE clause in the form
action fieldlist FROM datasource [WHERE condition] Table A.1 lists the most common action SQL keywords. Table A.2 lists several SQL keywords that act as predicates that supply more information to the statement. Table A.1. Common SQL action KeywordsKeyword | Purpose | Syntax |
SELECT | Retrieve data | SELECT fieldlist FROM datasource | UPDATE SET | Modify data | UPDATE datasource SET col = expression | DELETE | Delete records | DELETE FROM datasource | INSERT INTO | Insert (or append) records into any existing table | INSERT INTO target SELECT datasource | SELECT INTO | Copy an existing table's structure and data to a new table | SELECT fieldlist INTO newtable FROM datasource |
Table A.2. Additional Information Keywords and PredicatesKeyword | Purpose | Syntax |
ALL | Predicate that retrieves or acts upon all the rows in the data source | SELECT ALL FROM datasource | DISTINCT | Predicate that returns unique values in specified fields | SELECT DISTINCT fieldlist FROM datasource | DISTINCTROW | Predicate that returns unique records | SELECT DISTINCTROW fieldlist FROM datasource | FROM | Identifies the data source | FROM datasource | TOP | Limits the number of records retrieved or acted upon | TOP number | WHERE | Condition expression that conditionally limits records | WHERE conditionalexpression | GROUP BY | Arranges records by similar values | GROUP BY fieldlist | ORDER BY | Sorts records by a field or fields | ORDER BY fieldlist | HAVING | Determines which records make it to a group | HAVING condition |